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Falang driving kids with no helmets.


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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with an interest in Thailand.

So how is my post hoping kids don't get killed not showing an interest in Thailand? This is showing an interest in the future of Thailand. And appealing to English speaking people. I would be interested how this does not fit your criteria about the forum.

Do you care to back this notion about kids being killed by parents taking them to school on motorbike?

I wouldnt mind if you have some numbers vs. kids going in the school by car, or by crzay minibus drivers, or open back pickups standing/hanging on the back platform.

keep in mind, most parents will take the kid for a short ride on bike, usually a lot slower than some kids going on on their parents bike, helmet or no helmet on them!

if it would be considerable larger risk on the kids than going by themselves on bicycle, or those pickup truck aka. country side school bus then the police surely would enforce stricter helmet rules by the schools.

if for not from conviction, then for the easy money at least. as per my experience, they dont enforce, not on the countryside where we are, even though a policeman stands at the school every afternoon when the kids come out.

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

As someone has also stated, it becomes his concern when he has to drive past and see a child's or young person's head split open on the road. If this something that doesn't bother you, you wouldn't or don't get 'concerned or depressed' about then I feel sorry for you as a person!

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I see it everyday from Thais and Farangs and just shake my head in amazement at the stupidty of the parents, why is it that parents allow this ? lack of brains, selfishness, no money to buy an helmet or do they just think that they are in some sort of bubble that makes them immune from having an accident !

Footnote : I would imagine from the lack of compassion shown from some of the posters on this thread shows that they have not visited visited a child on a life support machine in hospital or been to a childs funeral that have been involved in a motorcycle accident, if they ever have too then perhaps their views would be different thumbsup.gif

Well said! I think it comes down to the fact that they don't think it will ever happen to them!

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

The point is you decide to take that risk. Do the kids on the back of the back fully understand the danger they are being put in. This thread is not about the people driving the bike but the danger they are putting their kids in. I'm sorry if that is a difficult concept for you.

Yes, THEIR kids, not yours, or is that a difficult concept for you

You come on telling us about you feeling depressed, but you didn't actually do anything, so don't take the high moral ground, you haven't done anything to earn it.

Op stated that if he hoped the post would make one person think. It is clear that op is hoping to make parents think about their actions. If it results in just one child being saved from injury or death because he has caused a parent to think and choose to put a helmet on their child then I am sure we will all agree his post would have more than served it cause!

Now in my opinion thats more than what you are doing?

If you don't want to put a helmet on your child then that's your choice but why put the op down and question him for simply trying to stop children getting hurt!

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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with an interest in Thailand.

So how is my post hoping kids don't get killed not showing an interest in Thailand? This is showing an interest in the future of Thailand. And appealing to English speaking people. I would be interested how this does not fit your criteria about the forum.

Do you care to back this notion about kids being killed by parents taking them to school on motorbike?

I wouldnt mind if you have some numbers vs. kids going in the school by car, or by crzay minibus drivers, or open back pickups standing/hanging on the back platform.

keep in mind, most parents will take the kid for a short ride on bike, usually a lot slower than some kids going on on their parents bike, helmet or no helmet on them!

if it would be considerable larger risk on the kids than going by themselves on bicycle, or those pickup truck aka. country side school bus then the police surely would enforce stricter helmet rules by the schools.

if for not from conviction, then for the easy money at least. as per my experience, they dont enforce, not on the countryside where we are, even though a policeman stands at the school every afternoon when the kids come out.

Blimey you're right,, it is far more dangerous for kids to go to school holding onto the rails of a speeding baht bus, or on a skateboard being towed by a truck on a bungie cord, or jogging down the roadside or even riding on the back of a wild alligator.. We should stop this nonsense,, NO HELMETS FOR KIDS I SAY, it's perfectly safe compared to endless alternatives,, after all you are only protecting their little heads.

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so, because someone's skin is white it means they should automatically embrace your notion of what is right and what is wrong?

