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Important Update On The Recent Murder Of A New Zealand National In Pattaya.


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Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

She already had the 700,000 Baht in Her bank account, why would she need to break any laws, she could have done what she liked with it, it was in her account.

Why would anyone get involved in a murder to get something they already have ? :o

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If you have no trust in the one you marry or long term partner with, then, maybe should not be together to start off with.

Off topic but...........how long is long term? I have a friend who has been living with the same girl in Patters for 3 years, on the surface basically a decent quiet lass. A month ago she says to him she needs to go home for a week.

So off she trots..........my mate goes shopping to Big C, he's on the escalator going up and lo and behold who's coming down the next escalator arm in arm with a farang...........his girl.

We've had to listen to him for 2 weeks calling her worse than <deleted>..............2 days ago i go have a drink with him and yes you've guessed it...............farang (Oz) has gone back home and my mate has taken the girl back.

Its a strange world. :o

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Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

She already had the 700,000 Baht in Her bank account, why would she need to break any laws, she could have done what she liked with it, it was in her account.

Why would anyone get involved in a murder to get something they already have ? :o

Perhaps it was a "joint" account and she was concerned he might withdraw the funds before she could?

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Perhaps it was a "joint" account and she was concerned he might withdraw the funds before she could?

A previous Poster who knows the guy said she had 700,000 in her account, not a joint account.

Seems very strange that someone would become involved in a crime to get what is already theirs, in fact if she had to pay someone, then she was actually losing money out of the 700k.

Then again, we don't know all the facts leading up to the event, we can only speculate, but from what we have been told so far, it seems very odd to me that she would want a hit on a guy for money she already had in her account.

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Perhaps it was a "joint" account and she was concerned he might withdraw the funds before she could?

A previous Poster who knows the guy said she had 700,000 in her account, not a joint account.

Seems very strange that someone would become involved in a crime to get what is already theirs, in fact if she had to pay someone, then she was actually losing money out of the 700k.

Then again, we don't know all the facts leading up to the event, we can only speculate, but from what we have been told so far, it seems very odd to me that she would want a hit on a guy for money she already had in her account.

Again pure speculation at this point about this money.

The question is :- Did she have the money in her bank account?

At the moment this so called information about her bank balance is only hear-say. No one officially as far as I am aware has said that she was in possession of this 700,000 baht, or infact if the 700,000 has passed through the account and was now elsewhere.

We know that she has admitted to arranging the murder and that hit men were hired.

May I suggest that before any further speculating apertaining to this amount of money is made we should wait until official statements are forthcoming.

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Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

Large amounts of cash should NEVER become involved! This always seems to lead to tears.

Never let them know any of your financial details, keep it all in a safe deposit box.

Never take her to your bank.

Never buy a house/condo, always rent.

Never open a joint account. You can always transfer funds from your to her account.

Always tell them the source of your wealth is a pension/annuity or such

which dies when you do.

Always tell them, the new car you bought while she was out of town, is leased.

Always have a second Thai bank account with a small balance. This card and it's ATM receipts

are the only ones she is allowed to ever see.

Learn how to lie like an expert, even if it's not in your nature.

In other words, if you leave the scene, she ends up without a brass razoo! :whistling:

Just my tuppenceworth, seen too much of this ... although seldom so serious. :(


Continue....I'm taking notes. You have good points.

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Never let them know any of your financial details, keep it all in a safe deposit box.

Never take her to your bank.

Never buy a house/condo, always rent.

Never open a joint account. You can always transfer funds from your to her account.

Always tell them the source of your wealth is a pension/annuity or such

which dies when you do.

Always tell them, the new car you bought while she was out of town, is leased.

Always have a second Thai bank account with a small balance. This card and it's ATM receipts

are the only ones she is allowed to ever see.

Learn how to lie like an expert, even if it's not in your nature.

