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Foreign Name Brands That Have Exploited Thais


Which brand(s)(ing) would Thais be better off never have been exposed to?  

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maybe mercedes and bmw should be in your list also. how much screwing and scamming goes on in the quest to have one of those status symbols ?

A great Australian band called TISM wrote a song a decade ago called "All Home Boys are Dickhe@ds". Great, Great song, from a fantasic band.

This Is Serious Mum - they are legends and excellent to see live.

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This thread sounds an awful lot like the "your income is higher than you deserve" threads (only more like "I can't afford certain imported -even when manufactured locally or creates local jobs for hundreds of thousands of people- items or concepts.... so it must be bad for the whole country").


Give me a break man... I'm not complaining about all foreign brands in general or saying that they shouldn't be allowed on the Thai markets...Nor am I blaiming or stating 'foreigners are exploiting Thais'

Let me try to say this in plain English for those of you who might have reading comprehension problems..

My vote went to EPL because I think the 'branding' itself (that others have stated clearly is mostly initiated by Thais themselves for fincancial purposes) takes away from national team spirit and sports character. Take any group of 20 teenagers from around Thailand and ask them to name 5 players of the Thai national team. Will atleast half of them be able to do it?? I doubt it. Then, ask those same kids to name 10 players from the English national team...Chances are they will not only be able to name 10 players from the English squad, but also tell you their EPL teams.

And how does this affect the big picture? Ultimately, it's one of the driving factors why the Thai national team hasn't had a shot at even participating in a world cup (please correct me if I'm mistaken)

Name one world cup participant or any international level tournament participant for that matter that didn't have wide media and/or government support and investment. Far and Few my friends...

And to say that their is no capital base to seriously invest in the sports clubs/teams at a national level is just silly. i.e. boxing for starters... It's simply a case that Thai marketers have a much easier time capitalizing off of poster boy faces like David Bekham than they would for Somchai, Somsak, or whoever...yes I am ashamed to say that I don't actually no any names of any of the Thai footballers... :o

For those of you who can't see the exploitation that I refer to, think about it just a little harder. This isn't a matter of choice...It's about subtle coersion...Think about your own situations growing up in your home countries. Who was your football hero?(or basketball, rugby, tennis, or whatever)Was that person a citizen of your home country? Did your home country team play in the world cup then?

Does the game Monopoly ring any bells? How many young Thais have a fair selection of football heroes to choose from...or even Thai footballers for that matter? If you asked them, how many of them might tell you David Beckham, Michael Owens, or some other EPL player? And is this because they made the independent choice to like David Beckham as opposed to some other 'Thai' player???

Not rocket science here...

I've got another 'potential' exploiting brand category that I'll wait to post...untill the seniles get a chance to flame this one :D

Edited by greenwanderer108
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maybe mercedes and bmw should be in your list also. how much screwing and scamming goes on in the quest to have one of those status symbols ?


Well, that was my other 'potential' exploiting branding group...

Very true at that...unfortunately at the highest levels of Thai society too...need I not directly break forum rules to elaborate...

on that note, my assumption is that Japanese royalty sport Japanese cars...can't find the logic in their king sporting a royals royce, etc... Can anyone confirm this?

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Certainly should do without the pizza and maccas and kfc crap.

The <deleted> on Thai girls are already starting to head south. Just like back home. Soon I fear we will be hearing the dreaded "does my arse look fat in this"

Wise man says a big arse is better than no arse :o

I don't mind a nice big arse as long as the curves are there where her waist is thin(ner than her buttocks)...Seems that the fast food tends to make the love handles hang out over their pants making her curveless with number 2 and 3 of her stats closing in on eachother (i.e. 36, 32, 37 :D )

...where as the somtam, lop, and kao niaw keeps em at the right proportions (i.e. 36, 24, 37)... :D

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Seems that the fast food tends to make the love handles hang out over their pants making her curveless with number 2 and 3 of her stats closing in on eachother

Yeah, we saw that masterpiece of realism, "Super Size Me", too.

