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Heartbroken 'farang' man attempts to jump off of hotel in Bangkok


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I don't believe that Thailand has such a high rate of Farang suicides because of it being Thailand. Thailand unfortunately attracts many suicidal farangs because it is obviously a great place to make a last stand. If you were depressed, down, and already contemplating suicide, or serious about suicide, a city that offers you the ability to turn up, drink like a king, sleep with a number of beautiful women, live like there is no tomorrow, because soon there wont be, and then hit the ground going out believing that life was actually better than it was in your depressed state back home, well, attraction attracts.

When I was in the police force, the number of suicides that we attended in five star hotels was quite amazing. Guys who had once had it all, drinking up, eating up, one last hurrah with a hooker, and then a rope, needle, or bottle of pills took them from this life to the next, feeling that they had lived a life. So it really is sad but true. If you were suicidal and living in a squat in London with no friends, family or future, and you were suicidal, but could use your last money to come to Thailand, live like a king and a lover before you signed out, well, many would take the Thailand option. Such is life.

I reckon thats Spot On ... The idea of One Last Crack it , And I guess , If you were going to Do it ..Why Not like this !

As per the Gent at the Honey Hotel , Its certainly Not High ..He should have stayed in my Old Room , Bottom left in the Car park with no Fridge :) ..

Could be Heartbroken here ..But would have to Use other means than the " Jump " .

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I dont understand how people try to commit suicide jumping from a hotel. If you jump then you tried and succeeded, if you dont then you really didnt try. Dont mean to be snide, but if you dont jump when you get up there i dont think you really want to "try" it.

glad to see he didnt go through with it, there will be plenty more girls once he opens his eyes.

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Its a laughing matter from where I'm reading it, dimlow tries to top himself off building barely high enough to break a bone from. Can't have been all that serious if a, he chooses somewhere not high enough and b, gets talked out of it. Biggest laugh of all is the headline heartbroken Falang man attempt to jump off of hotel, surely Finnish man wants to finish it all would have been a better headline.

Whatever, i wouldn't expect a man of your character to have anything positive to say about a topic like this.

I'll be laughing when one of your family members off them self, and ill be happy to leave witty snide remarks all in fun of course.

You must be peeing in yer pants then, cos actually more than 1 member of my family has tried to off themselves and several friends have succeeded. You know absolutely nothing about my character, but feel free to leave snide remarks as I take little to no offence from keyboard worriers.

I understand enough of your character from your post to see you are a character. I bet deep down your are nothing but a big PUSSY cat.

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I never read Thai Visa and especially the red apologists posts If I am in a hotel above the first floor. It gives me the urge to throw myself off the balcony also.


And Jeremy, I am not one bit surprised that members of your family and friends of yours have tried and/or succeeded in topping themselves. Just reading your posts has me thinking that way, and I have not had the "pleasure" of meeting you yet. cheesy.gif

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Down in BKK this week as brother and sister over here for short holiday. We were talking to this guy next door at the Beergarden on Soi 19. He invited himself over. Ok with me but he was high as a kite. Was giving us the usual broken heart sob story when I said we're out of here. Went to Big Mama's for a feed. When we got back Soi 19 was shut down to cars for a couple of hours. That was good. Had a quiet beer. Big crowd gathered to watch him jump. They were disappointed in the end. Rescue squad inflated a huge balloon mattress in the Honey Hotel entrance. Another entertaining night in Bangers.

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For all of you who have an iota of sympathy for this complete idiot, look at this for what it really is. This poor excuse of a human being is as low as they come; it's clear that he staged this whole episode as an attempt to get sympathy. In my book that is beyond low. It's a pity that nobody pushed him off that building. People who contemplate ending their lives are nothing but weak and selfish individuals. They should simply get over their problems, get a job and live their life.

Mai mee jai ???????

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I'm happy he survived and is now recieving care.

That said. There is a BIG difference between "calls for help" and genuine suicide attempts. Genuinely suicidal people always jump immediately, take the pills or w/e method they are using, without hesitation. A suicide attempt is one where the person goes through with it immediately and entirely, but for whatever reason survives it. A call for help is when they hang around on rooftops or w/e until somebody stops them. That is a linguistic issue I have with the title of the OP, and does not change the fact the poor guy is in a state and I am very happy he was picked up and taken into care.

