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Abhisit unapologetic for 'stupid bitch' remark


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Thailand has done precious little to protect and elevate the status or women in Thai society. Just read the want ads for 'traditional' female jobs. Most of them read 'female, college degree, age 24-29'. Is a woman over the age of 29 unsuitable for the job market in Thailland? And what about laws to protect women whose husbands have left or abandoned them? Ever hear of the notion or concept of 'child support' or 'alimony' in Thailand? Maybe that is one reason why 'sin sot' lives on. It is a form of social welfare because of irresponsible Thai males. Ironically, if one were to look at the presence of women in the workforce, I would think that the percentage in the positions below the 'executive' level is very high. But there is no 'job security' in Thailand and very few jobs that have a 'career ladder'. If you have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of female workers, you will find that they are working for 'subcontractors' on contracts that have to be renewed every six months or on an annual basis. No wonder so many women would prefer to open their own shop or noodle stand. At least they have some control over their career.

In fact thailand has one of the highest rates of women in managerial roles in the world, well above places like australia, usa and uk.


Try googling thai women in management. Loads of stuff

Since you cannot provide a link, it seems your statement is based on loads of 'stuff', too. Maybe you have been oogleing too many Thai women!

Edited by pookiki
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I don't know who translated his remark but 'bitch' if a female dog that has borne puppies. I asked my Thai friends and they are not aware of Thai women being called 'bitches' as some rap musicians refer to women in the US. Isn't there a better English translation? When I inserted the Thai language quote from the OP into Google Translate, it came out as 'Stupid'. Still, it shows his frustration and impotence.

The actual translation is much more derogatory... involving a woman's private parts... Yes, perhaps Geordie land...

"[อีโง่]" The E suffix/tone is insulting and according to the misses "not what a gentleman would say."
Clearly Abhisit couldn't care less and won't apologize.
It's an indication of his arrogance but the Dem MPs unanimously reappointed him their leader after their election defeat.
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I don't know who translated his remark but 'bitch' if a female dog that has borne puppies. I asked my Thai friends and they are not aware of Thai women being called 'bitches' as some rap musicians refer to women in the US. Isn't there a better English translation? When I inserted the Thai language quote from the OP into Google Translate, it came out as 'Stupid'. Still, it shows his frustration and impotence.

The actual translation is much more derogatory... involving a woman's private parts... Yes, perhaps Geordie land...

I'll repeat myself as what Abhisit actually said in thai cannot be published on TV so my other post will probably like others hit the cutting room floor as of its offensiveness.
The E suffix/tone is insulting and according to the misses "not wwhat a gentleman would say."
Clearly Abhisit couldn't care less and won't apologize.
It's an indication of his arrogance but the Dem MPs unanimously reappointed him their leader after their election defeat.
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don't split hairs and get in the sematics of the word. he said something that he should not have said being a former PM of a country. he should set an example for the masses which he just did that it is ok to talk down to women and be insulting to them. what a poor example of a leader, Absolutely Pathetic. should not be allowed to lead a boy scout troop let alone a country.

Here's a link to what he actually said:


The respondents take a pretty dim view too.

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"Do you know why they have to do this project?" Mr. Abhisit said mockingly, "Do you know why they are holding a contest for smart ladies? Because if the contest is about finding a stupid bitch [อีโง่], no one would have been able to compete with her".

The thing is that apparently that ending is not what he said.

According to the other paper, he was not referring specifically to her and didn't say "no one would have been able to compete with her".

What he said was mocking the notion of the Smart Lady show and its inane premise. That if they had a show for stupid women, no woman would want to compete in it, eg. no woman would want to be identified as stupid.

He's not apologizing to her because his comments were not directed at her specifically.

Edited by johnnie20110
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I don't know who translated his remark but 'bitch' if a female dog that has borne puppies. I asked my Thai friends and they are not aware of Thai women being called 'bitches' as some rap musicians refer to women in the US. Isn't there a better English translation? When I inserted the Thai language quote from the OP into Google Translate, it came out as 'Stupid'. Still, it shows his frustration and impotence.

The actual translation is much more derogatory... involving a woman's private parts... Yes, perhaps Geordie land...

I'll repeat myself as what Abhisit actually said in thai cannot be published on TV so my other post will probably like others hit the cutting room floor as of its offensiveness.
The E suffix/tone is insulting and according to the misses "not wwhat a gentleman would say."
Clearly Abhisit couldn't care less and won't apologize.
It's an indication of his arrogance but the Dem MPs unanimously reappointed him their leader after their election defeat.

Indeed.... he is more than just a Richard Cranium.....

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While we are on the subject of Yingluck and stupid, it is an opportune time to consider that she has a masters degree from a US university, done 100% in English language, which she attained without even a rudimentary knowledge of the English language. Surprising that the opposition do not make more of this peculiar feat, particularly seeing as Abhisit is going through the courts for having a wrong date on some national service paperwork from 25 years ago. Surely having a bought degree is reason enough to strip her of MP/PM/DM status, or did she forget her fluent English after earning a degree?

Pathetic attempt at character assassination. Perhaps if you had experience in graduate school you would be able to understand the situation. I attended 2 graduate schools. The classes were filled with Asians who were unintelligible in English. Yet, most if not all graduated.

The allegations regarding Mr. Abhistis failure to perform his required mandatory military service are not comparable to the PM's alleged imperfections in the English language.

One involves a dereliction of duty and the other involves your perception that the quality of diction does not met your standard.

I'd like to see you attend a Thai university graduate level school course and then have a discussion about what was reviewed in class.

