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If you love to watch scooters wreak...


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Go to Doi Sutep. The other day was my first time and I witnessed 1 happen right in front of me and I saw the aftermath of 2 others.

The first.... We were driving up, about 1/3 of the way, on a rare straight stretch and these 2 farangs riding a Honda Wave (I think) just randomly wiped out.... No idea how, they were just driving straight. They had to of been European judging by their short neon shorts and sandles. Neither were wearing helmets or shirts. They had to of been doing 70kph too.... I'm certain their vacation in Chiang Mai will end with a few days in the hospital, and an extremely rough plane ride home. This wreak was really bad, they had to of slid 100+ feet of their backs and bellies going down hill.

The second, coming down Doi Sutep... There was a Thai guy and girl, young, probably 20 years old, sitting on the edge of the road, their Scoopie was off the road and on its side, both had road rash on their chins, arms and legs. Luckly they were heading up the mountain. No helmets again.

And the third, also coming down the mountain, a Thai guy, must have crashed pretty bad, paramedics were loading him into the ambulance, holding rags on his head... Big crowd around him.

Is it like this every time you guys go up the mountain, or did I just get.... lucky? I'm sure shoddy equipment, inexperienced riding, and poor maintenance played huge factors in all 3 crashes. Wasnt raining, wasnt a lot of traffic...

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You need to wear a full face helmet at all times if you value your chin.

I completely agree.

Not even one of them were wearing a helmet, at least that I saw. The 2 Europeans.... I really cant figure out what happened to them. This is the first scooter accident I've ever witnessed. They were just cruising down hill just fine.... Then suddenly they just tipped over! I kind of wish I had stopped to see the aftermath.... I'm sure they have NO skin left at all. Only their hips were covered with those tiny short neon shorts.... Nothing else.

The only thing I can think that happened is the front tire went flat suddenly, or the guy on the back got his foot stuck in the back tire, or he suddenly jerked, maybe a bug in his eye? Ahhhhh these unanswered questions are driving me NUTS! I wish I had stopped.

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You need to wear a full face helmet at all times if you value your chin.

I completely agree.

Not even one of them were wearing a helmet, at least that I saw. The 2 Europeans.... I really cant figure out what happened to them. This is the first scooter accident I've ever witnessed. They were just cruising down hill just fine.... Then suddenly they just tipped over! I kind of wish I had stopped to see the aftermath.... I'm sure they have NO skin left at all. Only their hips were covered with those tiny short neon shorts.... Nothing else.

The only thing I can think that happened is the front tire went flat suddenly, or the guy on the back got his foot stuck in the back tire, or he suddenly jerked, maybe a bug in his eye? Ahhhhh these unanswered questions are driving me NUTS! I wish I had stopped.

No, completely new drivers, no licence do this all the time.

The road to Wat Doi Suthep is not the place to learn to drive a scooter.

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It's not unusual to find scooter/m.bike tourists from Europe suddenly driving on the wrong side (the right) of the road, especially when they've just joined a new road and where there's little traffic to alert them.

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the same thing happened to me going down hill in light rain. I had a helmet and was wearing jeans and running shoes.

I was going about 20kph in a straight line, no braking and the rear tire just when out from underneath me. The Scooter and I slid across the road into a ditch. 30 seconds later a young Thai girl came down the hill and the same thing happened to her. I was going so slow I was not hurt to badly. I had a backpack on that sort of acted as a pillow as I slid along.

I am still thinking oil on the road.

I've had the same happen to me. Going about 20kph around a switchback and the front tire just washed out and the bike went down. I was able to roll off the bike as it went down, but had a huge hematoma on my hip and luckily I was wearing a helmet as the back of my head bounced off the pavement when I went down. When I got up I looked at the scene and I could see a sheen on the road where oil had come to the surface.

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I'm a bad person, I immediately thought "Good, serves them right for not wearing shirts". Good to know that they are going to be fine, but maybe they might actually dress correctly next time, though I doubt they will ever reflect on how they dress when driving to or from one of the most prominent temples in the north...

