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If the price isn't displayed it's quite normal to ask how much something is . Misunderstandings occur if you doesn't ask, then the seller has the opportunity to 'overcharge' and here they do.

Jet skis don't tell customers in advance they could be a mark for a scam. Yet we all know it's true. Same in Swampy, be aware when your shopping in King Power.

Tourists work and save their money to go on holiday, they're easy marks to intimidate. And the rules here aren't the same as they are at home. Tesco in England was fined £300K when 1 person complained that they were displaying strawberries at a reduced rate for longer than they were displayed them at the regular price.

Some people choose to pay a premium E.g Villa Mart/Tops or super cheap/Macro Apple iphone/Nokia 109 same basic function different market segment 50 times the price.

All choice. Not nice to be cheated, just have to learn from it.

Be aware to be careful out there.

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You think that many of us residents really give a crap about the cost of living in Phuket? Consider it a reason to leave?

Only those that don't have a shock-proof financial situation worry about that.

A bit of topic but I couldn't resist.

If I had shock-proof finances I wouldn't go anywhere near Pukhet or Thailand, for that matter.....whistling.gif

Neither would I if I was at the stage of choosing a place to settle.

As I've been here for more than half my life, it's become home.

This, of course, doesn't change the fact that if you want to live here permanently, then you can't run out of money........ever.

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If the price isn't displayed it's quite normal to ask how much something is . Misunderstandings occur if you doesn't ask, then the seller has the opportunity to 'overcharge' and here they do.

Jet skis don't tell customers in advance they could be a mark for a scam. Yet we all know it's true. Same in Swampy, be aware when your shopping in King Power.

Tourists work and save their money to go on holiday, they're easy marks to intimidate. And the rules here aren't the same as they are at home. Tesco in England was fined £300K when 1 person complained that they were displaying strawberries at a reduced rate for longer than they were displayed them at the regular price.

Some people choose to pay a premium E.g Villa Mart/Tops or super cheap/Macro Apple iphone/Nokia 109 same basic function different market segment 50 times the price.

All choice. Not nice to be cheated, just have to learn from it.

Be aware to be careful out there.

"Some people choose to pay a premium E.g Villa Mart/Tops or super cheap/Macro Apple iphone/Nokia 109 same basic function different market segment 50 times the price." - a bit like Phuket prices compared to Pattaya prices. Same product/service in Pattaya - yet a lot cheaper.

The question is, how much "mark-up" is the market prepared to accept for Phuket, before they start to bypass the place?

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You think that many of us residents really give a crap about the cost of living in Phuket? Consider it a reason to leave?

Only those that don't have a shock-proof financial situation worry about that.

A bit of topic but I couldn't resist.

If I had shock-proof finances I wouldn't go anywhere near Pukhet or Thailand, for that matter.....whistling.gif

Neither would I if I was at the stage of choosing a place to settle.

As I've been here for more than half my life, it's become home.

This, of course, doesn't change the fact that if you want to live here permanently, then you can't run out of money........ever.

I don't know if you can ever fully "shock-proof" your finances. Just look at "the hair cut" in Cyprus, sub-prime in The States etc etc.

What I would suggest is expats organise their affairs in their home country so the option always remains to return home, should they encounter financial difficultly.


The climate in the West is bleak and gray. Many foreigners become emotionally and financially committed in Phuket. Very easy to have a kid, 'buy' a house or a boat. Not easy to liquidate.

Tourism in Phuket has evolved to accommodate organised tours from the East and they're very popular. Designated restaurants, Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese, designated shopping expeditions and default attractions at premium prices. The market is huge and the people go home with a good impression from the inside of a tour bus, new restaurant or impressive show, what a great business.

Is anyone being cheated?


Now for some fun, just to annoy some of you. Last night, I took a tuk tuk home. traveled the same distance as going from near top of Banglan (e.g. Taipan) doing the loop all the way around to Patong Tower condo 50 baht.

Take a tuk tuk for 3 km and pay 100 baht. (In high season it would be 100 baht for the short trip and 150 baht for the longer trip.) Hua Hin is a hiso town so no comments about Udon/Ubon vs Phuket apply. The inflated costs for tuk tuks are one of the reasons I was glad to leave Patong.

I pay 305 baht to take the VIP bus from BKK to Hua Hin. Phuket can't even sort out the mess with the transport thugs at the airport. (Thank you AoT for refusing to cooperate.)

Everything is more expensive in Phuket because of corruption. Pure and simple. Krabi, Hua Hin are popular resoprts too, but prices are not inflated by 15-25% because of the Phuket corruption & greed quotient.

I rarely use a tuk tuk but always confirm the destination and fare beforehand.


Cheating is a part of the culture here. They cheat everyone and everything just for the possibility to gain an advantage. It reminds me of the story a while ago about the university professor who had the students come up with the horse blinders for test taking. The students came up with the idea and the school agreed. The tests were given and students volunteered to wear the anti-cheating blinders. Everyone was happy with the process....except for the parents of the students who threw such a fit the practiced was banned and the teacher disciplined. So even if there is a small chance of not cheating, someone with higher status will squash it.


Granted there is a lot of milking of farang, double pricing, adding on 20B etc. etc. It is irritating and not fair obviously, especially as most of us pay a fair amount of tax, of which we see no return.

Most expats find someone who does not rip us off for what we want and we stick with them?

