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Naked American assaults Bar cashier inside South Pattaya convenience store


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Glad he is not russian , otherwise the Russian bashing would continue here ..... I think there are crazy people everywhere in the world ... depend less of their nationalities.

so instead some bash the thai girl for offering to help the guy and got punched in the mouth for her effort....maybe someday some of the bashers might need some help and will wish that a thai girl was around to at least offer her help.

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Glad he is not russian , otherwise the Russian bashing would continue here ..... I think there are crazy people everywhere in the world ... depend less of their nationalities.

Yes, and for some reason America bashing is only on the agenda when the topic is football or fast food. wink.png

You means soccer; football to them is where they play catch with a rugby ball

No that is rugby, football is totally different to soccer, rugby and gridiron.

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Statement and question. I am moving to Chiang Mai in January. Been to Thailand several times and at length; never to Pattaya before, but pretty much everywhere else. I never seen many Blacks in Thailand. I'm American. I can honestly count maybe a dozen total over the course of two years total I have spent there, minus the airport terminals. In cities, especially up north, I just don't see them. Reason why?

You can't say that "B" word, it is racist and insensitive. Those people of a darker complexion is more politically correct.

Anyway there are a few in Chiangmai and have a guy who is of a darker complextion to me in my village, hell of a nice guy.

its not racist to say hes black...could say african american..when infact hes just american..they dont say west indian british..just british..its called inegrating..instead of defining and seperating...just my thoughts..coffee1.gif

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There is definitely something not quite right about this story. People getting pi***d and assaulting other people in Pattaya are always 'Brits'. I know this for a fact because i see this repeated endlessly on a daily basis on this forum by the all knowing 'experts'!

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2 options:

He was drugged = not his fault

He bought Yabba or some other shit= go to jail, pay compensation, deported after jail time.

I hope for him that he was drugged, a urine/blood test will give the answer.

If a person is under the influence of drugs, he or she has in 99,99 % of the cases taken the drugs by free will and thus is as responsible as anybody else. If he is one of the 0,01 % that has been drugged by someone else he is excused.....

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Statement and question. I am moving to Chiang Mai in January. Been to Thailand several times and at length; never to Pattaya before, but pretty much everywhere else. I never seen many Blacks in Thailand. I'm American. I can honestly count maybe a dozen total over the course of two years total I have spent there, minus the airport terminals. In cities, especially up north, I just don't see them. Reason why?

Well, I take rather long walks for exercise and I can tell ya that I see a few everyday in Pattaya. Most of them look like long term expat older nice guys but they could well be tourists as well. They are about you just got to get out more if you want to meet them. Oh by the way, same goes for Angeles City in the Philippines.

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Whatever the reason, Wild Horses could not drag me to ''Pattaya'', it would have to be the last place in the world i would llve..

Been once, and it was enough, could not wait to leave the place, i could go on and on, but i think the picture is clear enough eh..

Definetly not for me... thats for sure..

Says this "Jock".........and Glasgow is "High End" I suppose?

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Maybe I need to get out more, but I never seem to hear about stuff like this taking place in Isaan.

That's correctly worded.

(You never hear about it.)

Actually, I have to agree with Docno.....have lived here going on 5 years now and have never heard of a naked falang being arrested inside a 7/11 or on the streets in Nong Khai.

We get drug addicts, molesters, drunks, seedy expats, quiet expats same as other places but I have never seen the sort of "mentally abused" type of people as in places like Pattaya. Truly the fringe of society. Which is fine, they have to end up somewhere.

Have to say the worst place I have ever lived for deranged people was Las Vegas. It makes Pattaya look like Sesame Street.

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The police reckon he was spiked. So that would make it two assaults, one against him and one against the cashier. If he was spiked I hope the police catch the scum that did it. It's one of the lowest things you can do to someone.

If the police genuinely believe he was spiked, he should be in a hospital bed, not a cell.

Ofcourse there is no way He could take drugs himself!

Poor american, bad pattaya !

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Statement and question. I am moving to Chiang Mai in January. Been to Thailand several times and at length; never to Pattaya before, but pretty much everywhere else. I never seen many Blacks in Thailand. I'm American. I can honestly count maybe a dozen total over the course of two years total I have spent there, minus the airport terminals. In cities, especially up north, I just don't see them. Reason why?

They all in jail! They usually take drugs and beat up locals, that's why
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Unfortunately, few hospitals will accept patients who not only have no money and no declared name but no clothes or rational mind. Police can only hold him for his own and others safety and Embassy would be informed for whatever action they might take. In some cases the rescue or emergency foundations would be called in but the potential criminal case would mitigate against releasing him automatically from detention. Their are no facilities here that mirror the free under-guard hospitalisation found in some countries.

We do not know yet what the man's problems were. As for the lady who found herself in that situation after offering help, it never ceases to amaze me that many on this forum cannot accept that genuine concern and compassion exists with any Thais of any occupation. You really must get out more and in more varied interaction with more typical Thais.

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"was punched in the mouth causing her to lose a front tooth."

At least he better pay for the tooth implant at a good clinic "that will cost him at least 80Gs" and compensate her .... I would say 2M Baht minimum for the suffering, or/and go to Thai jail for a very long time.

Edited by newermonkey
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Oh, so now we get the excuses. Sorry, these clowns need to be tossed in jail for a while then deported at their own cost.

We don't need them or their kind in Thailand. Some of these idiots seem to think they can do as they please in Thailand. They'd probably never try the same stunts at home so why let them get away with it here?

They are the scum of the earth and the sooner we are rid of them, the better!

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2 options:

He was drugged = not his fault

He bought Yabba or some other shit= go to jail, pay compensation, deported after jail time.

I hope for him that he was drugged, a urine/blood test will give the answer.

How can a test show someone took someting intentionally or not?

Anyway my drink has been spiked before but I didn't walk around naked or showing my "snake", just fell asleep and lost my car for 3 days.

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It is feasible that his drinks were spiked or he voluntarily took drugs. People don't normally act this way. At least the Russian guy wasn't completely naked.

I am having a really hard time believing the only way hard drugs are administered in Pattaya is in a hotel room and some one else does it to you. With or without your knowledge. I think there is a heck of a lot of drugs voluntarily self administered in hotel rooms in Pattaya.

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Russian showing his privates to a 7/11 cashier, a naked, spiked(?) American punching a tooth out of some poor girl. Sounds like another interesting evening in Pattaya.

Maybe they came from the same bar and both was drugged, I never heard of this kind of behavior before, must be some new drug who make you want to undress and show your private parts w00t.gif

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Whatever the reason, Wild Horses could not drag me to ''Pattaya'', it would have to be the last place in the world i would llve..

Been once, and it was enough, could not wait to leave the place, i could go on and on, but i think the picture is clear enough eh..

Definetly not for me... thats for sure..

not missing you already.coffee1.gif

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