And why does it depress only with white folk? are the brown ones somehow less important, or do you just not care about them?

Prepare to be disappointed.

Ok so you are happy to see kids put in dangerous situations and you think that's ok. That says a lot about you as a person.

Where did GDD say she is happy for anyone to be put in a dangerous situation?

Please enlighten me.

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I shouldn't be... but I am. I'm amazed when I see someone make a posting about his feelings for children's safety, and the post gets torn apart for;

being in the wrong forum

taking about people's race and the terms for them

safety in the shower

that it's none of his business in the first place

HEY! He's sharing his feelings. You are sitting there telling him he has no right to feel them. That it's none of his business. Yet YOU tell him what his business should be?

Do you see the irony here?

Yes but he is getting a bit anal about it.

I have a 4YO grandchild which we (my wife & myself) bring up. I did go & buy him a helmet (what you would sy is a cheap, not much protection) one but it is better than nothing.

I pick him up from junior school sometimes & also take him to school. He does not always wear the helmet (it's a trip of about 1 km). I always wear a helmet (except if it is just down the street to the local shop).

What you & the OP says is strictly correct but again it is a matter of choice & risk assessment. I consider that is my right to make & no one, including OP has the reason to criticise that.

I come from a nanny country (AUS) and it is nice to be able to make that personal judgement sometimes. OP, make your point but do not criticise others if they are a bit more casual than yourself!

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As someone has also stated, it becomes his concern when he has to drive past and see a child's or young person's head split open on the road.

I've never seen that, and I doubt he has either.

I obviously can't answer for the op.

I think it's clear from my views that I have. 3 at the same time! I wish I hadn't, like you!!

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

The point is you decide to take that risk. Do the kids on the back of the back fully understand the danger they are being put in. This thread is not about the people driving the bike but the danger they are putting their kids in. I'm sorry if that is a difficult concept for you.

Simple, all you bikers out there. The law in Thailand says wear a helmet so why don't you? In Thailand more than 8000 peeps a year die on the road (in the UK, there are more cars but I believe the figure is now 1800) and the chances are that you'll be next. At least that's one less helmet-less farang to get depressed about! But I cycle some 300 miles a week, on a bicycle, with a helmet and I've seen bleedin' heads on the road - on more than one occasion. It may be you, next time and I certainly wouldn't bother to stop if you are a helmetless lawbreaker.

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Jeez......I was thinking about starting a thread about the wisdom of wearing a condom during casual sex, but after reading all these negative posts, I'm too scared. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Some of these tools would probably abuse you for being a nanny, why put yourself through that anguish ? biggrin.png

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

A bit of a ridiculous comparison... people don't usually get their skulls completely bashed in from bathroom accidents... look at the stats on the motorbike death tolls in this country. And despite the high stats on bathroom accidents, I am willing to bet that the likelihood of a given individual getting killed or badly injured in the bathroom is lower than those who ride a bike daily getting their head stoved in.

There are no bathroom helmets, but there are motorcycle helmets, so why not use them? Doing so doesn't mean you are living "in fear" - it just means you aren't being a <deleted> idiot who thinks he's Superman.

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A bit of a ridiculous comparison... people don't usually get their skulls completely bashed in from bathroom accidents... look at the stats on the motorbike death tolls in this country. And despite the high stats on bathroom accidents, I am willing to bet that the likelihood of a given individual getting killed or badly injured in the bathroom is lower than those who ride a bike daily getting their head stoved in.

There are no bathroom helmets, but there are motorcycle helmets, so why not use them? Doing so doesn't mean you are living "in fear" - it just means you aren't being a <deleted> idiot who thinks he's Superman.

I know two people that died in CM from bathroom accidents last year, heads bashed in after slipping on the wet tiles, and one person that broke his neck after crashing a m/c blind drunk with no helmet on.

My small sample indicates showering is more than twice as dangerous as driving a m/c without a helmet.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

The point is you decide to take that risk. Do the kids on the back of the back fully understand the danger they are being put in. This thread is not about the people driving the bike but the danger they are putting their kids in. I'm sorry if that is a difficult concept for you.