An example;

5+ years ago I used to go to a Thai hairdressing lady, one with big dryers for the old birds and such. Did the old clipper cut and she used the razor to clean up the errant hairs etc. Price 60 baht. I would give her B100. She gives me B40 change and I give her 20B tip. This went on for 2 years before I left.

I returned a few months ago (have been away for 5 years), go back to her for my cut. She charges me 70B. LoL, so we go back to our old routine.

So yes, there is a lot of gouging out there, but there are some honest straight up people and when you find them stick with them.

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Although I do agree that many Thai pause to think when you ask 'tow rai' and answer randomly there are local shops that charge a fair price. We usually buy beer at our local shop for a fair price and we always bother them by asking for 10 baht coins never have they said no.

There are good and bad Thais like in every nation.


The real cheats are the police that ONLY stop farangs even when they are driving normally and wearing helmets whilst teenagers drive like Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino rossi

And where is that?


This is a typical example of the cultural gap between the West and East. In the West we look at screwing someone over as being fundamentally wrong. In the East - Thailand screwing others over for money is acceptable. Money is the priority without exception. Bargirls have no problem grassing their mates up to customers if they think they can make some money. It's not rocket science, Thai's will do anything for money and nothing is ever as it seems. Imagine the lying and deceit in an Issan household. It's alien to westerners but standard for Thai's. We should only judge when it impacts majorly on our lives. The trick is never letting it get that far, no matter how attractive the bait.


This is a typical example of the cultural gap between the West and East. In the West we look at screwing someone over as being fundamentally wrong. In the East - Thailand screwing others over for money is acceptable. Money is the priority without exception. Bargirls have no problem grassing their mates up to customers if they think they can make some money. It's not rocket science, Thai's will do anything for money and nothing is ever as it seems. Imagine the lying and deceit in an Issan household. It's alien to westerners but standard for Thai's. We should only judge when it impacts majorly on our lives. The trick is never letting it get that far, no matter how attractive the bait.

So you're judging the entire country just based on bar girls?


The real cheats are the police that ONLY stop farangs even when they are driving normally and wearing helmets whilst teenagers drive like Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino rossi

And where is that?

I would like to know too - never come across it myself.


@ Patongphil and stevenl. I am not sure whether you are being sarcastic or not?!

Chalong Circle, Phuket Town, Rawai area.

Two of my friends were stopped and fined on the same day last week, and my gf has been stopped twice (she is not Thai). I have successfully avoided them so far!!

damn the police


@ Patongphil and stevenl. I am not sure whether you are being sarcastic or not?!

Chalong Circle, Phuket Town, Rawai area.

Two of my friends were stopped and fined on the same day last week, and my gf has been stopped twice (she is not Thai). I have successfully avoided them so far!!

dam_n the police

Everybody gets stopped there, mainly Thais for not wearing helmets, and quite often DL checks as well there for everybody.


@ Patongphil and stevenl. I am not sure whether you are being sarcastic or not?!

Chalong Circle, Phuket Town, Rawai area.

Two of my friends were stopped and fined on the same day last week, and my gf has been stopped twice (she is not Thai). I have successfully avoided them so far!!

dam_n the police

You posted earlier that the police were only stopping the foreigners and fining them This is contrary to my experiences as I have seen many a Thai pulled over at the road blocks as well. You see them queuing up with the foreigners to pay their fines as well.

Do you mean your experiences are different to this?

Bottom line is wear your helmet, licence and insure your bike and carry a legitimate licence and you will be off on your merry way WITHOUT a fine. This is my experience here.

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At least they try to cheat you with a smile on their faces.

They are just charging what the market will bear,buy it

or leave it, don't go back, easy,if you want to live here

you have not got to let the little things upset you.there

is enough big shit to worry about.

relax Countryman

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How can anyone who claims to be a expat be cheated, ask the price before you purchase and go elsewhere if not happy

i regularly use our local mom and pop store and am happy with there prices and service, sometimes they have the best price

If they are a couple of baht dearer on a item its because they do not have the same purchasing power as 7/11


A colleague handed in her notice at school prior to a two week scheduled holiday. She didn't receive holiday pay. If she hadn't notified the school they would have paid her as normal.

Penalised for being honest.

Every day in Phuket people cheat at traffic lights. The car in front jumps a red so the person behind does the same.

Perhaps there is a culture of reward for cheating here in Phuket. the school saved money and the driver and passengers avoided a serious accident.

Funny to see cars accelerating towards an amber light as if it's a matter of life and death. Plebs

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Think of the shock and horror if they installed cameras to photograph red light jumpers. Transform road safety at junctions, generate large amounts of cash and create a new industry to administer the fines. Thailand the 'hub' for road safety.


So what if the mom and pop shops bleed a few extra?. They are slowly dying out will be a thing of the past within a decade. Inconvenience stores get replaced with convenient ones.

I won't miss the dusty,out of date stock. The luke warm beer and the grunting old lady who had to wake from her chair to serve me which in turn wakes her dogs that start barking uncontrollably at the slightest noise.

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So what if the mom and pop shops bleed a few extra?. They are slowly dying out will be a thing of the past within a decade. Inconvenience stores get replaced with convenient ones.

Your prediction is probably right. Even in villages, 7/11 and Tesco Lotus Express stores are popping up all over the place.

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