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Cable And Asdl


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I'll be moving to Bangkok next month and am doing some homework. I've been trolling through this forum to get up-to-date information about high-speed internet connections. Have a few questions:

1) Is cable becoming available or is ADSL the primary source of high-speed connections?; 2) Are there many providers to choose from or are you limited by locations (i.e. only one ADSL provider in specific areas of Bangkok?; 3) Given everyone's experience, which provider seems to have the most reliable service?; 4) I had heard that the cost for high speed connections is falling - is that true? Generally, what is the cost? I really appreciate any information/thoughts/advice you can provide :o

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Cable has been available for a long time, but the service area is pretty limited, and the user base is relatively small. Most areas of Bangkok now have ADSL service from the major providers, but there are still areas where you're limited to one (or no) providers.

Reliability depends mainly on your phone line. If you get a new one, chances are the reliability will be better. Then there's the service reliability... you have internet outages, nameserver outages, undersea cable problems, etc.

Let me see... nearly 10 years ago you would have paid around 20,000 baht/month (US$500) for unlimited 64k broadband. A few years ago, you would have paid the same amount, but for 512k broadband. Right now, you pay around 500-20,000, depending on the level of service (unacceptable to tolerable) you want and the ISP. Speeds available from 128k-2.5mbits. In Japan, 5 years ago you could get 12mbps *good* service for around 1,000 baht/month. So, relatively for Thailand, prices have fallen, but relative to the developed world, we'll still lagging way behind.

You can check out prices directly from the websites of Thai ISPs.

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basically for a home package

256k to 1meg down is 500 to 1000 baht per month , and all you can say about reliability is that is will be better than dial-up the majority of the time.

I have a True home account 512/256 and it costs me 800baht per month plus 100baht to TOT for line rental.

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Thanks for the info - very helpful :o. One last request: I've googled Thailand ISPs and get some dated information. Who are the major players for ISPs in Bangkok - with their names I can do more specific searches for their websites. Again, many thanks!

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Thanks for the info - very helpful :o. One last request: I've googled Thailand ISPs and get some dated information. Who are the major players for ISPs in Bangkok - with their names I can do more specific searches for their websites. Again, many thanks!

true and csloxinfo are the biggest I think

KSC, Q-Net, Maxnet are others.

Just as long as I know, that might be not 100 % true

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