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Thai talk: Forum that nobody has HEARD OF


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Forum that nobody has HEARD OF

Suthichai Yoon

BANGKOK: -- It must have come as a surprise to many. A Cabinet press release last week said the government had acknowledged an official report to the effect that a cross-country campaign of public hearings on national reconciliation at 108 forums had been completed.

Has anyone heard anything about these supposed "public forums" that were supposed to have been held around the country between June 10 and July 28?

These sessions, funded by tax-|payers' money, were also supposed |to have been organised by "representatives of faculty members from various universities". We have yet to be told who these academics were and how they were selected in the first place.

What is more puzzling is that, according to the official report, this campaign had drawn 101,683 people to the forums. Another 58,183 people were said to have responded to questionnaires.

In case you haven't heard about this particular project - like most of us - let me cite the statement given out by deputy government spokesperson, Lieutenant Sunisa Lerdpakawat, who said the campaign was officially titled "108 Forums of Conversations to Find a Way Out for Thailand".

No, these forums weren't held in secret. In fact, the sessions were gatherings of people from all walks of life to exchange ideas on how the country can overcome the current political stalemate. But if you have never met anyone who took part in the debates, you are in the majority.

To prove that the discussions actually took place, the report cited the findings of the project. The six-week exercise identified ten major obstacles that have been stopping Thai society from moving forward:

1. Different understandings about democracy

2. Doubt over the rule of law

3. The so-called "judicial reform" has interfered with independent agencies

4. Military coups and the military establishment's role in conflict management

5. Economic and social gaps

6. Media bias

7. Reference to the monarchy for political interests

8. Lack of knowledge to resolve conflicts through peaceful means

9. High stakes in political conflicts and related interests

10. Corruption

You could be excused for casting suspicion on the timing of the report's release. At the national level, the government-sponsored Reform Commission, now being coordinated by coalition partner Banharn Silapa-archa, is due to hold its second meeting soon.

You should therefore not be taken aback if the "findings" from these forums are suddenly submitted to the commission. But whether they will be accepted in full remains a big question.

Even Banharn has admitted that the process will take time, and that so far the job can be considered only 10 per cent done. "The prime minister has said that, even if we can accomplish 1 per cent of the tasks, she would be satisfied. As I see it, 10 per cent is better than 1 per cent," Banharn told reporters. If he didn't sound very optimistic, it was only because not even the veteran politician really knows what's in store in the next meeting on the subject.

The much-trumpeted first meeting at Government House offered no concrete ideas on how reconciliation efforts can proceed, except that more meetings should be held. It's not clear what Banharn is supposed to do, except that he will visit leading personalities from various circles "to listen to their opinions".

Prime Minister Yingluck has said she won't offer any suggestions on how reconciliation can be achieved - the official reason being that the government doesn't want to influence the outcome of the discussions. But without the premier taking the first step toward reconciliation, the whole exercise will just be another political event - a stunt, no more, no less.

And taxpayers have yet to be briefed on what really went on in those 108 forums around the country.

-- The Nation 2013-09-05

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The only way out for Thailand is to revert back to farming. never mind about all the proposed hubs, Thailand has the right climate, soil, people, and the potential to become the food bowel of the world, people can go without many commodities, but there is one thing that people can not do without and thats food, the world must eat, the money is in food, not in manufacturing goods,

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To prove that the discussions actually took place, the report cited the findings of the project.

Ah, so fake forums and fake reports all written to support the Govt. . . . and to prove it's not fake, the "report" that was filed is the evidence that the forums actually took place. Right. Keep at it guys, you're doing a wonderful job of pulling the wool over people's eyes and stealing LOTS of money for things that don't exist.

Edited by Tatsujin
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The only way out for Thailand is to revert back to farming. never mind about all the proposed hubs, Thailand has the right climate, soil, people, and the potential to become the food bowel of the world, people can go without many commodities, but there is one thing that people can not do without and thats food, the world must eat, the money is in food, not in manufacturing goods,

Don't know that they'd be happy being a food "bowel" though . . . bah.gif .

he eats at the same place i did yesterday.hit-the-fan.gifcrying.gifviolin.gif

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Oh what a surprise ! This is manipulation worthy of countries like China, Nth Korea and the like and no doubt when the full report is issued there will be overwhelming support and approval for what the government is doing.

They really are in a world of their own

And lead by Banharn, a dinosaur living in the past, with zero understanding of what democracy means, banned for 5 years from politics for vote shenanigans.

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The only way out for Thailand is to revert back to farming. never mind about all the proposed hubs, Thailand has the right climate, soil, people, and the potential to become the food bowel of the world, people can go without many commodities, but there is one thing that people can not do without and thats food, the world must eat, the money is in food, not in manufacturing goods,

Don't know that they'd be happy being a food "bowel" though . . . bah.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif> .

he eats at the same place i did yesterday.hit-the-fan.gif alt=hit-the-fan.gif> crying.gif alt=crying.gif> violin.gif alt=violin.gif>

You think there's any chance of convincing the young who are now addicted to ipads and smartphones (most bought on monthly repayment plans), to revert to farming?

(But let's be honest, the same comment could be made of most countries.)

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Oh what a surprise ! This is manipulation worthy of countries like China, Nth Korea and the like and no doubt when the full report is issued there will be overwhelming support and approval for what the government is doing.

They really are in a world of their own

Yes, but their world is very profitable, safe and nice for them. No chance of anyone disturbing it.

It really is amazing that they have the gall to get away with something like this.

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The only way out for Thailand is to revert back to farming. never mind about all the proposed hubs, Thailand has the right climate, soil, people, and the potential to become the food bowel of the world, people can go without many commodities, but there is one thing that people can not do without and thats food, the world must eat, the money is in food, not in manufacturing goods,

'Food bowel...' - very funny 555

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The only way out for Thailand is to revert back to farming. never mind about all the proposed hubs, Thailand has the right climate, soil, people, and the potential to become the food bowel of the world, people can go without many commodities, but there is one thing that people can not do without and thats food, the world must eat, the money is in food, not in manufacturing goods,


Sarcasm or food bowl typo?

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