In other words, if you leave the scene, she ends up without a brass razoo! :o


So what you are saying is ' Do to her something that if she did it to you, it would be totally unacceptable' in other words treat her like shit. Your one smart son-of-a-bitch that deserves to be ripped off. Unfortunately there are so many people that come here, think they can snap their fingers and have a gorgeous bird drooling over them, snap the other finger and she goes away so you can get off with her best mate. Then when she finds out youve been two timing her she rants and screams at you in a'totally unacceptable' way. Most of these girls are not dog turds lying in the street waiting for a larger dog turd to come and pick them up. Strange as it may seem they are human beings. Of course Thailand is the same as any country and you have the exceptions, which Steve seems to have come across, but there are too many people on this Forum that put every Thai girl in the same basket.

Condolences to Steve's family & friends.

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Hear you, but does not seem to be a very good relationship if you need to lie through your teeth. If you have no trust in the one you marry or long term partner with, then, maybe should not be together to start off with.

In the other case..... if short term flusy, fully agreed.

Yes Skippy, I was not thinking about a long term, proven relationship.

Rather the months/years leading up to one.


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Hear you, but does not seem to be a very good relationship if you need to lie through your teeth. If you have no trust in the one you marry or long term partner with, then, maybe should not be together to start off with.

In the other case..... if short term flusy, fully agreed.

Yes Skippy, I was not thinking about a long term, proven relationship.

Rather the months/years leading up to one.


When the last one ripped me off, a few years back, my long time friends in BKK sat me down and gave me a long list of advice, along the lines of Naka's post, so that I could ensure life didn't keep repeating itself. OK Naka's list is a bit extreme, but I think we all get the point.

Now, the thing is, it may be easy for some to abide by a list of rules like that, but for others, me included, I find it impossible. Unless I have a reasonably open relationship with someone, where we at least try to be honest with each other, then there's no relationship.

For those who can live Naka's way, that's fine - I wouldn't condemn it - they'll probably never get ripped off, and keep hold of their hard earned cash.

For me, well I've improved a lot in following some of the guidelines, (i.e. no house or land in her name, no joint bank account) but in other respects I try to be honest about everything and hope for the best.

BTW - The will is a good idea - I've done it - but, bless her little cotton socks - she did ask: "what's to stop you changing the will tomorrow?" :o

So far so good. :D

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Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

Large amounts of cash should NEVER become involved! This always seems to lead to tears.

Never let them know any of your financial details, keep it all in a safe deposit box.

Never take her to your bank.

Never buy a house/condo, always rent.

Never open a joint account. You can always transfer funds from your to her account.

Always tell them the source of your wealth is a pension/annuity or such

which dies when you do.

Always tell them, the new car you bought while she was out of town, is leased.

Always have a second Thai bank account with a small balance. This card and it's ATM receipts

are the only ones she is allowed to ever see.

Learn how to lie like an expert, even if it's not in your nature.

In other words, if you leave the scene, she ends up without a brass razoo! :o

Just my tuppenceworth, seen too much of this ... although seldom so serious. :D


Continue....I'm taking notes. You have good points.

Actually, I've been married to the same woman for over 30 years and I don't follow any of those points. But if I were to shack up with a BG :D, they're usable, at least for starters.

Edited by xyz
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From Stickman's latest column:

"The following article was written exclusively for Stickmanbangkok.com by someone who knew Steve Miller, the Kiwi killed in Pattaya recently.

Steve Miller, a soft-spoken 39-year-old New Zealander and five-year resident of Pattaya, was shot and killed in broad daylight 10 days ago as he drove his motorbike on a quiet street in North Pattaya. What initially appeared to be just another random killing of a farang—so common in Pattaya—has, however, developed into a crime story that police might not have fully investigated if the victim’s friends and family had not hounded the boys in brown. The real story began six months ago...

By the standards of most men, Jen—a 30-year-old gogo dancer—wasn’t much to look at as she gyrated around the chrome pole. But like most things in Thailand, she was beautiful in the eyes of Steve Miller. Steve loved this country and was genuinely grateful to be living here. So the Kiwi bar-fined the dancer for the night and, eventually, bought her out entirely, moving her into his Pattaya apartment. He provided well for her and her family over the last six months, treated her like a princess, showered her with gifts, and remained faithful despite the temptations Pattaya offers all foreigners—even more so a handsome, mild-mannered young hunk with a constant smile.

