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Khaosod English clarifies usage of "stupid bitch"


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Thanks for making the effort to clarify the situation. Such language by the leader of the opposition is both uncalled for and an indication that he should not return to the office of prime minister. A leader should have a measure of integrity and self-control. Use of abusive language in such a situation demonstrates that he has neither.

But it's OK for the position of deputy PM (e.g. Chalerm)?

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Please correct me if I'm wrong but abhisit didn't actually mention her name in the sentence where this word was mentioned,, from where I see it everyone is putting 2 + 2 together and getting 5 ,,, possibly the lady isn't doing herself any favours and thus guiding everyone to come up with 4,,,, does that make sense?

No, it doesn't make much sense I'm afraid.

Abhisit's abusive language is not that new and for some time he has been using gutter language to street protests etc and an altogether different tone in other quarters (conforming to the brand image of officer and gentleman).Unfortunately for him in the age of social media these two personas cannot really be kept apart.

Actually it seems rather a foolish strategy as a man of his intelligence and eloquence could be quite devastating without descending to crude insults, particularly in the Thai culture where wit and repartee in politics are held in high regard.He doesn't need to have a split personality, though I suppose this reflects the muddle at the top of the Democrat Party.

He was criticised for speaking too formally for the average Thai to connect much with him, and his politeness was perceived as weakness. Now that he has lowered himself to become more uncouth, more ordinary Thais may be able to understand and relate to him.

It might be a little like an upper-class guy dressing down and speaking more roughly in order to fit in better when he visits a working-class bar.

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...describing the current PM with that term is extremely impolite...

But did Abhisit do that? Another member posted this:

What he actually said (with video and English translation in today's BP) was ' ... no one (woman) would enter a contest called Stupid Woman'.


and indicates that it was meant as a reference to Yingluck's idea of calling for a contest called Smart Lady.

Some more context would be helpful. What did Abhisit say before "no one would enter..."?

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Aren't these Khasoad guys pro Reds/PT and against Abhisit/Dems in general? Might that have affected the way they have translated Abhisit's words?

Yes, that's about right, and I get the impression from the editorial style that the faring who is behind this (and it comes across definitely as a faring) isn't very professional as a reporter or journalist.

Any way, whichever way you want to say it, 'bitch' is about the right vocabulary for politics in this error, I've heard a lot worse from red politicians. I'd certainly use such a word to describe someone who is pretending to be democratic but is as tricky as her brother when it comes to being sincere and truthful.

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Thanks for making the effort to clarify the situation. Such language by the leader of the opposition is both uncalled for and an indication that he should not return to the office of prime minister. A leader should have a measure of integrity and self-control. Use of abusive language in such a situation demonstrates that he has neither.

He plans to get back to that office but not through any general election.

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

I see my hook has caught a fish. Red snapper?

All the above rant says is that the Dems are stooping to red shirt methods to get rid of a hugely corrupt government. Anything that has happened recently pales into insignificance compared to what they had to contend with in 2009/10.

But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

You have chosen to do what you do and your attempt to belittle others who have a different opinion but a desire to see what is best for this country is just arrogant. It's a pity that you use your knowledge destructively instead of constructively.

Some of us have family and /or business interests who do not wish to see the country descend into chaos once again.

Despite the "claimed" huge coffers being amassed to influence matters elections will still again have to follow.

SO then it will be back to Square One.

Then hardly anybody will be voting with the Dems.

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"Bitch" doesn't carry the same weight in different varieties of English. Various calls to get rid of Mrs Thatcher had the slogan "ditch the bitch", and while not complimentary, it contained little meaning beyond being an expression of disapprobation of her personality. On the other hand, "bitch" seems to be heavily penalised on Club Penguin.

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Rather amusing seeing the reactionaries frothing and getting their panties in a right old knot over Abhisit's comments. What you are witnessing is the birth of a phenomenal statesman, a man who having lived through years of character assassination and multiple attempts on his life, as well as being hounded by the PTP's justice lapdogs has finally hardened up and firmly grasped the mettle.

