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messed up stomach


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Is there any one single medicine capable of killing every last single bacteria and whatever maggot

that may be there ?

I want some serious clensing so i can rule out that possibility altogether

Edited by poanoi
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No, there is not.

(And it is highly unlikely you have any maggots in your stomach!).

Many people routinely treat with albendazole from time to time, 400 mg single dose, it will eliminate many parasites but certainly not all.

Are you symptomatic?

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I have diarrhea and stomach pain every now and then,i produce enuff methane for a power-plant that would cover all energy expenditure on this street,while even leave some for export

You realise you just might have solved the renewable energy problem? Quick, grab a patent on diahhroea.

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No, there is not.

(And it is highly unlikely you have any maggots in your stomach!).

Many people routinely treat with albendazole from time to time, 400 mg single dose, it will eliminate many parasites but certainly not all.

Are you symptomatic?



Is there any other pill that kill off any survivors ?

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I have diarrhea and stomach pain every now and then, i produce enuff methane for a power-plant that would cover all energy expenditure on this street, while even leave some for export

That's pretty much the standard practice isn't it? Solid bowel motions are a rare thing in Thailand - the rarest bowel complaint here is constipation. blink.png

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Yes, but on top of that, if you venture into south pattaya and look up in the sky,

you will see a death-cloud. It was me, and i expand that cloud every 20 min. on an average.

And it threatens to cover all pattaya and part of jomtien in darkness by the end of this year if nothing is done.

Edited by poanoi
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Try some sauerkraut, worked for me. Perfect soldiers very time. Just take a tablespoon with each meal is enough

Digestive Aid
Eating sauerkraut is a great way to protect the balance of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. Sauerkraut is one of the few foods that contain the bacterium Lactobacilli plantarum. L. planatarum is a very dominant strain of healthful bacteria which helps your digestive system in the following ways: boost the immune system by increasing antibodies that fight infectious disease help inhibit pathogenic organisms including E.coli, salmonella and unhealthy overgrowth of candida (yeast) create antioxidants


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I have had the same issues, very painful stomach cramps in the past and the runs....no vomiting though. Sometimes lasted a few days. Was told it could be bacteria....The best thing that worked for me was charcoal tablets, can get them in any pharmacy.....or chew on a lump of coal thumbsup.gif

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I have diarrhea and stomach pain every now and then, i produce enuff methane for a power-plant that would cover all energy expenditure on this street, while even leave some for export

Sounds like possible giardia. Need to have a stool test at a hospital as the treatment (flagyl or tinidazole) isn't something you want to take if unnecessary.

The various anti-worming meds mentioned won't do a thing for giardia, which is not a worm.

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The symptoms you gave - diarrhea and stomach ache that comes and goes away - may not be caused by bacteria and parasites at all.

These things can also be caused by bad eating/drinking habits.

When I have have bacterial food poisoning the diarrhea doesn't just go away for a while.

You could take loperamide‎ for diarrhea. If that doesn't help you best go to see a doctor.

Last time I had a diarrhea that didn't want to go away I tried norfloxacin (an antibiotic) and it helped immediately (within 2 hours). I was so happy because the loperamide didn't work at all, even not after 1 week.

Although you can buy norfloxacin, 400mg for 25B over the counter, it should only used in case of diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection. So, it's better to see a doctor first.

Edited by kriswillems
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Do not take antibiotics on your own, you will mess up your intestinal flora and very likely make matters worse. Descripotion does nto sound in the least like bacterial food poisoning.

As I said, what you describe (in particular the excessive gas) sounds like possible giardiasis to me, which cvan persist for some time. It would not in any case respond to norfloxacin.

You might also try a probiotic as well. "Real" yogurt (i.e. unsweetened organic -- can find in Villa Markets and some Foodlands. You can add sweetener to it if you like, but don't use the ocmmercial sweet brands as they have too little lactobacillus to help). ) or if your prefer kefir grains (TV member Tropo happy to advise on that). Can't hurt and may help.

