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Opposition slams Thai govt for waiving diplomatic, official visas with Montenegro


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He said the new diplomatic rule would also allow Thai government officials and politicians to conveniently travel to meet Thailand's ousted prime minister in Montenegro without records of their departures and re-entries.

What a surprise they are only just realizing this, it's all part of the master plan. Can these people not see past the ends of their own noses????

I wonder if the wondrous clone mouth piece empty headed front for the real PM mentioned that part about bringing reconciliation to Thailand when she speaks to the other foreign countries about how wonderful a job she is doing in bringing unity and democracy to Thailand.


Kind of sorry for the one sarcastic misleading adjective. (not really) and the lack of proper ones but I am having senior moments in between bouts of laughter at the cabinet. I wonder if they were on skype when they came to the decision to do that?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifhit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

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He said the new diplomatic rule would also allow Thai government officials and politicians to conveniently travel to meet Thailand's ousted prime minister in Montenegro without records of their departures and re-entries.

What a surprise they are only just realizing this, it's all part of the master plan. Can these people not see past the ends of their own noses????

I wonder if the wondrous clone mouth piece empty headed front for the real PM mentioned that part about bringing reconciliation to Thailand when she speaks to the other foreign countries about how wonderful a job she is doing in bringing unity and democracy to Thailand.


Kind of sorry for the one sarcastic misleading adjective. (not really) and the lack of proper ones but I am having senior moments in between bouts of laughter at the cabinet. I wonder if they were on skype when they came to the decision to do that?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifhit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

This shows that Yingluck and her cronies do not care what anyone thinks about their actions. Surely they don't think the people in this country are so stupid that they can't see through this ruse.

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He said the new diplomatic rule would also allow Thai government officials and politicians to conveniently travel to meet Thailand's ousted prime minister in Montenegro without records of their departures and re-entries.

What a surprise they are only just realizing this, it's all part of the master plan. Can these people not see past the ends of their own noses????

I wonder if the wondrous clone mouth piece empty headed front for the real PM mentioned that part about bringing reconciliation to Thailand when she speaks to the other foreign countries about how wonderful a job she is doing in bringing unity and democracy to Thailand.


Kind of sorry for the one sarcastic misleading adjective. (not really) and the lack of proper ones but I am having senior moments in between bouts of laughter at the cabinet. I wonder if they were on skype when they came to the decision to do that?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifhit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

This shows that Yingluck and her cronies do not care what anyone thinks about their actions. Surely they don't think the people in this country are so stupid that they can't see through this ruse.

I think they do think that now, They have the people by the short and curlies.

That is why they can get away with these ridiculous actions. The big % of people must be dumb or not give a sh#t.

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Bet you none in the building could point to Montenegro on a map. Not one of them.

Neither could I, and I daresay the majority of contributors and readers here couldn't either. smile.png

Later. I have taken the trouble to locate the cesspit.

Edited by Bagwan
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A Thai boy the other day tried to convince me that Manchester City FC was in Montenegro!!!!

When Thaksin took over Man city, the main road crowd used to chant SINATRA-SINATRA, they couldn't pronounce his full name so that became his nick name.

Well his signature tune might well be "I did it My Way'.

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So could Thaksin gain entry to Thailand and avoid arrest under diplomatic immunity as a Montenegrin citizen?

How could he claim diplomatic immunity as a Montenegrin citizen if he is not a Montenegrin diplomat ?

Further dual nationality in this would not prevent him from being arrested, dual nationality des not protect the person from the laws of a specific country, also the crime was committed/tried and sentenced while the gentleman in question was a Thai citizen

Therefore if said gentleman tried to come back on another PP he would be arrested irrespective

I doubt that he would be arrested but being taken into protective custody might be a runner.

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Bet you none in the building could point to Montenegro on a map. Not one of them.

In all honesty neither could I now without Google Maps. In my defense, Geography wasn't one of my strong points at school lol.

Because of the name most would think of Africa.

Really? I would think that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, would think of Latin America. wink.png

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A Thai boy the other day tried to convince me that Manchester City FC was in Montenegro!!!!

When Thaksin took over Man city, the main road crowd used to chant SINATRA-SINATRA, they couldn't pronounce his full name so that became his nick name.

