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British Airways pilot molest hundreds of girls at African orphanages


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British Airways pilot molest hundreds of girls at African orphanages

LONDON, England - A British Airways pilot used his position to abuse hundreds of vulnerable children in African schools and orphanages, the Daily Mail reports.

First Officer Simon Wood, 54, claimed he was carrying out charity work for the airline while molesting scores of young girls during his stopovers in Africa.

Dressed in a bogus captain’s uniform, he would use the airline’s good name – and even BA branded toys and colouring books – to lure children out on day trips and to five-star hotels used by the airline, where he would abuse them.

British Airways is now facing a hugely damaging lawsuit brought by his victims, who say the company failed to protect them from his horrific abuse.

After abusing children for 15 years, the £100,000-a-year pilot was finally stopped when he was charged with separate child sex offences in the UK.

Days after appearing in a court in London last month charged with the offences, Wood threw himself under a train.

Prosecutor Peter Zinner said: ‘The prosecution say that Mr Wood was a deeply depraved and corrupt individual who had used his ability to fly to other parts of the world to commit sexual offences against children.’

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/37571/british-airways-pilot-molest-hundreds-girls-african-orphanages

-- eTN 2013-09-03

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Yes he is dead, but his case was still being heard, funny in Thailand you can have a cold in Singapore and charges against you get dropped.

It is a pity that this man was given bail and allowed the opportunity to commit suicide. His crimes were so bad, and rumored to be in the hundred in terms of individual cases that I am amazed that he was given bail. Despite the court taking his passport off him he was still able to take the final journey. One can only hope he suffered terrible mental torture prior to deciding to throw himself under a train. Hopefully even for a little bit, it hurt like hell.

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How can such things fester for so long? When the first kids complained, action should have been taken. Even if he operated like priests - going from one place to another, there should still have been follow-up at the time. Did no one notify BA when reports first started surfacing?

One lesson here for parents: Encourage your kids to speak up about things like that. If there's a complaint, take it seriously. Plus, put out warnings, make some noise, so subsequent kids don't get abused.

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I wonder if British Airways ever compensated Pattaya Orphanage for the abuse by British Airways staff in the past?

What do you know about Pattaya orphanage that most of us don't? please reveal your information.

On another point worth mentioning related to this article... it always makes me laugh when I think of that hilarious movie "Airplane" as the pilot "Captain Clarence Oveur" askes a young boy "Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" & "do you like gladiator movies?"

So funny (But probably so true to life)

Edited by newermonkey
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Crimes such as this make you wonder why human beings think so highly of themselves.

Actually what he was doing is part of human nature, most people suppress that kind of behavior but obviously he could not.

Why don,t you accept human nature? and yes the human race is the most amazing, creative, clever, cunning, deceitful, loving, greedy, brilliant and most complicated creature in our solar system. thumbsup.gif

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All suspected pedophiles should be remanded in custody. Only give bail if exceptional circumstances apply. Protect our children

I would go one step further, all people even remotely suspected of committing any crime of any type should be killed on the spot and without trial - it's a very short step between your view and mine, think about it.

No its not a short step to what you suggest. What I am suggesting is a judge looks at the evidence and decides that protection of the public is more important than a suspects freedom. Your one step further is only an idea a lunatic would suggest. Think about it if you can think.

Judges adjudicate, juries decide, got it!

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I am reading Dutch -English German and Thai (english) newspapers.

Forum member in different groups and forums.

There Is a Noatable trend over the last 5 years that The "Hang M High" brigades are getting bolder and bolder in their comments on revolting-disgusting or out right criminal events in social media.

ThaiVisa is no exception other then the moderaters doing a good job and keeping TV away from vigilante figures.

Don't know what a vigilante group is or how it works????

Eye on a BBC documentary yesterday about a Russian Vigilante targetting (what they see and thought to be) anti social elements in society

Homosexuals and appointed child molesters.....................equal Vulgair and disgusting.

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It is a pity that this man was given bail and allowed the opportunity to commit suicide.

Yes, he could never have committed suicide if he was remanded.

Sure he could. He just wouldn't have been able to get the train to help.

Edited by marell
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All suspected pedophiles should be remanded in custody. Only give bail if exceptional circumstances apply. Protect our children

I would go one step further, all people even remotely suspected of committing any crime of any type should be killed on the spot and without trial - it's a very short step between your view and mine, think about it.

No its not a short step to what you suggest. What I am suggesting is a judge looks at the evidence and decides that protection of the public is more important than a suspects freedom. Your one step further is only an idea a lunatic would suggest. Think about it if you can think.

Judges adjudicate, juries decide, got it!

I haven't suggested it should be any different from that.

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GentlemanJim, on 03 Sept 2013 - 13:17, said:snapback.png

  1. Yes he is dead, but his case was still being heard, funny in Thailand you can have a cold in Singapore and charges against you get dropped.

    It is a pity that this man was given bail and allowed the opportunity to commit suicide. His crimes were so bad, and rumored to be in the hundred in terms of individual cases that I am amazed that he was given bail. Despite the court taking his passport off him he was still able to take the final journey. One can only hope he suffered terrible mental torture prior to deciding to throw himself under a train. Hopefully even for a little bit, it hurt like hell.

    Suradit69 replied:

  2. "Yes he is dead, but his case was still being heard, funny in Thailand you can have a cold in Singapore and charges against you get dropped."

    What charges have been dropped?

    Odd that whenever some really unpleasant story about from foreigner appears, someone always rushes to throw in some gratuitous, imaginary dig at Thailand. The story is about some creep from UK working for British Airways who was molesting children in Africa. Nothing to do with any Thai going to Singapore and certainly no reality in the comment about charges being dropped.


With respect, it is true that in the case of Worayuth Yoovidhya charges have been dropped both for speeding and for drink driving...because the accused failed to appear on five occasions and for the final time because he said he was in Singapore and had fallen ill.

Edited by KhunOr
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Crimes such as this make you wonder why human beings think so highly of themselves.

Actually what he was doing is part of human nature, most people suppress that kind of behavior but obviously he could not.

Why don,t you accept human nature? and yes the human race is the most amazing, creative, clever, cunning, deceitful, loving, greedy, brilliant and most complicated creature in our solar system. xthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ic.ysn6H7pBDU.we alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

I could add a bunch of other superlatives. Humans are the only species which mentally and physically torture their own, the list goes on.......

How is it the airline's fault???

Airline management must have heard something about this pervert over the years. If so, it was harboring and possibly abetting a criminal.

If he was real pilot why did he need a bogus captains uniform?

Hi would wear a captain's uniform. He was not a captain. That's something else the airline should have been aware of. I'd assume there are disciplinary procedures for impersonating an officer of higher rank, but that's the least of his crimes.

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