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Trust me, you don't want to kill all the flora in your gut. I am just getting over having that done to me to cure an acute case of food poisoning I picked up in Davao. This wasn't your run of the mill food poisoning as it put me in the hospital and took 6 weeks to recover. 1000mg of Cipro and 1200mg of an anti-amoebic a day for 7 days will kill all of the bacteria in your gut, along with anything else that's down there too. Hell, it even killed a nail fungus I picked up in South America 10 years ago. I've been taking Yakult and Kefir daily to rebuild the flora in my gut.

Sounds like you need an active probiotic like Kefir to build up stomach flora. If you get full quickly after eating a small amount of food, cramp, have excessive gas and have loose BMs, then Kefir will do the trick in a couple weeks.

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IMHO I agree with another poster that a rather overactive digestive system goes with the territory and have learnt not to be too perturbed by the symptoms.

OP might well have guardia though, and equally it could just be ibs and might just as well be cured by a bowl of porridge or two. and a couple of big macs with lotsof fries. Works for me anyway.

Mainly though I have achieved some balance by trying to go back to the diet and habits that I grew up with, and for me that means a bland diet in the main, no alcohol, only eat small amounts of truly junk food and for 5 days a week putting a good few hours between meals. some days I might go without eating for most of the day, a sort of mini fast.

If I ate a so called healthy diet then that would not be good for me at all but I make sure I have small handfuls of berries, nuts, as well as small amounts of bio yoghurt, the odd banana, and apple as and when.

It works for me and I think this is the main point you have to know what is best for your body, that may involve some surprising decisions that others will baulk at, eg, I really have noticed an improvement in my health by eating more salt than is regarded as healthy and by vaping a small amount of nicotine. Conversely I discovered it was best to limit intake of milk which is generally regarded as good food.

From personal experience I can't speak too highly of antibiotics and don't think I have ever experienced a single bad reaction from them, but again just my own opinion, and I agree it is a medicine that must only used under the nod of a doctor or trusted pharmacist.

Hope OP is feeling better now. Nasty feelings I know.

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Mainly though I have achieved some balance by trying to go back to the diet and habits that I grew up with, and for me that means a bland diet in the main, no alcohol, only eat small amounts of truly junk food and for 5 days a week putting a good few hours between meals. some days I might go without eating for most of the day, a sort of mini fast.

Actually i have noted a big improvement when i reduce the cheer amount and frequency of food intake,

just that i sort of fancy eating

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Yes, but on top of that, if you venture into south pattaya and look up in the sky,

you will see a death-cloud. It was me, and i expand that cloud every 20 min. on an average.

And it threatens to cover all pattaya and part of jomtien in darkness by the end of this year if nothing is done.


I would look at what I was eating to find the source of the problem.

There are so many foods that might cause excess gas depending on individual tolerances that i would be looking there first.

Cut out wheat and dairy and fruit and see how you go. And while you are doing that get a good probiotic and drink peppermint tea to relieve the gas.

I seriously doubt you have anything more than a minor gut problem that just needs a bit of dietary tweaking and some supplements to restore gut flora balance.

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For gosh sakes have a lab do a stool test. I can tell you that there are some bacteria that don't shed and won't show in a stool test, though.

My story, which may NOT APPLY to you! I had what American doctors call Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for ten years. It started when I got sick in Italy. I kept telling the doctors that it had to be a bug because I didn't have it before that point in time. Nothing would show in lab tests so they wrote it off as IBS.

Now let me tell you that IBS must be Latin for "we don't have a clue." haha.

THEN I got pneumonia. Not related of course but the Dr. began giving me antibiotics. First one which didn't work, and then another which didn't work. Then he gave me Cipro which did work and which also cured my so-called IBS. I went back and told him about it and he wrote it off as a coincidence but he was full of shit. I had been carrying some bug for 10 years and I'll always believe that.

So good luck to you. Don't self-medicate except with the natural things people have recommended trying. See a doc and get a lab test if the natural things don't work.

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Just remembered I was down in Sin City a few weeks ago and experienced same thing. I agree it probably is a bug but there is some good advice on this board about diet.

One thing though, if you are going to try eliminating foods it should be done one thing at a time, probably milk first, or wheat.

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