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Narathiwat, worth it?


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Well, we want to take a trip down to Naratiwat. Have many times heard claims of how dangerous it is. But then again is it really that bad? I've been in Sri Nagar in Kashmir to compare with something, and found it very peaceful (at the moment).

Which odds are worse, going to Naratiwat, or hanging out in Bkk? Bkk is prone to bombs as well, specially our area in Pra Nakhon, not to mention the risk of road accidents.

So, anyone been there? How did u find it? I've no idea about the place really, but the mrs used to work for NSC and where in Pattani a few times. And really likes the deep south.

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Just back from a 4 day trip by motorbike - Krabi - Yala - Betong and back.

Beautiful scenery, very friendly people who are very surprised and happy to see a farang tourist.

Many road blocks but all were drive-through.

Far, far more likely to be killed on the road than by a bomb.

Enjoyed it so much I am going back later this week.

Good hotels are hard to find as they aren't getting much in the way of visitors these days.

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I used to live down there around five years ago and I didn't leave because of the terrorism. If the work hadn't dried up I would still be living down there.

Most of what happens is far from the town centre but there's always a remote chance of a bomb going off in town. I wouldn't hesitate on visiting there as the people are extremely friendly and it's a lovely place.

It makes Pattani look unfriendly and dangerous.

Unlike many Thais, my wife has no fear of going down there with me as she enjoys the place as much as I do. Visit and fall in love with the people and the place.

An added bonus is that there's plenty of beef dishes in restaurants. There's a great restaurant overlooking the estuary, not the Golden Dragon but a bit further along the road but the name escapes me for now.

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Count up the foreigners killed in auto accidents, beatings, stabbings, electrocutions, falling off balconies, poisonings, and "suicides" in Thailand.

Then tally up the foreigners killed by terrorist activities in the south.

You do the math.

Terrorism makes the news, but a traffic accident makes you just as dead.

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Count up the foreigners killed in auto accidents, beatings, stabbings, electrocutions, falling off balconies, poisonings, and "suicides" in Thailand.

Then tally up the foreigners killed by terrorist activities in the south.

You do the math.

Terrorism makes the news, but a traffic accident makes you just as dead.

Yea, that kind of was my point. However, one of the reasons foreigners aren't frequently killed in bomb attacks may be there are relatively few foreigners down there. I've been to Songkhla many times, and I would like to go further on to the deepest south. So I guess I will end up taking the risk. Thanks!

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Count up the foreigners killed in auto accidents, beatings, stabbings, electrocutions, falling off balconies, poisonings, and "suicides" in Thailand.

Then tally up the foreigners killed by terrorist activities in the south.

You do the math.

Terrorism makes the news, but a traffic accident makes you just as dead.

Yea, that kind of was my point. However, one of the reasons foreigners aren't frequently killed in bomb attacks may be there are relatively few foreigners down there. I've been to Songkhla many times, and I would like to go further on to the deepest south. So I guess I will end up taking the risk. Thanks!

That's what I'd do.

Perhaps foreigners aren't being killed because they aren't being targeted?

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I think its a crap shoot. The risk of being in the wrong place at the wrong time increases dramatically once you cross the checkpoints. The countryside is very beautiful, and traffic quiet. It helps if you know exactly where you are going. I guess its like parachuting or bungy jumping or travelling at high speeds on a motorbike. A lot of people do it and have fun. "Is it really that bad" No it isnt if you make it back in 1 piece, but if you dont, then it is.

Edited by beammeup
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The Imperial Narathiwat is your best option to stay.Located in the city centre,4*,gym,pool......about 1200 baht,as I remember.

Hmm, Guess we won't hang out in the city much, if we go I guess we will stay at friends families places. The Mrs used to work in the south for NSC some years ago, and know lots of the folks around there.

But the Hotel sounds good standard for the price tag. Still a bit over what we are used to pay. We'll see, thanks anyway!

I've no idea where we are going or when. We are both working too much for our own good.. But we're heading down to Nakhon in a few month's to meet friends and chill. If we will end up in Narathiwat or just Phatthalung and songkhla again only the future knows.

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Post back when you get back. I'd like to hear your impressions, especially traveling with a Thai speaker.

Like you, I spend a lot of time in Songkhla and love it there. I have always been treated with kindness and politeness by the locals.

One caveat to a lot of the TV posters. You may be offended by seeing Muslims enjoying life, playing at the beach, and being with their families. You just can't seem to avoid seeing them in Songkhla, unless you never stray from "expat corner".

Safe journey!

Edited by impulse
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Post back when you get back. I'd like to hear your impressions, especially traveling with a Thai speaker.

Like you, I spend a lot of time in Songkhla and love it there. I have always been treated with kindness and politeness by the locals.