Several months later, the expat was preparing to help purchase a house for his live-in girlfriend beginning by making a down-payment on the house. He had sold some property for two million baht and deposited 500,000 baht of that into Jen’s bank account so that she could qualify for a home loan. When the loan was approved earlier this month, she agreed to return the 500,000 baht, but said she must first go to Udon Thani to vote in the national election. She returned to Pattaya for a brief stay, only to return to Udon almost immediately to visit her family for Songkran. She insisted on driving home in the couple’s new car, leaving Steve no option but to tool around Pattaya on his motorbike. A week-ago Thursday, she left Udon en route to Pattaya with the understanding she would return Steve’s money the following day. That same morning, as Steve drove his motorbike from Big C toward Third Road, a passenger on a second motorbike produced a pistol, took aim, and shot Steve dead.

Jen was notified of Steve’s murder when she arrived in Pattaya. Being a dutiful if inconsiderate girlfriend, she immediately placed a call to Steve’s parents in New Zealand, shouting into the phone, “Steve dead. Come to Pattaya.” She repeated her terse statement, then hung up. The family was understandably mortified and bewildered. They learned more only when Steve’s friends called to inform the family of details surrounding his death.

Those same friends were able to piece together the financial dealings between Steve and Jen, and dug up other information as well—learning that Jen had two Thai boyfriends even while she was living with Steve. Her roommate revealed that she never loved Steve but was hardcore and a skillful manipulator, even in past relationships. Friends immediately suspected the Isaan woman’s role in the murder. They gathered what evidence they could and presented their case to the police. Jen was arrested, interrogated, and ultimately confessed to having hired a hit-man to kill Steve. Since then, the motorbike driver has been arrested, but the identified gunman has avoided capture.

At a televised news briefing—where police allowed no questions, Jen attempted to justify her crime, claiming that Steve beat her, forced her to participate in drug dealings, and stole property from her. Police encouraged her story yet produced no supporting evidence that the health-conscious body-builder was into drugs or dealing (his friends insist he was not, nor had he ever been known to strike anyone). Furthermore, the police denied any knowledge of the accused girl having 500,000 baht in a bank, or that Steve lent her the funds. However, friends presented financial records substantiating the transfer of the money from Steve’s account to Jen’s.

When family members arrived here from New Zealand, they were denied access to Steve’s apartment. Police explained they needed to take inventory of his possessions first. The family was finally allowed into Steve’s home this past Sunday, but found the place devoid of all valuables. According to the apartment manager, the previous day police had brought Jen to the apartment to collect her belongings; she took everything—including her savings passbook.

While the case now has been solved and two of the three suspects have been arrested, the question of justice remains unanswered. The glorious triumphs of police in arresting those involved in crimes generally are well promoted by police and the press; subsequently, little is reported on the fate of such criminals. Sources intimately involved in this case imply that the 500,000 baht might disappear into police coffers or may go to finance Jen’s bail, following which she may be allowed to do a runner or the matter may be delayed until forgotten by most. The family has hired an attorney to help ensure justice and return of the 500,000 baht, and friends—at their peril—promise to hound the police until all questions are answered and the killers prosecuted. While they are aware of the inherent dangers to themselves in accusing the boys in brown of misdeeds, they also know the influence that can be purchased for 500,000 baht. More importantly, they know how little value was placed on the life of a young, serene man from New Zealand.

Bart Vandermolan, the current Mr. Universe, hosted memorial services last Tuesday evening at the new Fairtex Sports Club and Resort on North Pattaya Road.

Mr. Write"

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Hear ya ! Been here for 11+ years, and cant really say I have been ripped off. Never really gave out too much anyway, and figured if they still hung around, it was me they were interested in not my $$ ( or they are long term visionaries which is fine too :D ).

