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Sciatica and arm pain


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Hi all,

I've been working with computers for some 16 years, more than 8 hours per day. When I finish working, I keep sitting in front of the computer as is also one of my main hobbies.

It was recently I started to develop a very disturbing pain in my mouse shoulder (right), then travelled down the arm until reaching the wrist. At some point I couldn't raise both arms properly, getting a lot of pain in both shoulders. I couldn't sleep sideways or, what I like the most, facing down. I went to a government hospital, they ultrasounded the shoulders and did some physical therapy to regain mobility, together with muscle relaxants, and it felt better but didn't fully recover.

Then I started to develop a really infuriating pain and numbness in my left buttock, which also travelled down to the foot. This one is even worse than the shoulder one, which also came back. Today's pain and tingling sensation in the buttock is really killing me and making me to lose the focus on work, and I still need to be sitting for the next 7 hours :S

I don't know whether both pains are related. I think maybe because of the shoulder pain I started to lean more to the front and putting even more pressure on the shoulders. Many times a day I realize my muscles between the shoulders and neck are completely tight and not relaxed, as if I am keeping them at tension. I now sleep facing the roof with a pillow under my knees, although it's not much better. I always wake up with back pain (lower back and around the shoulder), my next move is to buy a proper latex mattress. I also tried to sleep on a thin mattress in the floor, as it was firmer than the bed, but that didn't help either.

I would like to ask if someone experienced something similar and if anyone can recommend a proper doctor/physiotherapist/acupuncturist/whateverist who could solve or at least relieve these problems. I know I have a very bad postural position and I exercise 0. I guess I should also start exercising to strengthen the lower back and rotator cuff muscles, which would help to get a proper body position.

In the meanwhile, is there any OTC drug I can take for this (specially the sciatic pain)? I took ibuprofen and paracetamol without any success.

Edited by nami
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Hi nami

Your problems are likely to be "lifestyle" related.

However, to be sure you should be "checked out" by an orthopaedic surgeon preferably one with an interest in spinal problems.

In the meantime try and limit your time at the keyboard and indulge in a little more exercise ! (walking would be good for a start).

The combination of paracetamol + ibuprofen is a good choice for analgesia but must be taken on a regular(not an as needed) basis to secure the best effect. (Check on line for maximum dosage+ frequency). Remember not to take the ibuprofen on an empty stomach!

If you can say whereabouts you are living others may have suggestions about Doctors.

Don't be tempted into acupuncture/physio etc until you have a confirmed diagnosis.

Edited by jrtmedic
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The problems are likely from two different strains on your vertebrae for two different reasons -- but one could aggravate the other. Nerve problems related to the spine are most often due to bulging disc between the vertebral spaces . Envision that a disc is similar to infant's teething ring filled with grisly material and fluid... the hole in the middle allows the spinal cord to pass through ... the fluid filled grisly ring cushions the vertebrae - one from the other. At each juncture there usually exits a major nerve exiting from the spinal cord -. from upper cervical area (neck) to the lower back (sacrum). Upon injury or aging or both the ligaments and tendons and other tissues supporting the spine and vertebral spaces loosen and the disc bulges and comes in contact with the exiting nerve at that juncture. This contact causes an allergic type reaction in the large motor nerve - the nerve becomes inflamed - red - raw ... If it is one in the lower neck / upper shoulder the inflammation eventually causes erratic random firing of the nerve which in turn causes a muscle group to contract and extend at an extremely rapid pace until the muscle tires and locks up ... all this causes a great deal of shoulder pain or even arm numbness. and often loss of muscle movement .. This same process can occur - even more commonly lower in the back at L5-S1 and you get sciatica ... which can go down the large sciatic nerve into behind the knee down to the ankle and foot - even causing numbness in the foot. Sciatic problems can even be experiences as feeling like cigarette burns behind the knee and throbing pain in the ankles ... even loss of the Achilles Reflex ...

Until you reduce the inflammation and eventually reduce the bulging disc you will have a significant problem ... Eventually the disc could herniate -- burst and collapse ... which could likely cause surgery to remedy the situation.

While you are waiting for an appointment to see a doctor and get a MRI or CT Scan. (Xrays are often not good enough) - you can take Anti-inflammatories to relieve the problem ... Ibuprofen (Advil), Naproxin sodium (Aleve), Omega 3 fish oils, Turmeric and others... Acetaminophen (Tylenol) will relieve pain - actually very good for this type of pain -- BUT it will not contribute to the healing process - it is not an anti-inflammatory. Also use Cold Packs -- never use Hot Packs as heat often makes the problem worse... Cold packs are often diagnostic - for if the pain is relieved with cold packs on your neck or lower back you likely have a bulging disc..

Doctors - these days can use hydro-cortisone injections - directly into the vertebral space related to the inflamed nerve ...

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Thanks for your replies.

I am located in Bangkok, by the way.