This idea isn't a particularly novel one, but Abhisit is playing it with masterful timing. So the suggested insult was spread far and wide on all media outlets. He will let outrage grow, discussion continue and just when it all reaches a dizzying crescendo he will pull the rabbit out from the hat, and issue a heartfelt and sincere apology. Abhisit will come out of this looking like a hero, and she will come out of it looking like a ....

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

I see my hook has caught a fish. Red snapper?

All the above rant says is that the Dems are stooping to red shirt methods to get rid of a hugely corrupt government. Anything that has happened recently pales into insignificance compared to what they had to contend with in 2009/10.

But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

You have chosen to do what you do and your attempt to belittle others who have a different opinion but a desire to see what is best for this country is just arrogant. It's a pity that you use your knowledge destructively instead of constructively.

Oh, my...

So, you have a desire to see what is best for this country? Even if your desire may override election results, the constitution and parliamentary procedures?

Thais have already decided what they think is best for their country: they have voted for the government they feel represents them best. This same party has won every single general election since 2001, regardless of a military coup, regardless of a judicial coup (no, the history of the present conflict did not begin with the 2009 protests, but with the protests in 2005/2006 making the way to the 2006 military coup. Then there was the government house occupation and the airport occupation...

It is quite cheeky to accuse me of arrogance, while you at the same time have the arrogance to belittle all those Thais who have decided which government should run their country. It the end it is up to Thais which party they want to see running their government, my only desire is that whatever party they chose comes in orderly via general elections.

You may now go on about lack of checks and balances, where you may have a point. The only problem here is that the coup government and the DP party government have interfered at least as much with a supposedly independent body of checks and balances as TRT/PPP/PT has done.

The DP is not "stooping down to Red Shirt methods", as the emergence of the Red Shirts was in reaction to Yellow Shirt/DP methods in first place. The DP is continuing to refuse to accept election results, and to avoid reforming their own party into a modern alternative at the elections booths, which is signified by their aggressive and rude stage rhetoric. While in 2006 and 2006 the DP could ride the tails of the PAD, and hide behind the PAD, it can't play the same game anymore now. Hence - we see the DP trying to directly form a street movement.

And sorry, your accusations of my having an " agenda" are getting hollow. Just two weeks ago you accused me of having made up the incident of vocational school students having attacked Red Shirts. But you were very quite when a day or two after there was then a news report confirming that incident. I can only say what i always say - prove where i have falsified facts, were i have omitted important facts, don't just throw around with libelous and insulting accusations just because my reporting goes against your "opinion".

I wonder who of us really has an agenda here...?

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Funny thing that has been mentioned before.

Abhisit did not call Yingluck a stupid bitch.

Yet certain elements have decided he did.

He did not. They are the facts.

Everything else is supposition and angst by Yingluck supporters.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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So are they Pro red, neutral or Pro yellow?

Does it really matter? What matters most is that they are factual in their reporting.

I often wonder about this obsession with so called "neutrality". If too much effort is made to appear "neutral" often facts can easily fall under the table, when uncomfortable facts make one appear not neutral. I would put more importance on objective reporting - which means that facts have to be corroborated.

It's all in the eye of the beholder - for a Democrat Party follower Khao Sod may appear "Red".

I prefer to pick and chose from all sources regardless of perceived color affiliation, and look at how factual the reporting is. Khao Sod, while definitely more friendly towards "Red", is very well within the frame of ethical reporting when it comes to facts, and corroboration of facts.

In all developed countries different high quality papers have different editorial positions, some may be more conservative, some more left leaning. Readers will be given a wider choice of educating themselves. What is important is that these papers stay within the frame work of ethical reporting - which means that certain basics have to be observed, such as corroboration of facts, protection of sources, etc.

I have done some research. Asked almost every Thai person I met the last 24 hours. Khaosod is definitely pro red (to say the least) But you, sort of, also explained that too.

