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Weakening Baht affects tour agencies


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About time too. Foreigners have been getting a much poorer deal for some time due to the high value of the Baht.

Net it's better for Exporters who can now sell their goods abroad and for Tourists who will find Thailand more affordable.

Rich Thais will still be able to afford expensive handbags in Paris.

High value of the Baht or just the low value of western money. Get your economics right

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The article was abput outbound tourism

Its bs

Rich thais wont notice the difference.

The poorer thais will still have their airfares and overseas accom /expenses paid for by their customers or "sponsors" (aka husbands/ boyfriends) with overseas currency

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"The decline in reservations is a result of the weakening baht"

Bullshit! the baht hasn't been weak long enough or depreciated enough to affect plans for trips abroad from Thailand yet.

Hear hear.

Of course no one would dream of suggesting that holidays are off the agenda because the price of everything in Thailand is doubling a result of the policies of this inept government, so people don't have sufficient funds to consider going abroad.

I bought ten eggs yesterday for 52 baht; if memory serves me well, they were about 30 baht two years ago...!

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well, according to the TAT, the world recession never affected tourism in Thailand.......

Years with SARS, floods, psunami, riots & recessions didn't significantly lower tourism from previous years.

In recent years tourism is going through the roof in spite of some such problems.

Thailand : Tourist Arrivals from 1998 till First Quarter 2013.


That's Thai propaganda.

Is it really?

It seems tourism is up in many places & in the world in general. Is that propaganda too?

The average visitor to LOS stays 9 days, to Singapore only 3. Of course Singapore is very expensive & a small island, so there is not much to do.

Fifty percent of visitors to Siam are returners, to Vietnam only 3%.

Edited by oldthaihand99
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