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Assets of Yingluck 5 administration revealed; PM richest


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while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

attachicon.gifYinglucks family.jpg

Is her common law husband Pipe's father? I just wondered because if he is then I cannot understand why they have never married.

Edited by bigbamboo
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BANGKOK, Aug 27 Thailands National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) today revealed the assets of the new cabinet, with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra being the richest with a net worth of Bt627.4 million baht.

Yeah those are bullshit numbers because we know they're worth much more than that.


Yingluck has tons more.

Just selling her 20 million shares of Shin stock got her 982 Million Baht.

Where did it go?

Ummm .. easy to spend when shpping for new clothes on a daily basis ... !! Designer ones that too!!

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while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

This may come as a shock for you and other foreigners, but the money in the kid's name is not unusual. It is common practice for grandparents, and parents to put money into a child's bank account starting at birth. All of my friends in the west had sizeable college/university by the time they were 18.

This thread is just the usual spitting of vile from jealous people. There is absolutely no evidence to support the petty innuendo that the PM has illegally obtained wealth.

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while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

This may come as a shock for you and other foreigners, but the money in the kid's name is not unusual. It is common practice for grandparents, and parents to put money into a child's bank account starting at birth. All of my friends in the west had sizeable college/university by the time they were 18.

This thread is just the usual spitting of vile from jealous people. There is absolutely no evidence to support the petty innuendo that the PM has illegally obtained wealth.

who could have it was hinted at in the OP, twice, but they can't say that aloud 'cause they'd get their <deleted> sued for slander... Even if it true.

So forget about asking for proof, you won't get it. Even if as you say "illegally obtained wealth" isn't actually illegal, to hide something means there is something to hide.

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while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

This may come as a shock for you and other foreigners, but the money in the kid's name is not unusual. It is common practice for grandparents, and parents to put money into a child's bank account starting at birth. All of my friends in the west had sizeable college/university by the time they were 18.

This thread is just the usual spitting of vile from jealous people. There is absolutely no evidence to support the petty innuendo that the PM has illegally obtained wealth.

Try reading with your star struck eyes not your warped imagination, where do I write any suggestion that," the PM has illegally obtained wealth", but I guess you have to lie to justify your flame, "spitting of vile from jealous people".

Edited by waza
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while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

attachicon.gifYinglucks family.jpg

Give it a few years and the next family portrait will be in front of a pic of her brother.

Or so they hope.

Why do they need to publish these figures? is it to show off? "look how adept I am at hiding my wealth" or are they really honestly trying to fool the masses?

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PM declares her assets and liabilities

Anuphan Chantana
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who also holds the Defence portfolio, reported to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) she has Bt628.6 million in assets and Bt27 million in liabilities.

She said she had bought a plot of land worth Bt27 million in Bangkok's Bueng Kum area by borrowing from the amount earned from the sale of stocks, which according to the court belongs to her brother Thaksin Shinawatra.

The NACC yesterday published details about the assets and liabilities held by members of Yingluck's fifth Cabinet.

According to the list, Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana appears to be the richest with Bt3 billion declared in family assets, while his debt is just Bt10, which he said is owed to the bank by his wife.

In the asset declaration submitted to the NACC on June 14, Yingluck's statement said the Supreme Court's Criminal Division on Political Office Holders had ruled that the Bt77 million deposited in Bangkok Bank's Soi Ari branch came from the sale of Thaksin's stocks that are in Yingluck's possession.

However, she said, Thaksin gave her an interest-free loan of Bt27 million, which she withdrew from the Bt77 million deposited in the bank to buy the land on June 22 last year.

As per her declaration, total assets owned by Yingluck and her spouse Anusorn Amornchat showed an increase of Bt60 million.

The prime minister's net worth has risen from Bt541 million reported in 2011 to Bt601 million. Anusorn, who declared Bt369 million in liabilities when Yingluck assumed her prime-ministerial post, did not show any liabilities in his asset declaration.

Anusorn and Yingluck's son Supasek is reported to have Bt1.2 million in assets.

Anusorn's marriage to the prime minister is not registered.

-- The Nation 2013-08-28

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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

And managing the flow and distribution of the various opiates of the masses. Gambling, prostitution, drugs, video games, Internet..etc.