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There you go! I now have documentary proof, as opposed to anecdotal, that my new learned phrase is correct.

I will print it and keep it and one day, if that day ever comes, wife and I have a big argument, I will firstly show her the written proof, then say it and RUN FOR THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.png

So your the minor-husband from the PM??

We were all guessing who it could be, but now we got you........cheesy.gif

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

I see my hook has caught a fish. Red snapper?

All the above rant says is that the Dems are stooping to red shirt methods to get rid of a hugely corrupt government. Anything that has happened recently pales into insignificance compared to what they had to contend with in 2009/10.

But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

You have chosen to do what you do and your attempt to belittle others who have a different opinion but a desire to see what is best for this country is just arrogant. It's a pity that you use your knowledge destructively instead of constructively.

I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

Correct. Nick has met the notorious Men In Black, forgot to take pictures (or lost them) and didn't report them to the authorities. He even said that they were a bunch of friendly people.

He has never criticized Yingluck. Last time I asked him what he thought about Yingluck he answered: "Not up to me (or who am I) to judge her".

This country is in such a big mess. I believe Nick can see that too. It is completely mismanagement because everything is done for Thaksin and to make their friends and families rich. Nothing for the people. And Nick never criticizes this PT/Thaksin/Red shirt group.

By now it is clear what his favorite group is I guess.

Edited by Nickymaster
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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.


If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.


It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

  Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).



Why wouldn't the Democrat Mp's support their electorate.

That is after all their job as opposition Mp's.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south

Is that bad? If they wouldn't do that you would probably say: "The Dems don't even care about the rubber farmers in the south"

I asked you a few times why the government backtracked (within a week or so) from reducing the rice pledging price from THB 15,000 to 12,000. You still didn't answer that one. Maybe now you can?

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I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

Correct. Nick has met the notorious Men In Black, forgot to take pictures (or lost them) and didn't report them to the authorities. He even said that they were a bunch of friendly people.

He has never criticized Yingluck. Last time I asked him what he thought about Yingluck he answered: "Not up to me (or who am I) to judge her".

This country is in such a big mess. I believe Nick can see that too. It is completely mismanagement because everything is done for Thaksin and to make their friends and families rich. Nothing for the people. And Nick never criticizes this PT/Thaksin/Red shirt group.

By now it is clear what his favorite group is I guess.

Lets not get the truth in the way of a good story...

I have neither "forgotten" to take images, nor "lost" them. I found it prudent that when asked, in the middle of the night at the front lines, by an armed man not to take images, to follow his advice and not to take images indeed. There were occasions, when ordered by armed soldiers who just have shot people, not to take images, that i followed their advice as well.

Maybe you would have been the hero who would have taken all these images i decided not to, if you would have been there.

But i am not, i just primarily wanted to survive.

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Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south

Is that bad? If they wouldn't do that you would probably say: "The Dems don't even care about the rubber farmers in the south"

I asked you a few times why the government backtracked (within a week or so) from reducing the rice pledging price from THB 15,000 to 12,000. You still didn't answer that one. Maybe now you can?

I do not pretend to understand much about economic issues. Therefore i will not get too deeply into the merits regarding subsidies for agricultural products, or which and how much should be subsidized. Therefore - i am the wrong person to ask this question. I can't answer this question. I usually only talk about things i understand.

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What is undeniable is the ignorance of the PM regarding geography.

According to the PM

Had Yai is a province.

Singburi is next to the sea.

Sydney is a country.

I guess I'm old fashioned but I do think the PM of a country should be knowledgeable enough not to make the basic errors mentioned above.

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I agree with the above - it's more like 'stupid woman'. Khaosod is trying not only to inflame the situation, but back-pedalling and trying to justify its words. They could do with a decent translator and English speaker on their staff.

On who's staff?

I think "stupid f bitch" is the closest translation.

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What is undeniable is the ignorance of the PM regarding geography.

According to the PM

Had Yai is a province.