Ever wonder what would have happened if the guy in the movie had kept exercising as he normally did and had not purposely stuffed himself, rather than eating till he was full?

Nothing... but no one would have been interested in watching the video and the guy wouldn't have made a million dollars off the public's utter stupidity. :o

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Seems that the fast food tends to make the love handles hang out over their pants making her curveless with number 2 and 3 of her stats closing in on eachother

Yeah, we saw that masterpiece of realism, "Super Size Me", too.

Ever wonder what would have happened if the guy in the movie had kept exercising as he normally did and had not purposely stuffed himself, rather than eating till he was full?

Nothing... but no one would have been interested in watching the video and the guy wouldn't have made a million dollars off the public's utter stupidity. :o

While I did see the cover for that movie in the pirated DVD selection, I never did get a chance to bu it let alone watch it, as an American, I believe I'm aware of the 'super size' ethics that my fellow country men/women follow...especially having it in contrast since coming to Thailand.

However, does sound like an interesting thing to watch after a joint or two...Is it worth the 100 baht?

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I voted OTHER!

I think the country would be better off with no motorcycle's, pickup trucks or car's, with the exception of my car & motorcycle and other selective TV members who know how to drive.

(Had a bad driving day here in Chiangmai) More than the normal amount of morons on the road for a Sunday. At least the English Premier league and American fast food franchises keep a proportion of these drivers off the street, where they belong. The fast food might be killing them, but at least they won't take me with them!

Edited by Diablo Bob
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However, does sound like an interesting thing to watch after a joint or two...Is it worth the 100 baht?

I wouldn't buy it as the premise is silly as hel_l. If you stop exercising and STUFF yourself with anything, you are going to gain weight. However, it is worth renting as it is entertaining in a low-brow sort of way. :o

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I voted OTHER!

I think the country would be better off with no motorcycle's, pickup trucks or car's, with the exception of my car & motorcycle and other selective TV members who know how to drive.

(Had a bad driving day here in Chiangmai) More than the normal amount of morons on the road for a Sunday. At least the English Premier league and American fast food franchises keep a proportion of these drivers off the street, where they belong. The fast food might be killing them, but at least they won't take me with them!

Even the bad drivers think they are good drivers :o

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My vote went to EPL because I think the 'branding' itself (that others have stated clearly is mostly initiated by Thais themselves for fincancial purposes) takes away from national team spirit and sports character. Take any group of 20 teenagers from around Thailand and ask them to name 5 players of the Thai national team. Will atleast half of them be able to do it?? I doubt it. Then, ask those same kids to name 10 players from the English national team...Chances are they will not only be able to name 10 players from the English squad, but also tell you their EPL teams.

This doesn't really make sense, as far as 'blaming' the EPL. Sure it would be great if the National team was more successful but ultimately, Thai football supporters created this situation themselves, and NOT the EPL. EPL marketing to Asia was a RESULT of fan support and interest in EPL teams. It did not create this interest (although it has increased its advertising etc now to satisfy the demand). And who is exploiting who anyway, when Thais illegally sell copied trademark merchandise? If Thai football supporters prefer watching better teams play and those teams enjoy and capitalise on this support, well who is really to blame Greenwanderer???

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Does the game Monopoly ring any bells? How many young Thais have a fair selection of football heroes to choose from...or even Thai footballers for that matter? If you asked them, how many of them might tell you David Beckham, Michael Owens, or some other EPL player? And is this because they made the independent choice to like David Beckham as opposed to some other 'Thai' player???

Its because they are BETTER and more EXCITING players to watch, rocketscientist.

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excatly, I love watching basketball, but i dont watch australian basketball and prefer the NBA because its has better players and is more exciting to watch.

The same as soccer, no-one watches the A-league (aussie league) and most prefer euro soccer anyday.

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My vote went to EPL because I think the 'branding' itself (that others have stated clearly is mostly initiated by Thais themselves for fincancial purposes) takes away from national team spirit and sports character. Take any group of 20 teenagers from around Thailand and ask them to name 5 players of the Thai national team. Will atleast half of them be able to do it?? I doubt it. Then, ask those same kids to name 10 players from the English national team...Chances are they will not only be able to name 10 players from the English squad, but also tell you their EPL teams.