Took one bird out from work once ( affiliated company :o ) who looked like a local super model, and the locals were in auwe of her. Within 3 weeks she was asking when I was gonna buy her a house / car and some shares in public listed companies. Well, got to use the goodies, but did not pay for them if you get my picture, and dumped her promptly.

Found out that the ones who are interested in $$, if you put them on a famine, they dissappear quickly. My mrs. (to be ) used to have a work collegue, who besides being married, is a professioal "gig". The company she usd to work at deals alot with the upper crust ( people with power / $$ ) and organizes alot of parties / social events (politiking ), and she used the job as her "sales channel". It quite interesting seeing her collegue work the crouds looking for a new gig with tons of $$. I call a spade a spade, and label her a high class whore (HCW). I guess i would never have to deal with such problems cause these gold diggers would run dry very quickly on what I would buy them.

From another perspective, the HCW has a free Camry, shopping trips to Singapore ( where she spends 100k per trip ), and is now lobbying for her "free" condo , and her hubby "does not know" :D . I know some of her gigs ( she has 3 now , all wealthy guys ), and they are in it for the game, and are quite happy to deal out some cookies to have access to mistresses ( well, whore really, but they are just kidding themselves )

Long and the short of it is, either stay prudent with your savings ( and put them on a long leash for a while ) if you are looking for the right one, or be willing to give out some buscuits if ya wanna go down the gig / hooker route.

Sad for Steve and Family - I am not sure I would have gone into such a giving relationship with such a lass..........

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Hear ya ! Been here for 11+ years, and cant really say I have been ripped off. Never really gave out too much anyway, and figured if they still hung around, it was me they were interested in not my $$ ( or they are long term visionaries which is fine too :D ).

Took one bird out from work once ( affiliated company :o ) who looked like a local super model, and the locals were in auwe of her. Within 3 weeks she was asking when I was gonna buy her a house / car and some shares in public listed companies. Well, got to use the goodies, but did not pay for them if you get my picture, and dumped her promptly.

Found out that the ones who are interested in $$, if you put them on a famine, they dissappear quickly. My mrs. (to be ) used to have a work collegue, who besides being married, is a professioal "gig". The company she usd to work at deals alot with the upper crust ( people with power / $$ ) and organizes alot of parties / social events (politiking ), and she used the job as her "sales channel". It quite interesting seeing her collegue work the crouds looking for a new gig with tons of $$. I call a spade a spade, and label her a high class whore (HCW). I guess i would never have to deal with such problems cause these gold diggers would run dry very quickly on what I would buy them.

From another perspective, the HCW has a free Camry, shopping trips to Singapore ( where she spends 100k per trip ), and is now lobbying for her "free" condo , and her hubby "does not know" :D . I know some of her gigs ( she has 3 now , all wealthy guys ), and they are in it for the game, and are quite happy to deal out some cookies to have access to mistresses ( well, whore really, but they are just kidding themselves )

Long and the short of it is, either stay prudent with your savings ( and put them on a long leash for a while ) if you are looking for the right one, or be willing to give out some buscuits if ya wanna go down the gig / hooker route.

Sad for Steve and Family - I am not sure I would have gone into such a giving relationship with such a lass..........

Well said. Couldn't agree more.

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If you have no trust in the one you marry or long term partner with, then, maybe should not be together to start off with.

Off topic but...........how long is long term? I have a friend who has been living with the same girl in Patters for 3 years, on the surface basically a decent quiet lass. A month ago she says to him she needs to go home for a week.

So off she trots..........my mate goes shopping to Big C, he's on the escalator going up and lo and behold who's coming down the next escalator arm in arm with a farang...........his girl.

We've had to listen to him for 2 weeks calling her worse than <deleted>..............2 days ago i go have a drink with him and yes you've guessed it...............farang (Oz) has gone back home and my mate has taken the girl back.

Its a strange world. :o

Edited by bulmercke
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Took one bird out from work once ( affiliated company :o ) who looked like a local super model, and the locals were in auwe of her. Within 3 weeks she was asking when I was gonna buy her a house / car and some shares in public listed companies. Well, got to use the goodies, but did not pay for them if you get my picture, and dumped her promptly.

