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DSI warns Thai women not to fall prey to Facebook beaus


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a friend of my wife (a nurse in sakaoe district) was very nearly scammed with this.

they spent well over 6 weeks in daily dialogue on facebook

it is well worth making thai people aware of as it appeared so genuine.

my wifes friend was asking her every day to translate the conversations that were taking place and I flagged it very early as strange.

not out of the nature of the conversation as it came over very much as a Englishman who was planning a move to Thailand. but due to the use of to many large words lol

it all culminated in the person saying they were on the way to thailand to visit her, flying via malaysia then experienced problems in malaysia losing all there money and begging for her to borrow form freinds and family for them to get them out of trouble.

the Facebook profiles seemed very genuine and were not new. perhaps they steal other peoples facebook accounts and use them

the make it even funnier after she did not send anything another one tried the same scam !! this time we spotted it early as the photo of the man claiming to be from London was on very close inspection and on a google reverse image search found to be fake

if the wife lets me on her facebook i'll try and copy over some of the conversations she was asked to translate from english.

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clips of a convo with these con artists .. these are right at the end after spending 6 weeks grooming the victim. i think at this stage the writing had been passed to another member of the group as there english deteriorated

Hi darling, how are you doing today? hope everything is moving pretty well with you over there in your country, and how was your night? hope you slept very fine last night my darling and good morning to your my darling honey love, also darling, im sorry for i am much busy about my trip to malaysia and i have to get all my document true okay.. thank you very much for your message, and everything that you have said to me already, thanks for i understood everything that you said already, im doing great.. Darling, i will like to inform you about my traveling flight schedule, that my flight has been schedule on Saturday against Sunday, my flight departure time is 5:05pm London time, and my flight arrival time is 8:45pm Malaysian time,Honey, you don't worry i promise to telephone to you as soon as i land in Malaysia, okay? and will keep you inform when i will be coming to Thailand to meet you, today im at home and prepare for my travelling documents, clothing and stuff thinking's which i will be needed there okay, also i will go to the bill offices to pay for all my monthly bill for three months, so that know one have to ask mum to pay for bill till three months, since you know darling, that mum is no more working and im the one that give to her money to get her self all she needs, I love you so much my darling honey, take care of your self, kiss kisses cheers.

please darling, try to help me out and i will send back your money to you darling please, since last night, i can not sleep and i try to call you so many times, but your did not answer to my call phone, why? also this morning i call to you, but still you do not answer to my call phone why?

darling, please i need your help and i will send your money back with interest please

if you can try to borrow for me from your friends, i will pay back with interest darling please

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The biter bit. smile.png

unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

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Where the game is to play on someones greed in order to hook them, the Thais will alwaya be stung.

No doubt talk of marrage with a massive sinsot, house and benz were offered. Then the call came from the Thais that their farang was caught at the border for something or other and she had to pay for the fine to let him enter.

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According to that last article about the hundreds of destitute farangs who have been taken to the cleaner by their Thai G/F and then tossed onto the local soi penniless, I'd figure the DSI should be warning newly arrived farangs about the dangers of hooking up with those beautiful, charming Thai lady-leaches.

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The biter bit. smile.png

unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

I wonder if we can get the low-life Thai B girls to target the low-life Nigerians running their scams and vice versa. That would be a hoot!!! whistling.gif

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I dont know any Thai women who would fall for this.

Maybe they thought that they were cleverer. send the guy a smallish amount to show your trust/affection and then hit him up for a few million when the time is right. Perhaps they looked upon it as similar to the stock market, sometimes you lose and sometimes you make a killing.

Edited by uptheos
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Tarit warns women not to fall prey to Facebook beaus

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Tarit Pengdith, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief, yesterday warned Thai women to be careful of foreigners wooing them via Facebook and then duping them into wiring money.

The DSI recently found that some 1,000 victims had been lured into wiring a total of Bt60 million to a Nigerian gang.

He said that these Nigerians usually made their victims believe they were white European males working in Malaysia and, after assessing victim's financial status, would claim to have encountered some problems and ask the women for money.

The DSI chief said his agency was waiting for arrest warrants for two Thais and three Nigerian accomplices.


-- The Nation 2013-09-19

1000 victims?

Oh please.... those nasty cheating foreigners preying on such sweet and innocent Thai women.


The plural of beau is beaux,rather sets the the tone for jejeune effort to stir up apathy.The bland leading the blind

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I seem to remember reading earlier that part of the scam involved the westerner telling the Thai lady dupe that he had sent a large parcel of cash to her, that had been stopped at customs because a tax needed to be paid before it could be released...and could she please pay the 'fine '.... later a Thai pretending to be a custom official would phone confirming the parcel and asking Thai lady dupe if she was willing to pay..... T L Dupe now believing and getting excited by GREED pays up the fine and waits for parcel and waits...and waits...

