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500,000 GBP to invest

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Why would you even think about asking that question on this forum. You are either a person with 58 I.Q. or the question is Bulls**t/Bullocks or however you want to say it.

There is a massive space between posting up a question on a forum and being told what to do (and following it). Lets be honest, om 7 pages of responses, after you remove all the armchair hardmen, the only good suggestion is buy more property.

Thats your opinion, not everyone else's. Do you have anything good to say? Are you going to keep replying to all our posts offensively? If so, don't bother... Your just plain angry.bah.gif Mods...

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Maybe its 'advice' to you but its 'stating the obvious' to me.

Don't give you money to scammer on TV

Don't go with suggestions by TV members without doing due diligence.

Remember to look at other sources..

Come on man, this isn't advice - a young child would have grasped that!

The thread is about investment advice, not what you would tell your 18 year old on his year out.

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I am in line with a Small Capital Programs that has been returning 25% weekly for over 3 years now Minimum investment is 100k U.S.D.. You open an account in your name and the funds are blocked and cannot be touched by anyone, so they are safe. You can take out your weekly returns. P.M. me if you would like to pursue this. You would fill out a Customer Information Sheet and submit it. Upon approval you will be in contact with the Program Coordinator.

What BS

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It is a WHOLE lot easier to lose money than to make money especially if you get in a hurry.

You are an American, right?

Yep...put your money in a FDIC American bank savings account now and you're lucky if you get 1/2 percent interest...so UK banks are paying 3% on savings accounts? Really?

You must think just because the US have super low interest rates on cash account that everywhere in the world is the same.

In Australia you can get 4.2% 12 month fixed term right now, even with the lowing of rates in the past 6 months.

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Rule no 1 of investing for your future. Broad spread both geographically and asset type. Don't be greedy when you see a good rate on anything. Why does everyone here seem to be recommending a one class approach? Check out all the hard luck stories you hear. Betya the teller was punting down a single theme.

If you think you have no future in Thailand then don't invest here. The converse also holds true, but I would always have a liveable balance stored in a more regulated economy whether I was inteding to live there or not

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It is a WHOLE lot easier to lose money than to make money especially if you get in a hurry.

You are an American, right?

Yep...put your money in a FDIC American bank savings account now and you're lucky if you get 1/2 percent interest...so UK banks are paying 3% on savings accounts? Really?

You must think just because the US have super low interest rates on cash account that everywhere in the world is the same.

In Australia you can get 4.2% 12 month fixed term right now, even with the lowing of rates in the past 6 months.

Plenty of countries where you can get good term deposit rates, in Vietnam you can get 6-10% depending on the bank. The risk of course is in forex, if you had a 12 month term deposit maturing now in Aus you would be down several percent on the conversion back to USD,GBP etc.

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Something tells me that if your looking for investment advice on this forum, there is a chance that in the not too distant future, you may have to go back to work.

39 years of age with what would be a good retirement nest egg, that is, if you were anywhere near retirement age. 39 my friend, advice is, keep working, keep

building on that nice little nest egg, and don't give up until it is double or triple in size, and then and only then, invest wisely.

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Something tells me that if your looking for investment advice on this forum, there is a chance that in the not too distant future, you may have to go back to work.

39 years of age with what would be a good retirement nest egg, that is, if you were anywhere near retirement age. 39 my friend, advice is, keep working, keep

building on that nice little nest egg, and don't give up until it is double or triple in size, and then and only then, invest wisely.

What he said. These days, with the world so unstable, your housing investments can go down, your stock investments can go down, currencies can collapse, banks collapse, commodities can collapse. The only important thing is cash flow. If you have a great job and are young, keep at it and keep bringing in the cash...especially if you have no clue what you would do with yourself in 'early retirement'. If you're 39 now, you have great odds of living to 100...thats a long time!

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I think it is worth re-stating that the OP does not appear to have 500k sterling cash? He has assets worth 500k net according to the message. He has bonds and properties on buy to let.

If this is the case then is the headline question misleading? In fact what is the question? Is he really asking whether he should sell up? Or is it the case that I have misread this and he has 500k cash in addition to 500k assets?

Edited by yoshiwara
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DannyDubai, I'm going to make one prediction - that your time on TV will be as short as it is unremarkable. Have a nice life.

You only need to look at this blokes other posts .... he is a TROLL.

I think it is worst than that. I think he is gathering information via the many PM's he will have had to come back with scams

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You only need to look at this blokes other posts .... he is a TROLL.

I think it is worst than that. I think he is gathering information via the many PM's he will have had to come back with scams

i think he might be a member of al-Qaeda or some other terrorist organisation who's job is to recruit retired Farangs who need a few additional quid because they don't own pot to piss in.

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It is a WHOLE lot easier to lose money than to make money especially if you get in a hurry.

You are an American, right?

Yep...put your money in a FDIC American bank savings account now and you're lucky if you get 1/2 percent interest...so UK banks are paying 3% on savings accounts? Really?


Only if you want to tie up your funds for 5 years and nobody in their right mind would do that right now.

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It is a WHOLE lot easier to lose money than to make money especially if you get in a hurry.

You are an American, right?

Yep...put your money in a FDIC American bank savings account now and you're lucky if you get 1/2 percent interest...so UK banks are paying 3% on savings accounts? Really?

You must think just because the US have super low interest rates on cash account that everywhere in the world is the same.

In Australia you can get 4.2% 12 month fixed term right now, even with the lowing of rates in the past 6 months.

But then there's the currency exchange risk which could easily wipe out all of your profit and more!

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Think about it as you are about to do something: invest..that you dont know that much about, otherwise you wouldn't have the question what to invest in. No offence here just giving you advice.

Your best bet is to do research on asset managements and let reputable professionals do the work. Pick one that suits your needs, one with good reputation and become a member. That means they are going to provide you with all the investment related stuff you wouldn't have access to otherwise, so you are going to be helped to make smart decisions. On the other side they help you to put that money into good use and invest it in the best ways possible. These companies research the market on a regular basis so they know what they do. Sure a lot of people dont trust them saying there have been so many scams in the past but dont let it discourage you. That's why its important to choose one with very good reputation.

Of course the help of these experts is going to cost some but to my mind it still makes more sense than trying to do it your way just to learn that it doesn't work. In my opinion you are not supposed to do it alone. There are many experts out there in this field and they are a wealth of knowledge.

Make use of them, it is worth it.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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Of course the help of these experts is going to cost some...

if they were really experts they wouldn't sell their knowledge but use it to make money in the markets.

what they do is taking their clients money without any risk and the clients bear all risks.

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Could somebody advise me which banks pay 3% in the UK or alternatively offshore accounts paying a similar amount in GBP? The best I can manage is 1.95% with Barclays, but for 12 months only. It then reverts to 0.5%!

NZ banks are paying 4% p.a for a 1 year term. Tax free if you're a non resident.

Poor return, you can get over 9% here


and lose 22% within 4 months! ohmy.png

attachicon.gifusd inr.jpg

:) probably lose it all in a few weeks.

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