While I know I need to start exercising, last time I was told by the doctor to swim but don't start until I recovered part of the mobility. I guess GirlDrinkDrunk post had the best intentions, but you have to be kidding to suggest me sitting in a bicycle when I can't even sit in a soft chair with a pillow, besides in a bike the weight rest either in your ass or in the arms/shoulder which are the areas I have problems with. And actually, even walking or standing is worsening the pain. I need to recover before starting doing exercise for strengthening.

Mt main goal is mostly to locate a good chiropractic or physiotherapist, specially one that someone with this problem had used before. I guess I would just go back to a hospital to get my spine checked, then look for those.

Thanks again

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"Mt main goal is mostly to locate a good chiropractic or physiotherapist"

You, of course, must make your own decisions !

My advise remains the same !

โ€‹Seek a definitive diagnosis before looking for the "cure"

If you can wait someone will come along with advise as to where you can find a good Dr. in BKK

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As a person who specializes in industrial injuries may I suggest you review your seating position and posture when working \ playing on your computer. I have seen your symptoms more often than I care to remember. The cause is usually very simple and easy to remedy.

For starters remember your head weighs the same as a bowling ball and if not correctly orientated to the screen all those delicate neck muscles start working overtime with obvious consequences.

Look up Ergonomics and workplace postures.

cheers (the bill is in the mail)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thanks fantom, I already read a lot and I try to keep the best posture although it's very difficult to me after few minutes due to my most likely weaken muscles :(

Thanks a lot Sheryl, i will call them tomorrow.

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  • 3 months later...

I realize this is an older thread, but the pain traveling down your leg as you knows is Sciatica. Likely a disc rubbing against your sciatic nerve. An X-Ray or an MRI will confirm this.

OTC meds are worthless. Most people that have not experienced this type of pain have no idea what it's like and also suggest things like "go for a walk or ride a bike" which will make it much worse. While well intended, it usually makes things worse.

Bed rest helps. I sleep on a memory foam bed that is slightly elevated to keep my back from lying flat. I also sleep in shorts with tennis balls in the pockets so I don't subconsciously roll onto my sides as this aggravates my sciatic nerve.

As for your arm/wrist pain, are you having any numbness in your little and ring fingers? This would be due to Ulnar Nerve Compression or Displacement. The Wrist issue can be De Quervain's Syndrome or Carpal Tunnel. Any pain in the base of your thumb near the wrist? That would be DQ Syndrome.

Any numbness in the forearms or the two fingers mentioned? Or burning pain in your "Funny Bone"? - Ulnar Nerve issue.

A memory foam/latex mattress will help, but an MRI is needed as you likely have an issue with the L4/L5 - L5/S1 discs which are rubbing against the sciatic nerve.

Do you experience back spasms with the sciatica? What happens is when the sciatic nerve is aggravated, the back muscles tighten up to protect the spine resulting in painful back spasms.

Muscle relaxers help with the back spasms and pain meds (Not OTC crap) will help with the Sciatica pain.

Sometimes, an X-Ray will reveal the source of the issue, but you may need to have an MRI done and an Orthopedic Surgeon or Spine Doctor can view the MRI report, they can then make recommendations as far as treatment options.

PT helps, as does a memory foam mattress and sleeping on your back. Inversion Therapy helps if you have a bulging disc as it takes pressure off of the discs.

Certain back exercises that strengthen the core muscles help as well, but if it becomes a chronic issue, it will get worse as will the pain. Surgery often helps short-term, but makes things worse long-term. Many doctors will recommend surgery to make money.

When I had great medical insurance, every back specialist wanted to perform surgery. Once I lost my job due to inability to work from pain issues, they stopped talking about expensive surgery and recommended PT and wrote my prescriptions for pain meds.

But back surgery is no guarantee and often worsens things. Nerve blocks and Cortisone injections can help short-term, but sometimes, it becomes a chronic issue that can be very debilitating as well as very painful.

Between the pain and lack of sleep, it can make your life a living hell. I lost my job, my income, my social life, I was a walking zombie due to lack of sleep compounded by excruciating pain.

Pain and sleep meds have improved the quality of life, but it's still no fun. The worst are people that are envious of you because you are being scripted strong pain meds.

Trust me, I'm not getting loaded off of them and they barely make life livable at times. I would rather not have to take them, but the alternative is being in constant pain and not even being able to get out of bed to use the restroom.

It also depends on what is causing the sciatica - bulging disc, degenerative disc disease, slipped/herniated disc, etc...

I hope you are better now. Sciatica is no fun and often worsens. If you're lucky, it was acute and didn't become chronic.

And the people that say "It can't be that bad - suck it up" or watch daytime Doctor TV shows then give you advice are especially annoying. Last thing you want to hear is a lecture of what you should be doing after you've exhausted every option.

"Well, I have a friend of a friend of a friend that was watching Dr.Oz on TV and he recommends, blah, blah, blah - have you tried that?"

"Why not? Don't you want to get better? What's wrong with you? It must be great not having to work and taking pain meds all day. You've got it made."

Edited by PHP87
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