To anyone else in this boat, please remember; there are billions of people in the world and somewhere out there is a person who will love you truly for who you are, not for your money or for your friend-group or whatever. You just have to keep going out into the world, try new stuff, join a book-club or w/e other unlikely place, she might be waiting for you there. I say that as somebody who has been celibate and single since the late 1980s and I am super-happy to be both of those things btw, but I have also lost a lot of good friends to suicide, usually involving "women and drink" problems which seem to compound each other. Never give up hope.

Even going through those step is a cry for help. This poor guy is hurting bad. I feel for him. I hope he gets good care and is able to straighten out his head. Best of luck dude.

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I never read Thai Visa and especially the red apologists posts If I am in a hotel above the first floor. It gives me the urge to throw myself off the balcony also.

Good luck to the man, it is a cry for help, if he really meant it then this would be a different thread.

Yes. You seem to understand things.

Many suicide "attempts" are a cry for help.

The guy never wanted to kill himself.

With proper help, he'll get good and move on.

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I'm happy he survived and is now recieving care.

That said. There is a BIG difference between "calls for help" and genuine suicide attempts. Genuinely suicidal people always jump immediately, take the pills or w/e method they are using, without hesitation. A suicide attempt is one where the person goes through with it immediately and entirely, but for whatever reason survives it. A call for help is when they hang around on rooftops or w/e until somebody stops them. That is a linguistic issue I have with the title of the OP, and does not change the fact the poor guy is in a state and I am very happy he was picked up and taken into care.

To anyone else in this boat, please remember; there are billions of people in the world and somewhere out there is a person who will love you truly for who you are, not for your money or for your friend-group or whatever. You just have to keep going out into the world, try new stuff, join a book-club or w/e other unlikely place, she might be waiting for you there. I say that as somebody who has been celibate and single since the late 1980s and I am super-happy to be both of those things btw, but I have also lost a lot of good friends to suicide, usually involving "women and drink" problems which seem to compound each other. Never give up hope.

Even going through those step is a cry for help. This poor guy is hurting bad. I feel for him. I hope he gets good care and is able to straighten out his head. Best of luck dude.

Good post.

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Its a laughing matter from where I'm reading it, dimlow tries to top himself off building barely high enough to break a bone from. Can't have been all that serious if a, he chooses somewhere not high enough and b, gets talked out of it. Biggest laugh of all is the headline heartbroken Falang man attempt to jump off of hotel, surely Finnish man wants to finish it all would have been a better headline.

How unlucky he was to wait until the police arrived and let them talk him out of it.

He must have been reaaaaly determined to kill himself.

Go home farang, you didn't fool anyone!

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Finland used to be the suicide capital of the world. And that country has some of the best social welfare in the world too. What's wrong with them?!

I don't think the lack of sunlight in the long winter months help. If I remember rightly, Greenland used to be way out in front for the number of suicides by % population.

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Nice hat. Is that kid yours? Now you do me... this is like playing monopoly with a child.

If I was even half interested in you, I would be worried about myself.

Let me save you the bother before you go full murray Walker on me, I was born in Exeter, Devon been living in Chiang Mai for 11 year and feel absolutely no need to hide anything. Oh and I'm 41 and occasionally like to wear womens drawers. Did I miss anything u wanna know about?

except that you expose your friends and family as well.

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Again, posters making juvenile jokes about something that affects millions of people worldwide. Depression, for any number of reasons, reeks havoc on those that live with it and depression sometimes results in suicide.

Jumping from one story or twenty makes no difference. Landing on your head from any height can lead to skull fracture, spinal cord injury, etc., all which can kill or permanently paralyze a person. An example was Dr. Adkins, developer of the diet regimen that bears his name, who slipped on an icy sidewalk, sustained a brain injury and died as a result. Much lower than two stories which negates a posters comment concerning what height it takes to kill ones self.

Alcohol and drugs are often contributing factors in suicide and secondary injuries prior to the event are common. Posters who have never gone through depression and suicide ideation are fortunate and possibly unqualified to make snap judgements about this tormented soul and what got him to where he is.