Singburi is next to the sea.

Sydney is a country.

I guess I'm old fashioned but I do think the PM of a country should be knowledgeable enough not to make the basic errors mentioned above.

According to one Pres, the US of A has 52 States.

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

I see my hook has caught a fish. Red snapper?

All the above rant says is that the Dems are stooping to red shirt methods to get rid of a hugely corrupt government. Anything that has happened recently pales into insignificance compared to what they had to contend with in 2009/10.

But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

I am not a supposed journalist or photographer and I will not interfere physically with any events that may take place but, like the vast majority of Farangs here, read, watch and view from a distance. No doubt you will be there on your chosen side making sure to obtain 'evidence' of partisan activity which fits into your agenda.

You have chosen to do what you do and your attempt to belittle others who have a different opinion but a desire to see what is best for this country is just arrogant. It's a pity that you use your knowledge destructively instead of constructively.

Oh, my...

So, you have a desire to see what is best for this country? Even if your desire may override election results, the constitution and parliamentary procedures?

Thais have already decided what they think is best for their country: they have voted for the government they feel represents them best. This same party has won every single general election since 2001, regardless of a military coup, regardless of a judicial coup (no, the history of the present conflict did not begin with the 2009 protests, but with the protests in 2005/2006 making the way to the 2006 military coup. Then there was the government house occupation and the airport occupation...

It is quite cheeky to accuse me of arrogance, while you at the same time have the arrogance to belittle all those Thais who have decided which government should run their country. It the end it is up to Thais which party they want to see running their government, my only desire is that whatever party they chose comes in orderly via general elections.

You may now go on about lack of checks and balances, where you may have a point. The only problem here is that the coup government and the DP party government have interfered at least as much with a supposedly independent body of checks and balances as TRT/PPP/PT has done.

The DP is not "stooping down to Red Shirt methods", as the emergence of the Red Shirts was in reaction to Yellow Shirt/DP methods in first place. The DP is continuing to refuse to accept election results, and to avoid reforming their own party into a modern alternative at the elections booths, which is signified by their aggressive and rude stage rhetoric. While in 2006 and 2006 the DP could ride the tails of the PAD, and hide behind the PAD, it can't play the same game anymore now. Hence - we see the DP trying to directly form a street movement.

And sorry, your accusations of my having an " agenda" are getting hollow. Just two weeks ago you accused me of having made up the incident of vocational school students having attacked Red Shirts. But you were very quite when a day or two after there was then a news report confirming that incident. I can only say what i always say - prove where i have falsified facts, were i have omitted important facts, don't just throw around with libelous and insulting accusations just because my reporting goes against your "opinion".

I wonder who of us really has an agenda here...?

Regarding the vocational students apparently the police were attacked down in Ban Saphan by youths who hurled acid,used in the rubber production.

By and by we may hear but seeing as the police claim the military captain protestor from the white masks who was training these youths has been identified as being at the protests by the police.

A warrant is out for his arrest apparently so we shall see.

The DP have definitely come out.

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What is undeniable is the ignorance of the PM regarding geography.

According to the PM

Had Yai is a province.

Singburi is next to the sea.

Sydney is a country.

I guess I'm old fashioned but I do think the PM of a country should be knowledgeable enough not to make the basic errors mentioned above.

According to one Pres, the US of A has 52 States.

You may be able to sneer but to me it shows how the people suffer because of the primary and secondary education that they are offered courtesy of the Thai system.

Ask yourself why that is rather than just sneer.

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south

Is that bad? If they wouldn't do that you would probably say: "The Dems don't even care about the rubber farmers in the south"

I asked you a few times why the government backtracked (within a week or so) from reducing the rice pledging price from THB 15,000 to 12,000. You still didn't answer that one. Maybe now you can?

"While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaud this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen"

And pray tell us in your wisdom,what is the job of the opposition,if not to oust the present government, didn't you know this happens all over the world ?' "You don't have to be in the middle of the resulting chaos" just resign,and find a job more in harmony,with your talents!

