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Samsung themes?


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I have a Note 1 and will probably stick to Samsung phones as I like the S pen and overall quality of the phone.

Unfortunately the colour themes must have been designed by a home of the blinds. It makes my eyes hurt. I've been looking up and down the app stores but there seems to be no way to change the colours of the Samsung stock apps.

S Note: dysentery brown. I actually liked to use the catch app as it had some nice fresh colours but it went out of the market. I like S note because of the pen integration and since I am planning on a Note 8 this wold be my app of choice. The colour, however, makes me puke.

Dialler/contacts: All with a black background and white text. Looks like a linux console. I used exDialler for a while but it is slow and it always takes a while to load the names associated with phone numbers.

Messages: The messages come in coloured bubbles that you can actually change....from ugly to uglier. I tried Go Message and the result was that I got two message notifications for every incoming message. One from Go Message and the other one from the stock app. No, you cannot get rid of the stock app....

....at least you can change the orange beach background (who approved this to go public....?!!) to something easy on the eyes.

rant over....any suggestions here?

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