One caveat to a lot of the TV posters. You may be offended by seeing Muslims enjoying life, playing at the beach, and being with their families. You just can't seem to avoid seeing them in Songkhla, unless you never stray from "expat corner".

Safe journey!

Will do! :)

I think I'm fairly good thai speaker/reader/writer (last one not that well though, always seem to put the " ้่๋๊ " at the wrong places..) Are they speaking the Pattani-Malay in naratiwat as well?

Yes, Songkhla is very nice. I have many friends within the reggae scene in Thailand. And while most of them live in Nakhon, many also live in meuang Songkhla or Hat Yai or similar because of work/uni etc. I love both Songkhla and Phatthalung. Mostly because it's away from the "expat corner" or "very beaten track". Not saying I'm a self-hating "farang".. But it's a simple fact that people are genuinely nicer in placer where there are not loads of tourists. Which makes perfect sense, cause if I was a scammer, I would head to Phuket, Pattaya, Samui etc as well.

And although I hear people here complaining about Thais being so unfriendly and acting bad and the LOS-stamp is since long expired blablabla. Well, I do agree that many Thais are very racist, mostly because of pure ignorance, which seems to be a part of the "national psyche" more than conscious racism of the kind we have a lot of in Sweden at the moment...

But then again as I once said before, imagine loads of Thais and Asians heading to Sweden, England etc. Walking around getting annoyed on people not understanding what they say. Getting drunk and acting like jerks, speaking of our women like mere objects for pleasure and having a quite bad attitude about Swedes, Brits, Germans etc. I'm quite sure we, at least Scandi, would be far less tolerant compared with the Thais.

haha, I'm not sure what u mean about getting offended by seeing Muslims enjoy life. I see Muslims enjoy life everyday since 50% of my friends in Europe are Muslims. Couldn't care less about which religion someone is born in to. But then again I grew up without any religion, my parents wanted me to chose for myself. Quite happy with that really. I used to dislike all religions, and while I still dislike the organized religions as they are today, I can see how they all are built upon quite universal ideas, and more or less are the same. Like humans, we are more or less the same as well, while we may dress different, speak different and have different physical appearances. But at the root we are the same, I tend to think of religions the same way.

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Count up the foreigners killed in auto accidents, beatings, stabbings, electrocutions, falling off balconies, poisonings, and "suicides" in Thailand.

Then tally up the foreigners killed by terrorist activities in the south.

You do the math.

Terrorism makes the news, but a traffic accident makes you just as dead.

Yea, that kind of was my point. However, one of the reasons foreigners aren't frequently killed in bomb attacks may be there are relatively few foreigners down there. I've been to Songkhla many times, and I would like to go further on to the deepest south. So I guess I will end up taking the risk. Thanks!

That's what I'd do.

Perhaps foreigners aren't being killed because they aren't being targeted?

True - they aren't, but why would they be? Apart from a few Malaysians other foreigners are extremely rare in the deep south - western governments (and presumably the Japanese and Chinese governments too) warn their citizens to stay away from this restive region.

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Count up the foreigners killed in auto accidents, beatings, stabbings, electrocutions, falling off balconies, poisonings, and "suicides" in Thailand.

Then tally up the foreigners killed by terrorist activities in the south.

You do the math.

Terrorism makes the news, but a traffic accident makes you just as dead.

Yea, that kind of was my point. However, one of the reasons foreigners aren't frequently killed in bomb attacks may be there are relatively few foreigners down there. I've been to Songkhla many times, and I would like to go further on to the deepest south. So I guess I will end up taking the risk. Thanks!

That's what I'd do.

Perhaps foreigners aren't being killed because they aren't being targeted?

No...simply, they are not there..laugh.png

Very true didn't see a single Farang when I was down in Yala and a muslim village near to the Malaysian border - lots of army and roadblocks though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Songkhla is very nice and if you are in the area worth visiting Ko Yo joined to the mainland by the longest bridge in Thailand. A quite interesting museum on the hilltop above the island and some great sea food there. There is also a hot springs around their near to the coast and a fantastic waterfall with a hidden and amazing serene but seldom visited temple there.

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The video of the "checkpoint" is a joke. Checkpoints are when everyone stops and gets out, cars are searched, trunks opened, ID's checked, questions asked and bomb sniffing dogs check your car and you.

they cut Farang heads off, right?

You're right they just seem to go through the motions rather than be really bothered with detailed checks. No farang has been killed to my knowledge in the troubles so far though many Thais and sadly monks have been beheaded. We visited a wonderful Temple with a cave and monkeys which had had that happened and there was a sandbagged and barbed wire army post in the temple grounds. Very sad.The army not surprisingly didn't want me to video them.

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