Well his signature tune might well be "I did it My Way'.

Another song could be - Let me try again. the words fit as well in this song.

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UNBELIEVABLE, no sorry believable. Wow 9 million of imports, and TAT will be overjoyed at the high end tourist figures. 211 persons in 2012.

I'm sure that upon her return our PM will proudly state that the trade between Thailand and Montenegro will more than double in five years time rolleyes.gif

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UNBELIEVABLE, no sorry believable. Wow 9 million of imports, and TAT will be overjoyed at the high end tourist figures. 211 persons in 2012.

I'm sure that upon her return our PM will proudly state that the trade between Thailand and Montenegro will more than double in five years time rolleyes.gif

Yeah, when Yingluck goes shopping.

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UNBELIEVABLE, no sorry believable. Wow 9 million of imports, and TAT will be overjoyed at the high end tourist figures. 211 persons in 2012.

I'm sure that upon her return our PM will proudly state that the trade between Thailand and Montenegro will more than double in five years time rolleyes.gif


It will get so high it will almost cover the cost of her trip there. Oh the genius in her is coming out now. I wonder how many tons of rice she will be able to sell to the Vatican? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifwub.png

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Bet you none in the building could point to Montenegro on a map. Not one of them.

In all honesty neither could I now without Google Maps. In my defense, Geography wasn't one of my strong points at school lol.

Because of the name most would think of Africa.

Really? I would think that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, would think of Latin America. wink.png

Was just the negro bit I was referring. Amigo--buenos noches senor.

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He said the new diplomatic rule would also allow Thai government officials and politicians to conveniently travel to meet Thailand's ousted prime minister in Montenegro without records of their departures and re-entries.

What a surprise they are only just realizing this, it's all part of the master plan. Can these people not see past the ends of their own noses????

They're too busy watching their behinds... their asses !

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You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. In Thailand's case it seems it is all of the people all of the time apart from from the Hi so's and the wealthy politicians.

I get the feeling that the government has no real intent in educating the majority as they remain clay in the hands of the potter and are mouldable in ways to suit the minority. Rude awaking when Asean kicks in.

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This 'Family' or 'Clan' are nothing less than the same as any Mafia family in Italy, the US, Mexico or Russia. They are exactly the same and are now using the 'peoples mandate' to swan around the world establishing Government treaties that will serve to feed more greenbacks into the family vaults........in Switzerland. You have to admire their 'neck' in all this and have to despair that the rest of the worlds Governments do not close the door on them.

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So could Thaksin gain entry to Thailand and avoid arrest under diplomatic immunity as a Montenegrin citizen?

How could he claim diplomatic immunity as a Montenegrin citizen if he is not a Montenegrin diplomat ?

Further dual nationality in this would not prevent him from being arrested, dual nationality des not protect the person from the laws of a specific country, also the crime was committed/tried and sentenced while the gentleman in question was a Thai citizen

Therefore if said gentleman tried to come back on another PP he would be arrested irrespective

I doubt that he would be arrested but being taken into protective custody might be a runner.

Far too much logic being applied here...TIT.

Post #36 makes far much more sense...Thainess at its best

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The most interesting fact I know of Montenegro is that it has most favoured nation status with The UK, the EEC and N.A.T.O

Get your teeth into that lads!

The most interesting fact I know of Montenegro is:

The Montenegrin Mafia (Montenegrin language)/[Crnogorska mafija) or Montenegrin Cartel are terms used for the various criminal organizations based in Montenegro or composed of Montenegrins. There are 700 documented organized criminals operating within Montenegro;

Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montenegrin_mafia

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The most interesting fact I know of Montenegro is that it has most favoured nation status with The UK, the EEC and N.A.T.O

Get your teeth into that lads!

Well according to Wikipedia which is not always correct


Montenegro is classified by the World Bank as a middle-income country. Montenegro is a member of the UN, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Council of Europe, the Central European Free Trade Agreement and a founding member of the Union for the Mediterranean. Montenegro is currently an official candidate for membership in the European Union[7] and official candidate for membership of NATO.

So Montenegro has only applied for membership of both the EU and NATO which in my opinion does not make it a most favoured nation status.

However you may be correct about the most favoured nation status IF it has not changed since January 10th 1910.


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