And how does this affect the big picture? Ultimately, it's one of the driving factors why the Thai national team hasn't had a shot at even participating in a world cup (please correct me if I'm mistaken)

If the Thais had a decent professional football league of their own then it might, just might, gain some interest, but when your choices of who to support are the likes of Krung Thai Bank or the Tobacco Monopoly then it's no surprise that there is so little support. Money needs to be invested, local identity needs to be instilled and decent pitches need to be laid. Then attract some interest by employing a couple of EPL or other European has-beens, get the better Thai players to stay in their own country, promote the game properly and this will not only generate support from the masses but improve the Thai national team.

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And also...

And how does this affect the big picture? Ultimately, it's one of the driving factors why the Thai national team hasn't had a shot at even participating in a world cup (please correct me if I'm mistaken)

Sorry, but once again greenwanderer, you are mistaken. It is not the EPL's fault Thailand has a crpa football team, nor is it the fans'. Lack of fan support is not a 'driving' factor behind Thailand having a shot at the World Cup. You can't be serious.

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Maybe you should have just started a thread moaning about the EPL.

Most of your gripe revolves around it.

The rest of your suggestions and ideas are just a load of old tosh.

The EPL is probably the most exciting league in the world right now and the Thai's choose to enjoy it along with the rest of Asia.

I can remember recently the Thai national team playing some games and it was on TV's everywhere, more so than EPL.

How many "exploited" Thai's have you actually seen drinking Heinekin "beer" ???

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McDonald's defies critics with an even bigger Big Mac

24.04.06 1.00pm

By Saeed Shah

When McDonald's burgers fell unfavourably under the spotlight of a film crew in Super Size Me many assumed that the fast-food chain would avoid any further reference to the size of its portions, but the prospect of a hungry new audience has prompted the restaurant to throw caution to the wind.

In a few weeks' time McDonald's will introduce the Bigger Big Mac, 40 per cent bigger than the current Big Mac.

The trumpeting of the new product flies in the face of the current furore about obesity and healthier eating and comes as the world's biggest fast-food company faces a renewed assault on its reputation, from a new book and a Hollywood film.

McDonald's has tried offering some healthier eating options in Britain, but has decided that options such as its "toasted deli sandwich" were not a success.

The new Big Mac, which will be launched in the UK for a limited period to coincide with the football World Cup this summer, will see the two beef patties of the burger made much thicker.

It is also likely to be sold in Germany and Spain.

A spokeswoman for the company said: "This is a limited edition burger that will offer football fans more of what they enjoy."

The existing Big Mac has 560 calories and weighs 218g, according to the company.

It contains over half of a person's recommended daily intake of saturated fats.

Taken with large fries and a large milkshake, a regular Big Mac meal would pack in 2,000 calories.

The spokeswoman said: "We offer our customers a variety of choice, including salads and toasted deli sandwiches that are less than 3 per cent fat."

The company will be hoping that the Bigger Big Mac will boost flagging sales in the UK, where it has had to close 25 restaurants.

The company launched a ฃ140m ($394.38) refurbishment plan for its outlets yesterday and will experiment with new formats.

McDonald's is also trying to improve its image as an employer.

A publicity campaign started last week, with the slogan "Not bad for a McJob", seeking to persuade prospective employees that McDonald's is a good place to work.

But given the obesity issue and competition from other fast-food chains, the company faces an uphill task.

After the documentary Super Size Me, which featured stomach-churning scenes of Morgan Spurlock eating nothing but McDonald's for a month, another critic, Eric Schlosser, will be firing new salvoes.

Mr Schlosser has written a version of his book Fast Food Nation for children and young teenagers.

Called Chew On This, the book has been adapted for a British readership and is out next month.

It challenges young readers to ask whether they really want to eat fast food.

Later in the year, a Hollywood film comes out based on Fast Food Nation.