You have got to have a chuckle.....

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The best scammers twll teerak they are sending them a gift bu dhl etc

The sweet, innocent girl gets a call from "customs agent" informing her that the gold rolex / jewellery valued at 10000us requires 8000 us duty, but can be cleared for 1000 us under the table by the simple expedient of an atm transfer......

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What many contributors to this thread fail to realise is that these are well organised gangs preying on innocent victims all over the world. One contributor states that this is not confined to one nationality - I beg to differ, these scumbags are ALL Nigerians. Yes they may from time to time enlist help from the low-lives in the country where they are currently operating but the organisers are all Nigerian. Up until my retirement 5 years ago I worked as a government investigator dealing entirely with organised fraud against the British benefits system. It was common knowledge at government level that there was a "mock-up" of a British benefits claim office at Lagos airport, and these scum were coached in how to make fraudulent claims as they left Nigeria en route to London! That was about 15 years ago when they were targeting the more affluent countries. Now they have spread the net to include south-east Asia and beyond.

Although their operation has become more sophisticated over the years their modus operandi always follows the same pattern. They will initially target thousands of Facebook/Skype etc. addresses with a simple message such as "Hey! How are you today?" Anyone who responds has just confirmed that their account is still active and this information is passed on to the rest of the Nigerian underworld, and you will henceforth never be rid of scammers until you delete the account and create a new one. Next you will receive the follow up messages which become more and more personal, trying to elicit from you your identity details, name, date of birth etc. At this stage their primary aim is NOT to scam money out of you, but to set up a fake account with criminal intent, which will be traced straight back to you. The money scam comes later if you have been stupid enough to give your details to these monkeys. They will happily send you photographs of attractive white Caucasians downloaded from the internet which they then purport to be themselves. I should add that they also target men, with pictures of attractive white females, but it is the same Nigerian scum behind the operation.

I have 2 very simple strategies for dealing with these criminals (yes, I get the messages too!). Firstly, at the very first approach, pretend to be interested but do not disclose any details about yourself, if necessary give them a false name and be non specific about your age and country of residence. Once you have hooked them, tell them that you hate corresponding with faceless, voiceless people on the internet, and you would prefer to speak with them on Skype with webcams or by telephone. Ask for their telephone number, do NOT tell them yours! They will then tell you that their phone is broken, lost, at the repair shop etc. etc. This is almost certain evidence of a scam. Then ask them for their Skype/Yahoo/Messenger address to which they will tell you they don't have any such account. This is the confirmation that it is definitely a scam, but if you are still fooled, tell them to set up a FREE Skype/Yahoo/Messenger account and get back to you with the address. You will not hear from them again.

My second strategy is a development from the first. I will let them engage me in conversation, answering their questions with bogus details, and pretending to be interested. Once they think they have you hooked, they will send you a series of follow-up emails over the ensuing weeks. To these I always send a short reply to let them think I am still hooked, and of course I will still ask for a telephone number etc. which I know will not be forthcoming. This strategy will involve the scum in a considerable amount of effort, cutting and pasting the relevant paragraphs from their pre-prepared texts, and downloading current photographs from the internet. Eventually they will realise that they have been had, but not before they have expended a considerable amount of time and energy on their fruitless quest. I have had many a chuckle at the scammers' expense, but this strategy only works if you have the time and energy to keep up the charade and turn the tables on these primitive tree dwellers. Since I am retired I have the time available, but for those who are too busy the first strategy is just as effective, if not as satisfying!.

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"to be careful of foreigners wooing them via Facebook and then duping them into wiring money."


ummm... what? I thought it was the other way around.... Those sneaky Nigerians always know to pull a successful scam.

They are at it everywhere. I've been given a few emails to 'interpret' from a gf's extended families super car dealership.

The nigerian was working on a ship so couldn't answer the phone or emails but his nigerian friend in bangkok could take care of everything. They seriously thought they might be stupid enough to container ship a 12 million baht porche to africa while the money was waiting online in an escrow account....

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The thing is though Frankold, that for every 100 or so they target, at least 1 mug will fall for the scam. A very low "take-up" rate, but they are so active they can send out thousands of these scam emails automatically in a single day. That will provide them with a good number of potential victims, many of whom will unfortunately part with their money or possessions.

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The biter bit. smile.png

unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

I wonder if we can get the low-life Thai B girls to target the low-life Nigerians running their scams and vice versa. That would be a hoot!!! whistling.gif

would it be illegal to run a name and shame thread on TV for the benefit of potential victims.. enter the Thai girls name and her method of extortion...

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