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Try googling thai women in management. Loads of stuff

Since you cannot provide a link, it seems your statement is based on loads of 'stuff', too. Maybe you have been oogleing too many Thai women!


Across the world, Thailand boasts the greatest percentage of women in senior management (45%)

Not too sure why you are being obnoxious about it.

There are a myriad of sources, and plenty of stuff on the subject.

As for 'oogling', and a fair bit more, guilty as charged, but not enough as yet!!

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Mr. Abhisit is walking on thin ice when he resorts to insulting the PM. It is a political blunder because the comment will accomplish the following;

1. Reinforce the public impression that the Democrats are desperate.

2. Encourage sympathy for the PM, especially from women, a demographic the Democrats do not do well with. Many professional families have daughters who are taking over the family business. The PM has made strong inroads with this segment of the Thai business class.

3. Encourage comments to bubble up in respect to Mr, Abhisit's lack of masculinity, including his entourage of "purples". The comment comes off as "catty".

4. Cause an unnecessary distraction from the issues at stake, and we will now be treated to a sideshow arising from Mr. Abhisit's inability to conduct himself in a civil manner.

5. He will be reminded of the fact that despite all of his advantages, he was still beaten by the "airhead" woman.

In polite Thai society, one does not make such comments in public. He comes off as low class and a sore loser.

The clock is ticking on the man who was unable to win the office of PM by way of a general election victory. He's a lame duck leader now.

Abhisit is just saying but many are thinking. He is angry that this country is being destroyed by this useless lady. He will be liked for that. The one walking on thin ice is the unqualified hypocrite PM who is running away from her responsibilities again. Thailand is in a really bad shape with loads of problems and the PM ran away from them (again).

Many of the no marks on this forum are thinking. Who is exactly thinking that this lady is a stupid bitch. Please expand

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"Do you know why they have to do this project?" Mr. Abhisit said mockingly, "Do you know why they are holding a contest for smart ladies? Because if the contest is about finding a stupid bitch [อีโง่], no one would have been able to compete with her".

The thing is that apparently that ending is not what he said.

According to the other paper, he was not referring specifically to her and didn't say "no one would have been able to compete with her".

What he said was mocking the notion of the Smart Lady show and its inane premise. That if they had a show for stupid women, no woman would want to compete in it, eg. no woman would want to be identified as stupid.

He's not apologizing to her because his comments were not directed at her specifically.

I've given you a 'like' simply for the apparent size of your cojones in trying to control the damage Abhisit has done to his image on this web board and beyond. Instead of growing up and acknowledging this as a mistake, you and Nickymaster have become engaged in an embarrassing exercise in damage limitation which does nothing to the casual observer but project a hopelessly blind bias towards Abhisit which in turn reduces the credibility of other perhaps more salient points you may make in future.

The 'other paper' - as you claim - may make whatever pronouncements it likes about the grammar used, but you simply cannot fool those of us who not only have sufficient contact with Thai people as to ascertain the exact tone and meaning of his words, but can also through our own proficiency in Thai understand that what he said was a personal attack on Yingluck. My advice is give this one up before you embarrass yourself and us any further, and stick to going on about the rice scam or something where your disengenious tactics can have freer reign and you may even hit the mark now and then.

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I think if I had to choose between a UK educated ex Etonian and the sister of a convicted criminal who see's Thailand as a family business and honeypot I'd choose the obvious.

Abhisit's problem is he is too nice and plays by the rules.

I agree with his appraisal.

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Does anyone really think that Thai women, in general, took his comments as if they were directed to them? There would be a lot of booing or crickets chirping if that was the case, instead, there were a lot of cheering and clapping. People knew who he meant and they agree with him. The only people trying to put a spin on this are the PTP women and their supporters.

It has always been a political game and this is just another bullet that is being ricochet to the public. But let's not condemn other MPs who have said worse and have successfully found themselves in positions of power.

Both parties have slandered each other by calling names such as 'Frog', 'Ja Ten', 'Dog' etc and noone made a big deal out of it. There have been numerous times where (Ai) has been placed in front of MPs name, including Abhisit. But wait, the PM all of a sudden is immune to this? And then it gets fanned to women in general? , (E) is just new because she's the only female PM who's now in the Thai political name calling hame.

The DP party should just call it quits and let Thailand get plundered. Let them show that the people need the DP because there is no other capable opposition. Only then would Thailand wake up and rally behind the DP.

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"Do you know why they have to do this project?" Mr. Abhisit said mockingly, "Do you know why they are holding a contest for smart ladies? Because if the contest is about finding a stupid bitch [อีโง่], no one would have been able to compete with her".

The thing is that apparently that ending is not what he said.

According to the other paper, he was not referring specifically to her and didn't say "no one would have been able to compete with her".

What he said was mocking the notion of the Smart Lady show and its inane premise. That if they had a show for stupid women, no woman would want to compete in it, eg. no woman would want to be identified as stupid.

He's not apologizing to her because his comments were not directed at her specifically.

I've given you a 'like'


Thank you. It's enlightening to get input from a variety of news sources to get a more complete picture of what happens.

Don't just rely on khaosod and the nation.

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please continue:

Khaosod English Clarifies Usage Of "Stupid Bitch"
By Khaosod Online

Anti-government critics have regularly portrayed PM Yingluck Shinawatra as stupid or brainless.

BANGKOK: -- In an article published yesterday, we translated former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva′s now-controversial remark about Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra as "stupid bitch". The original term in Thai was "อีโง่".

Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/667011-khaosod-english-clarifies-usage-of-stupid-bitch/



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