Starring Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke, it tells of young fast-food workers in a town with a meat-packing plant who uncover unsavoury truths about the burger business.

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Three new films are coming out soon about people who lost weight while eating only at McDonalds.

One woman purposely ate salads and lower calorie offerings and one man ate the normal fare but didn't stop his exercise regime. They both lost pounds.

One guy actually stuffed himself ala Super Size Me, but didn't stop his normal exercise either. He lost weight as well! :o

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This doesn't really make sense, as far as 'blaming' the EPL. Sure it would be great if the National team was more successful but ultimately, Thai football supporters created this situation themselves, and NOT the EPL. EPL marketing to Asia was a RESULT of fan support and interest in EPL teams. It did not create this interest (although it has increased its advertising etc now to satisfy the demand). And who is exploiting who anyway, when Thais illegally sell copied trademark merchandise? If Thai football supporters prefer watching better teams play and those teams enjoy and capitalise on this support, well who is really to blame Greenwanderer???

Reading comprehension is a great skill Doza. The focus of the topic is brand(s)(ing) and to keep it simple…Thais would be better off broadcasting and promoting a handful of other world football leagues / games that are much more worthy of their attention than the monopoly of EPL. Just as they deserve a fair coverage of the Italian and Argentina basketball games instead of just NBA…

Sorry, but once again greenwanderer, you are mistaken. It is not the EPL's fault Thailand has a crpa football team, nor is it the fans'. Lack of fan support is not a 'driving' factor behind Thailand having a shot at the World Cup. You can't be serious.

Am I mistaken Doza? Would you mind telling me then who was the Southeast Asian games football champions for the last 5 years? What was the score between Thailand and Phillipenes friendly match last March? While we're at it, can you name a team in South Asia other than Iran that has actually beaten the Thai national team...or which South Asian teams have a larger consistent winning streak against Thailand period? Do some research and then come to tell me how shitty of a team Thailand is and why Angola and Ivory coast, Costa Rica, and Trinidad have proved themselves more worthy a spot in Germany than Thailand .

Maybe you should have just started a thread moaning about the EPL.

Most of your gripe revolves around it.

The rest of your suggestions and ideas are just a load of old tosh.

The EPL is probably the most exciting league in the world right now and the Thai's choose to enjoy it along with the rest of Asia.

I can remember recently the Thai national team playing some games and it was on TV's everywhere, more so than EPL.

How many "exploited" Thai's have you actually seen drinking Heinekin "beer" ???

Thaipwriter, you are either too old and senile to go out of your house and pay attention to your surroundings in Thailand, or you simply just don't care to comprehend what's actually going on . As far as Heineken, perhaps you should frequent a Thai cinema more often…watch the Thai Bangkok hit, Fake and get back to me about the Heineken topic.

Back to the EPL- There is only one fact to make clear here.. EPL gets more coverage than any Thai football league in Thailand in general...whether referring to UBC ESPN...or Thai public tv..Thai football at most, gets monthly television spot light, while EPL gets weekly on Thai television and daily on ESPN Asia.

As far as the national team playing, the last international level game if I'm not mistaken was the Phillipenes shutout. As far as ASEAN is concerned, without question, Thailand is number one with a small but growing loyal following...

All of you Englishmen which is exactly what I assume you are (those defending EPL) have flawed logic. And I'm going to paint it out for you clear and simple.

EPL is not popular in Asia because they are superior, better playing, footballers than Thailand and other football teams around the world. How many FIFA world titles does England have? Right, their one and only in over 70 years of FIFA cup history. 1966 was it... on their home ground. And for you sports buffs, How many teams were awarded a spot in all of Asia, Africa, and Oceana for that year? One !!! (of which North Korea won it with only Australia as a contender) That’s not exactly a fair representation of world athletes..one team to represent three continents including the two largest. FIFA has come a long way but still has a long way to got before it is truly a world class tournament.

EPL’s media success is about large investments and managers with fat pockets and business skills---both in Asia and in England. EPL in Thailand is nothing but a successful marketing campaign that exploited the desired norm of white poster boys.