I hope he gets the help he needs, regardless of which country he comes from. Posters who find humor in this article could possibly benefit from counseling.

Edited by Benmart
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Again, posters making juvenile jokes about something that affects millions of people worldwide. Depression, for any number of reasons, reeks havoc on those that live with it and depression sometimes results in suicide.

Jumping from one story or twenty makes no difference. Landing on your head from any height can lead to skull fracture, spinal cord injury, etc., all which can kill or permanently paralyze a person. An example was Dr. Adkins, developer of the diet regimen that bears his name, who slipped on an icy sidewalk, sustained a brain injury and died as a result. Much lower than two stories which negates a posters comment concerning what height it takes to kill ones self.

Alcohol and drugs are often contributing factors in suicide and secondary injuries prior to the event are common. Posters who have never gone through depression and suicide ideation are fortunate and possibly unqualified to make snap judgements about this tormented soul and what got him to where he is.

I hope he gets the help he needs, regardless of which country he comes from. Posters who find humor in this article could possibly benefit from counseling.

very good post. those who ridicule folks suffering from depression certainly seem to have issues.

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Its a laughing matter from where I'm reading it, dimlow tries to top himself off building barely high enough to break a bone from. Can't have been all that serious if a, he chooses somewhere not high enough and b, gets talked out of it. Biggest laugh of all is the headline heartbroken Falang man attempt to jump off of hotel, surely Finnish man wants to finish it all would have been a better headline.

do you really believe a fall from that height is barely enough to break a bone? now THERE'S a laughing matter.

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Many old expats will have fond memories of the Honey Hotel, I know I do. I virtually lived there in the mid 80's as there was not a lot of options in that price range.

Never asked for money till I checked out, which was sometimes 2 months.

Recently went to check in on speck and they were full, so I think it still does good business. Same owners I would guess

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Again, posters making juvenile jokes about something that affects millions of people worldwide. Depression, for any number of reasons, reeks havoc on those that live with it and depression sometimes results in suicide.

Jumping from one story or twenty makes no difference. Landing on your head from any height can lead to skull fracture, spinal cord injury, etc., all which can kill or permanently paralyze a person. An example was Dr. Adkins, developer of the diet regimen that bears his name, who slipped on an icy sidewalk, sustained a brain injury and died as a result. Much lower than two stories which negates a posters comment concerning what height it takes to kill ones self.

Alcohol and drugs are often contributing factors in suicide and secondary injuries prior to the event are common. Posters who have never gone through depression and suicide ideation are fortunate and possibly unqualified to make snap judgements about this tormented soul and what got him to where he is.

I hope he gets the help he needs, regardless of which country he comes from. Posters who find humor in this article could possibly benefit from counseling.


That post is so utterly depressing you make me want to jump off the nearest tall object. Luckily at 1.46am that happens to be my pillow. For gaaawds sake lighten up. The guy was high (as seen hours before by a member of this forum - this thread even!), he was upset that he had lost his woman and started doing stupid stuff on his balcony. If he was serious he just buys 200 paracetamol at 7/11 and bingo, you can even enjoy popping them with yet more whiskey and there is absolutely no return from the one way journey it will send you on - job done! Mission Accomplished!. There is clinically depressed and there is stupid induced by drugs and alcohol. I suggest this guy was in the latter category. By the way it is difficult to take you seriously telling others to be serious with a big smiley at the bottom of your sig block. Swap it for a grumpy one when you are trying to be serious eh.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Suicide is no laughing matter, don't be snide.

i couldnt agree more but with thai women they are like buses if you miss that one theres plenty more commng your way to ride on i dont get it my mate married a bar girl prostitute when i asked him if he marry the same type girl in the uk he said are you f inn joking they are sluts shows the power of the thai lady

Didn't know we had "bar girl prostitutes" in the UK???? would never have moved to Thailand if I thought I could have got a "herro hansum man" greeting at weatherspoons.

All you seem to get in the Uk are the Tammy Wynette d.i.v.o.r.c.e pigs out and about, at least here the prostitutes look like they are worth the money

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