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I saw about 10 bikes in a row all wiping out in the same place on a hill outside Patong. We stopped at the top of the hill to flag people down and warn them, and three or four more just sailed past us and slid straight off. A big truck had leaked a load of oil onto the road.

Fortunately no serious injuries.

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I've still never seen these famous chalk marks! Do they do it in Chiang Mai?

I saw someone who was hit by a car crossing the main road of Chiang Mai Land (scooter crossing the road, must not have looked and the car, with the right away slammed him). It must have happened 2 or 3 minutes before I got there. Looked really dead to me. LOTS of blood on his dead and around his body and he wasnt moving. Big crowd forming around him but no one tending to him... Just taking cell phone pics. I drove by again the next day but no chalk marks.

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I second the oil on the road. i've seen roads in thailand go from very good in february to half black in March. It is more prevalent on the climbs. yes, oil and water is really deadly. i've seen a few wrecks on good roads on that last steep left hand turn before wat doi suthep. and it would be impossible to count all the cars and bikes that cross over the yellow line in turns going up and down the mountain. i'm guilty of that as well, but trying to change your direction quickly with oil and water will likely result in a wreck. yea, great hill, but dangerous. be safe.

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FWIW, roads are most slick during the first rain after a dry spell. Oil immediately floats up. When it's still dry, the oil can soak in, waiting for a rain to float it out.

After it rains for some time and vehicles pass over it, it gets washed - floated - off the road.

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In Pattaya some years ago, as I was coming to a stop at a red light, the the three wheel deep fryer in front of me splashed maybe half of his cooking oil out. I was able to not run thru it, but I thought about the next poor soul who is trying to stop in it.

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The two times I've dumped my bike in Thailand was on oil previously spilled on the road. Fortunately, I've only received a little road rash but needed antibiotics for the almost sure infection.

I've been up and down Doi Sutthep many times on my motorbike but I've yet to have a problem there. And, so far I haven't seen any accidents either. But, I always take my time and never go as fast as I could. I get passed all the time, but I've seen so many bad spots along highways that I always expect the unexpected and I don't take chances. It certainly helps me in Canada as well where vehicle drivers just don't notice or expect motorcycles.

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When I lived there, I always enjoyed maxing out my Yamaha Fino on the twisties on Doi Sui Tep. Keep in mind that I've had 20+ years riding offroad and street motorcycles. And I was the safety guy wearing a full protection crash pad motor bike jacket, long pants, and a 20000B supermoto helmet. I know my limits and the limits of the machine I'm riding. Rode the same route on several different bikes and you need to adjust for each one.

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. They had to of been European judging by their short neon shorts and sandles. Neither were wearing helmets or shirts. They had to of been doing 70kph too.... I'm certain their vacation in Chiang Mai will end with a few days in the hospital, and an extremely rough plane ride home. This wreak was really bad, they had to of slid 100+ feet of their backs and bellies going down hill.

I'm not easily shocked by TV posts and their comments, but... Nobody yet wondered why you didn't stop to help in any of these cases?!

From your post it sounds like you didn't, or you would know if they were European or not. And it even matters enough to you where they're from to go speculate about it on a forum but it doesn't occur to you to stop and help?

What the F*$K!

All commenters too; cynicism is par for the course, but some are approaching the border to the downright psychopathic.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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. They had to of been European judging by their short neon shorts and sandles. Neither were wearing helmets or shirts. They had to of been doing 70kph too.... I'm certain their vacation in Chiang Mai will end with a few days in the hospital, and an extremely rough plane ride home. This wreak was really bad, they had to of slid 100+ feet of their backs and bellies going down hill.

I'm not easily shocked by TV posts and their comments, but... Nobody yet wondered why you didn't stop to help in any of these cases?!

From your post it sounds like you didn't, or you would know if they were European or not. And it even matters enough to you where they're from to go speculate about it on a forum but it doesn't occur to you to stop and help?

What the F*$K!

All commenters too; cynicism is par for the course, but some are approaching the border to the downright psychopathic.

Suan Prung hospital has a few spare beds at the moment. Please check in, now.

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