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PM declares her assets and liabilities

Anuphan Chantana

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who also holds the Defence portfolio, reported to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) she has Bt628.6 million in assets and Bt27 million in liabilities.

She said she had bought a plot of land worth Bt27 million in Bangkok's Bueng Kum area by borrowing from the amount earned from the sale of stocks, which according to the court belongs to her brother Thaksin Shinawatra.

The NACC yesterday published details about the assets and liabilities held by members of Yingluck's fifth Cabinet.

According to the list, Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana appears to be the richest with Bt3 billion declared in family assets, while his debt is just Bt10, which he said is owed to the bank by his wife.

In the asset declaration submitted to the NACC on June 14, Yingluck's statement said the Supreme Court's Criminal Division on Political Office Holders had ruled that the Bt77 million deposited in Bangkok Bank's Soi Ari branch came from the sale of Thaksin's stocks that are in Yingluck's possession.

However, she said, Thaksin gave her an interest-free loan of Bt27 million, which she withdrew from the Bt77 million deposited in the bank to buy the land on June 22 last year.

As per her declaration, total assets owned by Yingluck and her spouse Anusorn Amornchat showed an increase of Bt60 million.

The prime minister's net worth has risen from Bt541 million reported in 2011 to Bt601 million. Anusorn, who declared Bt369 million in liabilities when Yingluck assumed her prime-ministerial post, did not show any liabilities in his asset declaration.

Anusorn and Yingluck's son Supasek is reported to have Bt1.2 million in assets.

Anusorn's marriage to the prime minister is not registered.


-- The Nation 2013-08-28

So the serving Prime Minister accepted a loan from a convicted criminal and a dangerous fugative to boot..

Does anybody else see anything wrong with this?

Edited by tonytigerbkk
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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

I'm sure you are not as stupid as this post makes you appear to be....

totster smile.png

Well no, I'm smart because when I respond to posts I refute point-by-point what I disagree with in the post I am responding to, and lay out my arguments on each point. A stupid person would just respond to a post by quoting it and offering a one-line sneer in response.

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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

And managing the flow and distribution of the various opiates of the masses. Gambling, prostitution, drugs, video games, Internet..etc.

Yes it is important to keep the slaves exhausted and strung-out and unable to think straight. Or they might actually start building a new democratic society. It is also important to keep population numbers down for the same reason, too many slaves is a problem when they revolt. Tyrants approve of Thailand's spiralling use of globally-banned pesticides which are 300x higher than is safe for humans, on some fruit and veg. It doesn't kill you overnight but it will kill you and leave your children weak, passive and docile, which is what authoritarians want. So don't expect to see any regulation of pesticides here, or government hand outs of safer pesticides and subsidising organic. We have seen post-Yingluck's arrival the poor are having a harder time overall, and health is worsening, and no action is taken. This is all planned out. So was the staged "colored revolution" of the redshirts, identical to the staged 'colored revolutions' in other nations during the past 5 years, that the globalists saw as strategic assets for domination.

On the subject of Yinglucks ka-billions, its just firewood to her, she never earned it and doesn't need it. Her objective is power, and control. Money is an objective for poor people, it is an objective for people who want to be rich. But it is a side-issue for people who want to be unchallenged rulers.

The goal of the despotic global elite is to crush the peasant classes in all nations, with drugs, pesticides etc. and lower numbers to a manageable and controllable group of docile slaves. The global elite don't want tourists tramping allover Thailands exotic islands, for example, they want those areas for the masters only, and served by docile zombies. The people who control Thaksin since his Carlyle Group days, and allow him freedom to travel the world and go 5* in America despite him being a convicted on-the-run grand-larcenist and massmurderer, and the same people who control Yingluck since she is basically Thaksin Light, do not care about money at all, they are more concerned with how to keep 7 billion people in chains, and their solution is to make it a MUCH lower number of people. Thats why when you see news articles about Politician X has #billions or w/e, its all celebrity tabloid nonsense because those people live outside the world of money entirely and they can get it whenever from the global paylords, it was never an issue to them compared to power and control. They are predators and money is not on the menu at all.

Edited by Yunla
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PM declares her assets and liabilities

Anuphan Chantana

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who also holds the Defence portfolio, reported to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) she has Bt628.6 million in assets and Bt27 million in liabilities.

