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Best Iphone App (Free) to communicate to Thai from English

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Hoping you seasoned Expats have a favorite program you can suggest. I was hoping to use it when I was out and about without my wife to assist me.

One that speaks what you are trying to convey would be most helpful. Example if I walked into a hardware store and need help locating the steel wool, I would want that app to either write it or speak it for me to assist me in my journey, as I have the next three months here to mingle as I go about my day.


Talking Thai is by far the best I have seen. English-thai, thai-English in Thai script and even let's you type Thai sound in English alphabet to identify the word. It also pronounces words for you

Don't recall if it is free but certainly not expensive


I use “Jibbigo Translator” with the Thai-English off-line language option ($4.99). The on-line translator is free, but you need to have access to the internet to use it. I am finding the Thai-English option very useful when I type in the English I want translated. It takes a little while to get comfortable using it, but typing in what you want translated avoids problems with background noise interfering with speech recognition. The speech recognition is pretty good if people are careful with background noise, but still not always 100% in my experience. It works with iPhone 3GS and newer, iPod Touch 3rd through 5th generation and iPads. It shows you in text what it “thinks” you said. I have a pocket-sized “Robertson’s Practical English-Thai Dictionary” for back-up. The Paiboon Publishing hard-copy dictionaries are very good, and I think the “Talking Thai” app mentioned before may be from them. I hope you find something that you find useful.


Talking Thai is by far the best I have seen. English-thai, thai-English in Thai script and even let's you type Thai sound in English alphabet to identify the word. It also pronounces words for you

Don't recall if it is free but certainly not expensive

It is $24.99 USD


I just installed Jibbigo Translator on my iPhone 4. It works great! I bought the $4.99 off line package. For $9.99 you can get a "Asia" package.

You just speak into the the phone and two or three seconds later the translation is ready. Also creates text. You can playback as many times as you want. It remembers your translations to playback at any time.

Here are some of my test translations:

"How long until the train falls off of the track?"

"Are all of your friends going to attack me at once, or is it just going to be you?"

"How old is the rice?"

And yes this would work in Soi Cowboy... all inquiries tested. w00t.gif


I use the free 'Translate' app from Google. You can type or speak your sentence in any major language. But you need quite surroundings. The output is in thai script and if you press the speak-button it will speak the thai sentence for you. 'Translate' needs Internet connection. Unfortunately no Thai speech to English.

'Talking Thai' translates only single words, but doesn't need internet connection. What I like in 'Talking Thai' - you can type a thai word you heard from someone (in english letters) and you may get the translation.

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