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It's pretty clear that the usual PTP/red-shirt supporters are anything from horrified to critical of Abhisit - a SNAFU.

If he said what the biased interpreters & translators are saying - good on him, it really is about time he got down & dirty and started issuing a few home truths about the PTP, especially the controlling family. I could suggest a few far worse phrases that would accurately describe the leader.

It's a real storm in a teacup and a good distraction from getting visas on arrival in Montenegro.

It would indeed just be a storm in a teacup if insults and expletives, filibustering or throwing chairs in parliament, were the only events that we can argue about. Unfortunately though these just go hand in hand with accusations voiced on stages that the Red Shirts and the government were disrespectful to the monarchy (Suthep, Nipit Intarasomboon, etc), comparisons of Thailand's situation with Egypt and that Thais should stand up in the hundred thousands as in Egypt (O-tone Sathit Wongnongtoey).

At the same time the with the Democrat Party openly allied PEFOT (or "People's Army") in Lumpini Park drew in vocational college students known for their violence, last Sunday about 1000 students came in a show to "protect the monarchy". The Sunday before the same students already attacked a Red Shirt caravan. Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south (just watch Blue Sky, and you will understand that this is far beyond a normal political and issue-based support).

While i still have difficulties to believe that the Democrat Party will be successful with their aim of ousting the government this way, it is quite clear though that the Democrat Party is attempting or intending to get rid of the government by any means, and whatever the cost. While i am rather sure that you applaude this, i am quite concerned. But then - different than you, i will be in the middle of the resulting chaos and not just watch it from the safety of sitting behind the screen.

And apart from that, i would wish that the Democrat Party would concentrate on winning elections, as any other way of getting rid of an elected, and therefore internationally supported government would cause enormous social and economical instability. The shortsightedness of this tactic is that even if the DP would succeed in overthrowing this government - sooner or later it will come back to elections, which the DP is simply not ready to win without major internal changes. By insulting their opponents and accusing them of being disrespectful to the monarchy the DP will not be able to away PT supporters into voting for the DP - the history of the past 8 years has quite clearly proven that.

I can only see blind hatred there, as expressed through the DP's increasing rudeness both on their stages and inside parliament.

Also it is quite clear the Democrat Party in strongly supporting the rubber protesters in the south

Is that bad? If they wouldn't do that you would probably say: "The Dems don't even care about the rubber farmers in the south"

I asked you a few times why the government backtracked (within a week or so) from reducing the rice pledging price from THB 15,000 to 12,000. You still didn't answer that one. Maybe now you can?

As I understand it you're back in the UK where owing to our belonging to the EC we have the CAP where farmers are subsidised. Where farmers through subsidies can earn a healthy living because people need to eat. Maybe not to your liking. Maybe you want to do away with the whole lot which if true would then make me view you as an extremist/capitalist anarchist.

Throughout the civilised world farmers are subsidised. Reading that the Vietnamese with their central planning wish to cut back on rice production (and the global glut) it is surely time for farming in Thailand to become more diversified and why should the north and south be regularly visited by both draught and flood.

There is a case for irrigation program's throughout this land, a land the same size as France, same population, equally naturally, rich as in agriculture.

For me the dems merely represent the landed elite particularly down say near Ban Saphan

Do they really care for the poor southern farmers or anyone else there who is poor?

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What is undeniable is the ignorance of the PM regarding geography.

According to the PM

Had Yai is a province.

Singburi is next to the sea.

Sydney is a country.

I guess I'm old fashioned but I do think the PM of a country should be knowledgeable enough not to make the basic errors mentioned above.

According to one Pres, the US of A has 52 States.

You may be able to sneer but to me it shows how the people suffer because of the primary and secondary education that they are offered courtesy of the Thai system.

Ask yourself why that is rather than just sneer.

Please, teach yourself how to recognise the difference between sneering and stating a fact,,,,, you assumed sneer, you have a problem.

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