If you want to get into a legit debate, I can throw stats at all day that back me up in saying ‘England is not the best football team in the world’ and in fact quite far from it.

They are poster boys and a marketable product to a vulnerable market … Until they can claim a few more ‘world’ trophies or even final/quarter-final appearances they will not be at the same level as teams like Italy, Argentina, Germany, and even Uraguay !

As far as Germany 2006, I’m confident England will not make it to the finals yet again and in the case that they do make it the finals in Germany, I will stand corrected about their abilities as a decent world class team.

Green ... so lets get this str8 ... you want Thailand to NOT develop or change ... and for e-pats not to spend $$ is that about it?

Before, I even give much effort in acknowledging your complete lack of contribution to an interesting debate, Perhaps, you should go back to high-school and take a GED exam course, focusing on the Reading Comprehension section…you could benefit a lot.

Edited by greenwanderer108
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EPL is not popular in Asia because they are superior, better playing, footballers than Thailand and other football teams around the world. How many FIFA world titles does England have? Right, their one and only in over 70 years of FIFA cup history. 1966 was it... on their home ground.

If you want to get into a legit debate, I can throw stats at all day that back me up in saying ‘England is not the best football team in the world’ and in fact quite far from it.

If one disregards the infantile accusations in your diatribe (which I quote here edited) the first paragraph is interesting because of the blatant introduction of the straw man.

Where are any of the previous dissenters claiming that the English have the best team in the world? Yup, that's right, they aren't; they are saying that due to various factors the EPL seems to attract players at the highest level. Naturally Thai fans of the game are going to want to watch a league that includes some of its best proponents.

If you want to blather on about commercialisation and greed in sports or something I suggest you would be better served to look closer to home, after all it isn't EPL players who keep going on strike demanding multi-million dollar contracts.

Anyway, soccer leaves me cold as does American football where dressing up in a fancy costume seems to be as important as the game being played.

Both should be banned in favour of rugby imho :o

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If you want to blather on about commercialisation and greed in sports or something I suggest you would be better served to look closer to home, after all it isn't EPL players who keep going on strike demanding multi-million dollar contracts


The ones that don't get the million pound contract simply go to Spain (which South Korea embarrased in 2002 :o )

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Greenwanderer >> mate, trying to debate with you is impossible because you get lost in your own arguments as all simpletons do.

The best part is where you blame branding for the reason Thailand are not in the WC and Angola et al are, and then claim Thailand's team is not crap (by world standards - as that is what we are comparing here) THEN you go on to say people should have the right to watch Argentinian basketball instead of the NBA ha ha ha!!! Classic! People watch NBA because its the best basketball to be seen you clown!

You talk about 'fair coverage' of sports - tell me...what country shows equal coverage of all national sports codes from around the world??? "ok folks, today we have won't show you the Lakers v Bulls game in the NBA, we are instead bringing you the BBA from Bolivia and today's game features XXX v ZZZ. Awesome!!! That's what everyone wants right??? Broadcasters show what the poeple want - pleas don't expect Thai people to watch something they don't want to! Jeez, you are weird man.

Then you talk about rugby. How about, instead of showing the Super 14, Heinekin Cup and soon the Tri-Nations, we should have some of those games replaced with club rugby from Chile? Yeah, can't wait. I'll see you at the Londoner to watch every game. Not.

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Greenwanderer >> mate, trying to debate with you is impossible because you get lost in your own arguments as all simpletons do.

The best part is where you blame branding for the reason Thailand are not in the WC and Angola et al are, and then claim Thailand's team is not crap (by world standards - as that is what we are comparing here) THEN you go on to say people should have the right to watch Argentinian basketball instead of the NBA ha ha ha!!! Classic! People watch NBA because its the best basketball to be seen you clown!

You talk about 'fair coverage' of sports - tell me...what country shows equal coverage of all national sports codes from around the world??? "ok folks, today we have won't show you the Lakers v Bulls game in the NBA, we are instead bringing you the BBA from Bolivia and today's game features XXX v ZZZ. Awesome!!! That's what everyone wants right??? Broadcasters show what the poeple want - pleas don't expect Thai people to watch something they don't want to! Jeez, you are weird man.