So this Bird. this super model was ok was she, even though she was after money, she was a bit of alright cos you boned her ?

From another perspective, the HCW has a free Camry, shopping trips to Singapore ( where she spends 100k per trip ), and is now lobbying for her "free" condo , and her hubby "does not know" :D . I know some of her gigs ( she has 3 now , all wealthy guys ), and they are in it for the game, and are quite happy to deal out some cookies to have access to mistresses ( well, whore really, but they are just kidding themselves )

And this one is labelled a whore cos I assume you didn't bone her?

Jesus...No wonder there are so many lesbians in Farangland.

Edited by Maigo6
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Knowing Thais ... and the information on the thread [ very informative and appreciate those close to steve giving some thoughts ] - I would think maybe the Thai Boyfriend had a fair amount of influence. If he was one of the first, or a long time boyfriend - [ maybe they even had a child ? ] they can retain a very influencing role over the TG - especially if it seemed like he may be able to share in the financial benefits.

Can only reitterate condolances and the tragedy of the whole affair - It does pay to delve as much as possible into your TGs background, especially if/when large amounts of cash become involved.

Large amounts of cash should NEVER become involved! This always seems to lead to tears.

Never let them know any of your financial details, keep it all in a safe deposit box.

Never take her to your bank.

Never buy a house/condo, always rent.

Never open a joint account. You can always transfer funds from your to her account.

Always tell them the source of your wealth is a pension/annuity or such

which dies when you do.

Always tell them, the new car you bought while she was out of town, is leased.

Always have a second Thai bank account with a small balance. This card and it's ATM receipts

are the only ones she is allowed to ever see.

Learn how to lie like an expert, even if it's not in your nature.

In other words, if you leave the scene, she ends up without a brass razoo! :o

Just my tuppenceworth, seen too much of this ... although seldom so serious. :D


this should be given out to every fresh farang upon arrival in thailand, well written and so true!

give thais money and then try to get it back, almost impossible, but then bt.500k to a poor farmers daughter is a fortune, like bt.2 mil to a super model is a fortune, but again who are the suckers whom think with their d1ck!

i have a friend who always want to borrow money, but when he goes out he buys 20-30 lady drinks because they are so poor, <deleted>!

i really feel very sorry for steve and family, and reading stickmans story, it just inforces the rules that naka outlines so well, in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

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in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

And still most Marriages in the west end in divorce and she gets to keep the house.

So do you actually have a point? :o

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in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

And still most Marriages in the west end in divorce and she gets to keep the house.

So do you actually have a point? :o

yes i do, i would give anyone a house after six months like steve or so many others do, and then get killed for it as well, met a few guys who got kicked out their houses because it was in their lovely teeruks name!!!

i never have sen anyone in the west to do that, plus if you smart in west you still can get to keep most of your assets, its just that so many people are so naive!

get my point now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From Stickman's latest column:

"We reported two weeks ago on the tragic murder of expat Steven Miller, shot while driving his motorbike. His live-in girlfriend, a 30-year-old former gogo dancer who confessed to having her secret Thai boyfriend commit the crime, now is inexplicably out on bail. Neither we nor anyone else in the media could get further details. Ironically, it’s suspected that she used Steve’s money (500,000 baht) to arrange bail. Can you believe this?!"


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From Stickman's latest column:

"We reported two weeks ago on the tragic murder of expat Steven Miller, shot while driving his motorbike. His live-in girlfriend, a 30-year-old former gogo dancer who confessed to having her secret Thai boyfriend commit the crime, now is inexplicably out on bail. Neither we nor anyone else in the media could get further details. Ironically, it’s suspected that she used Steve’s money (500,000 baht) to arrange bail. Can you believe this?!"


Sadly, I can believe it. I thought the Embassy was onto this already??