Simple, all you bikers out there. The law in Thailand says wear a helmet so why don't you? In Thailand more than 8000 peeps a year die on the road (in the UK, there are more cars but I believe the figure is now 1800) and the chances are that you'll be next. At least that's one less helmet-less farang to get depressed about! But I cycle some 300 miles a week, on a bicycle, with a helmet and I've seen bleedin' heads on the road - on more than one occasion. It may be you, next time and I certainly wouldn't bother to stop if you are a helmetless lawbreaker.

Your numbers needs a major readjustment. Up to 26,000 people are killed in road accidents every year in Thailand, which puts the country in the 6th spot in terms of road casualties. Of those killed, up to 70 or 80 per cent are motorcyclists or their passengers.


For those saying it's up to me if I take my child on a motorbike without a helmet, what would you say to your wife/GF it the child suffers a serious head injury or is killed by a head injury?

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

or "nonsense" laws!!! It's all your perspective. Personally I'd prefer seeing motorbikes with full roll-cages and drivers and passengers both required to wear full body armour smile.png Seriously, where are the solid studies showing that helmets make a difference for careful drivers travelling at low speeds (or high speeds for that matter).

"Where are the solid studies"? Are you serious? There are endless studies on the subject - try Google, though I suspect you don't really want to know. But here is an anecdotal example: I had one fall while turning on a slippery slope at walking speed, the bike slid out from under me and my head whacked the pavement as one of the first points of contact. The helmet was damaged (and had to be replaced), and my head was fine. I am pretty certain that I'd have suffered a concussion or worse had I not been wearing it. Helmets most commonly take the hit to the ground from the perch of the bike and so forward speed in that case is not always so relevant.

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

The point is you decide to take that risk. Do the kids on the back of the back fully understand the danger they are being put in. This thread is not about the people driving the bike but the danger they are putting their kids in. I'm sorry if that is a difficult concept for you.

Simple, all you bikers out there. The law in Thailand says wear a helmet so why don't you? In Thailand more than 8000 peeps a year die on the road (in the UK, there are more cars but I believe the figure is now 1800) and the chances are that you'll be next. At least that's one less helmet-less farang to get depressed about! But I cycle some 300 miles a week, on a bicycle, with a helmet and I've seen bleedin' heads on the road - on more than one occasion. It may be you, next time and I certainly wouldn't bother to stop if you are a helmetless lawbreaker.

Your numbers needs a major readjustment. Up to 26,000 people are killed in road accidents every year in Thailand, which puts the country in the 6th spot in terms of road casualties. Of those killed, up to 70 or 80 per cent are motorcyclists or their passengers.


For those saying it's up to me if I take my child on a motorbike without a helmet, what would you say to your wife/GF it the child suffers a serious head injury or is killed by a head injury?

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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with langsan interest in Thailand.

So how is my post hoping kids don't get killed not showing an interest in Thailand? This is showing an interest in the future of Thailand. And appealing to English speaking people. I would be interested how this does not fit your criteria about the forum.

You wrote "this is a forum for falangs", so you are now claiming that you don't know "falangs" is a racist term for "white foreigners".

Plenty of us on here are neither "white" nor "foreigners".

Your OP was nothing about the general safety of "kids", but only about the children of white skinned foreigners.


Just drove the neighbours teen daughter to school as she missed the school bus.

Neither of us wore helmets, but it's OK and it wouldn't have bothered you as we aren't "falangs".

You drove you kids to school with no helmets and you are boasting about this. Some people should not be allowed to be parents.

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By the way if you haven't realized this is a forum for falangs so of course I am going to talk about falangs on here. How dare you say I don't think brown skinned people are not important.

There was me thinking this was a forum for English speaking people with an interest in Thailand.