She said she had bought a plot of land worth Bt27 million in Bangkok's Bueng Kum area by borrowing from the amount earned from the sale of stocks, which according to the court belongs to her brother Thaksin Shinawatra.

The NACC yesterday published details about the assets and liabilities held by members of Yingluck's fifth Cabinet.

According to the list, Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana appears to be the richest with Bt3 billion declared in family assets, while his debt is just Bt10, which he said is owed to the bank by his wife.

In the asset declaration submitted to the NACC on June 14, Yingluck's statement said the Supreme Court's Criminal Division on Political Office Holders had ruled that the Bt77 million deposited in Bangkok Bank's Soi Ari branch came from the sale of Thaksin's stocks that are in Yingluck's possession.

However, she said, Thaksin gave her an interest-free loan of Bt27 million, which she withdrew from the Bt77 million deposited in the bank to buy the land on June 22 last year.

As per her declaration, total assets owned by Yingluck and her spouse Anusorn Amornchat showed an increase of Bt60 million.

The prime minister's net worth has risen from Bt541 million reported in 2011 to Bt601 million. Anusorn, who declared Bt369 million in liabilities when Yingluck assumed her prime-ministerial post, did not show any liabilities in his asset declaration.

Anusorn and Yingluck's son Supasek is reported to have Bt1.2 million in assets.

Anusorn's marriage to the prime minister is not registered.


-- The Nation 2013-08-28

So the serving Prime Minister accepted a loan from a convicted criminal and a dangerous fugative to boot..

Does anybody else see anything wrong with this?

Interest free, um sounds more like she is just holding it for him until he returns. Normally this would come under intense scrutiny and possibly be seized as the proceeds of crime/laundering. Didn't the DSI investigate where Thaksin transferred/moved all his money with the aim of seizing it under the proceeds of crime legislation or did they ignore his family in the investigation.

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Cash, stock, real estate, jewelry, bullion, art - it's all crap! The real question is: how many amulets did they declare?

Amulets worth millions often magically appear, such as in Jatuporn's case when he said in an interview that a truck loaded with priceless artifacts and amulets lost its wheels in front of his house and he got to keep all the treasure no questions asked. This happened just after the 2010 insurrection that he led. Coincidence? My ass.

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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

I'm sure you are not as stupid as this post makes you appear to be....

totster smile.png

Well no, I'm smart because when I respond to posts I refute point-by-point what I disagree with in the post I am responding to, and lay out my arguments on each point. A stupid person would just respond to a post by quoting it and offering a one-line sneer in response.

That you might do.... however try reading back through what you have written, it's nonsense and drivel. If you are going to refute a post then grow up and try and do it so that people take you seriously.

totster :)

(two-line sneer response)

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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

just to clarify: it's faceless international overlord, anonymous globalist masters and hidden dictatorial overclass tongue.png

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They are very lucky. They deserve because they are intelligent people especially their ancestors who brought them into their lives and off course God is with them to lead the people.

Eh. rolleyes.gif ..........hmmmmm, I think it time for my beer..........blink.png

I think someone got to your supply.

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She doesn't care about money. Nobody in the world of monoparty dominator autocracies cares about money. They all moved beyond money a long time ago. Their globalist masters have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime. Autocratic totalitarianists such as the Shinawatra Cartel and their international overlords, don't need or care about money, they only care about power and control and remoulding planet Earth by lowering the population numbers and having a permanent slave/master dualclass system to to replace the current lower/middle/upper class system. Money does not matter to an overlord, only that the slaves are controlled and the military/police will keep the slaves in check. For the dictatorial overclass, money is just the sea they swim in, power and control are harder to maintain and those are the only two things they are actually focused on. And eroding population density and forcing the middle classes down into the slave class.

I would not care about money IF I had that much tongue.png

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Asset declarations by ruling politicians everywhere should be taken with a great dollop of salt.

The best example is probably godfather to the oligarchs, Vladimir Putin. Officially he claims to barely be able to afford a pot to piss in whilst Forbes estimate him to be one of the world's richest men.

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Asset declarations by ruling politicians everywhere should be taken with a great dollop of salt.

The best example is probably godfather to the oligarchs, Vladimir Putin. Officially he claims to barely be able to afford a pot to piss in whilst Forbes estimate him to be one of the world's richest men.

Maybe you're right but I'd take a Forbes estimate with an equally huge dollop of salt.

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