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From Stickman's latest column:

"We reported two weeks ago on the tragic murder of expat Steven Miller, shot while driving his motorbike. His live-in girlfriend, a 30-year-old former gogo dancer who confessed to having her secret Thai boyfriend commit the crime, now is inexplicably out on bail. Neither we nor anyone else in the media could get further details. Ironically, it’s suspected that she used Steve’s money (500,000 baht) to arrange bail. Can you believe this?!"


Cripes :o

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if this is true

how can these people get bail so easy, and this is not the first time for murderers to get bail easy.

i'm sure that if it was common knowledge that with a few bob you can literaly get away with murder, there could possibly be more.

but TIT :o

my condolances to his family and friends

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if this is true

how can these people get bail so easy, and this is not the first time for murderers to get bail easy.

i'm sure that if it was common knowledge that with a few bob you can literaly get away with murder, there could possibly be more.

but TIT :o

my condolances to his family and friends

Unfortunately, this is true. Jintana is out on bail, but I can bet that most of the money has gone to the police. Stickman mentions 500,000 but it really is 700,000. How do I know? I'm a close personal friend of the guy whole bought the land from Steve, as well as being a close friend of Steve's. He PERSONALLY told me it was 700,000 that was deposited into her account so that they could apply for a loan to buy a house. Those close to Steve also know the amount of Baht, and have already questioned the disappearance of the 200K.

Anyways, when she gets to trial - I know that she won't be able to buy the MIB off. If the police took the money as bail, so be it..... As long as that murdering whore rots her young life away in a thai jail !

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if this is true

how can these people get bail so easy, and this is not the first time for murderers to get bail easy.

i'm sure that if it was common knowledge that with a few bob you can literaly get away with murder, there could possibly be more.

but TIT :o

my condolances to his family and friends

Unfortunately, this is true. Jintana is out on bail, but I can bet that most of the money has gone to the police. Stickman mentions 500,000 but it really is 700,000. How do I know? I'm a close personal friend of the guy whole bought the land from Steve, as well as being a close friend of Steve's. He PERSONALLY told me it was 700,000 that was deposited into her account so that they could apply for a loan to buy a house. Those close to Steve also know the amount of Baht, and have already questioned the disappearance of the 200K.

Anyways, when she gets to trial - I know that she won't be able to buy the MIB off. If the police took the money as bail, so be it..... As long as that murdering whore rots her young life away in a thai jail !

Why wouldn't she skip bail? she's got no reason to stick around. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

in the west we get engaged first and than get married at least you have 2 years to work her out, here they on it after 2-3 shags!

And still most Marriages in the west end in divorce and she gets to keep the house.

So do you actually have a point? :D

[/quote :o:D:D

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if this is true

how can these people get bail so easy, and this is not the first time for murderers to get bail easy.

i'm sure that if it was common knowledge that with a few bob you can literaly get away with murder, there could possibly be more.

but TIT :o

my condolances to his family and friends

Unfortunately, this is true. Jintana is out on bail, but I can bet that most of the money has gone to the police. Stickman mentions 500,000 but it really is 700,000. How do I know? I'm a close personal friend of the guy whole bought the land from Steve, as well as being a close friend of Steve's. He PERSONALLY told me it was 700,000 that was deposited into her account so that they could apply for a loan to buy a house. Those close to Steve also know the amount of Baht, and have already questioned the disappearance of the 200K.

Anyways, when she gets to trial - I know that she won't be able to buy the MIB off. If the police took the money as bail, so be it..... As long as that murdering whore rots her young life away in a thai jail !

Why wouldn't she skip bail? she's got no reason to stick around. :D


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  • 2 months later...

From this week's Stickman column:

"The case against a confessed murderer of expat Steve Miller has been dismissed. Chintana Vichachai, girlfriend of the 39-year-old Kiwi, and Narathip Kachawong, driver of the motorbike during the shooting, appeared in the Pattaya Court last week where the court decided to dismiss the case against Chintana based on lack of evidence and witnesses. The case against the motorbike driver will proceed, beginning with a preparation hearing August 28. Both previously confessed to the crime, but the girlfriend subsequently recanted her confession. I think I am going to be violently sick..."


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