So there aren't any little brown one's reading english!? rasist bas...rd

There are many Thais who read English I would suggest that very few of them would waste there time on here. Call me racist all you want but it won't change your obviously low IQ.

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God I'm sick of hearing this same old thing over and over again. If I want to barrel down the street with my daughter on my bike without a helmet, it is my business, not yours. If you want to call the BiB, by all means do so. After spending 13 years as a firefighter, many of those as a fire inspector, I guarantee I can come into your house and find a dozen code violations, any of which could potentially cause horrible injuries or death to you and your family. If the police find me driving with my daughter, I pay a fine. If (as a fire inspector) i find you with your violations, you pay a fine. I hear the same thing every time I cite someone, oh it will never happen to me, what are the chances, blah blah blah. You don't want to hear my spiel about how each code is important, and I most definitely don't want to hear yours. I choose to assume the risk for my child, just like you assume the risk when you don't buy a grounded power strip when you plug in your child's night light. We are in Thailand, we obey Thai laws or face Thai punishment. You may not agree with it, and if YOU don't like it then YOU go somewhere else. Meanwhile, I will handle my own family's affairs; you needn't concern yourself.

Like I mentioned before, some people should really not be parents.

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I shouldn't be... but I am. I'm amazed when I see someone make a posting about his feelings for children's safety, and the post gets torn apart for;

being in the wrong forum

taking about people's race and the terms for them

safety in the shower

that it's none of his business in the first place

HEY! He's sharing his feelings. You are sitting there telling him he has no right to feel them. That it's none of his business. Yet YOU tell him what his business should be?

Do you see the irony here?

so we should defer comment? i thought this was a discussion forum, and the ops world view almost bigotedly narrow, feelings or no.

Please can you explain why my views are bigoted? Would be nice to hear.

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As someone has also stated, it becomes his concern when he has to drive past and see a child's or young person's head split open on the road.

I've never seen that, and I doubt he has either.

Have seen dead bodies on the road due to not wearing helmets and been at the aftermath of a very bad accident involving kids.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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I shouldn't be... but I am. I'm amazed when I see someone make a posting about his feelings for children's safety, and the post gets torn apart for;

being in the wrong forum

taking about people's race and the terms for them

safety in the shower

that it's none of his business in the first place

HEY! He's sharing his feelings. You are sitting there telling him he has no right to feel them. That it's none of his business. Yet YOU tell him what his business should be?

Do you see the irony here?

Yes but he is getting a bit anal about it.

I have a 4YO grandchild which we (my wife & myself) bring up. I did go & buy him a helmet (what you would sy is a cheap, not much protection) one but it is better than nothing.

I pick him up from junior school sometimes & also take him to school. He does not always wear the helmet (it's a trip of about 1 km). I always wear a helmet (except if it is just down the street to the local shop).

What you & the OP says is strictly correct but again it is a matter of choice & risk assessment. I consider that is my right to make & no one, including OP has the reason to criticise that.

I come from a nanny country (AUS) and it is nice to be able to make that personal judgement sometimes. OP, make your point but do not criticise others if they are a bit more casual than yourself!

Ok that's fine just except no sympathy if something bad happens on one of your little trips.

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As someone has also stated, it becomes his concern when he has to drive past and see a child's or young person's head split open on the road.

I've never seen that, and I doubt he has either.

I started wearing a crash helmet after seeing a guy split his head open on a curb stone. I held his split skull together until an ambulance arrived. I NEVER want to see or do that again.

I expect lots of guys to reply with their war stories of blood and gore. Been there, done that myself. But, these accidents are easily preventable by wearing head protection while riding a motorbike.

Sex: The most fun you can have without laughing. Woody Allen.

Sent from my iPad with Retina display, using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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living in oz an visiting only I was horrified by the number of people on 1 bike on m/c without helmets, I bought one the first day and gave it to my friend when I left, who said I will wear it on long rides, oh ok but I got her to turn the gas bottle off after cooking,. here it has been a fat fine for years to deter the naive from riding without a lid cheers

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