Then you talk about rugby. How about, instead of showing the Super 14, Heinekin Cup and soon the Tri-Nations, we should have some of those games replaced with club rugby from Chile? Yeah, can't wait. I'll see you at the Londoner to watch every game. Not.

Doza, you seem to have been misinformed about marketing and monopoly techniques, procedures, and practice.

I won't argue with you that the scouts, promoters, marketing team, sales directors, managers, coaches and players of organization such as EPL and NBA see more capital flow than Microsoft Walmart and Google combined...

but if you insist on telling us that world audiences personally chose and made requests to know and admire icons such as David Beckham and Kobe Bryant, than I must point out again that you have been misguided. :o

I used to be in Plato's cave too. Growing up, I loved the NBA and thought it was the best and only important league in the world with true talent...Then I noticed more and more players with weird foreign names...and before long, I realized that the Chinese, Argentines, and Italians were just as good and talented basketballers...And then I started to question if NBA was truly a showcase of talent or simply a wealthy organization who had the ability/capital to buy all the talent and market it to make even bigger profits...

And that's exactly what the EPL hype is about...and they're so good at what their doing that their cows are oblvious to the branding---thinking that the world's most excitement, talent, and whatever is in the EPL...no my friends, it's simply business! Marketable Product---Gullable easily-coerced market...nothing more

And Doza, you rant all you want about how Thailand is a shitty team and not to the world standard but you are just proving that you really don't know the facts. Since when was FIFA a fair representation of world athletes to qualify as an objective world-tournament. Everyone knows that FIFA is an eurocentric Europe favoring organization. I won't say that it hasn't come a long way over the decades, but it still has a long way to go before it can truly be world class...

If it were an equal/fair organization to this date, why then do Asia, Mideast, and Oceana combined get what? 5.5 spots? Need I not remind you that China, India, and Indonesia combined have a larger population with more (potential) world class athletes than East/West Europe, Africa, and South/North America combined!

If the tables were turned and Europe only was granted 4.5 seats, would that mean teams that didn't make the cut were crap? You have no logic or facts to back up when you say Thailand is a shitty team...compared to who?

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Wanderer, you really are a bit out of your depth on the football questions.

Yes, Thailand have been the best team in SE Asia for a number of years but they are quite clearly (despite the odd success) not up to the level of the top Asian footballing countries. The single most important reason for the failure to capitalize on their strength in SE Asia is down to internal politics in the Thai FA. They never show the will or determination to sort out the grassroots of the game. They are even incapable of organizing a single professional league - they always end up with a number of competing leagues. League football from Thai games is shown live on TV but I doubt it gets the audience that European games do, and is that really just about marketing?

You claim that "Everyone knows that FIFA is an eurocentric Europe favoring organization" when UEFA have been at odds with FIFA over a number of issues for years now. FIFA have actually done a lot to promote the game around the world and you should note how the improving standard of the African nations has led to them getting more places in the World Cup finals. Just because China, India and Indonesia have massive populations why should they be represented in the Finals when they will lose to some of the more mediocre Europeans? If they can improve their game to compete with the Europeans those places will become available to them. If Thailand can get their game together to actually be one of the top Asian teams then the chance will be open to them. Unfortunately, they look to be on the downward part of the cycle at the moment.

Edited by Tarragona
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Exactly Tarragona

If the tables were turned and Europe only was granted 4.5 seats, would that mean teams that didn't make the cut were crap? ?
No it wouldn't. That's not the point I was making.
You have no logic or facts to back up when you say Thailand is a shitty team...compared to who?
Ha ha ha...compared to a helluva lot of teams in the world you deluded tool! Logic? Please. Thailand can hardly compete on the world stage whether they are in the WC or not. Let's set up a game tomorrow against, hmmm, let's say any team in Western and Eastern Europe. Who are Thailand going to beat, seriously. Maybe Liechtenstein? What about the Americas, all of them? Maybe Canada? Or El Salvador. Possibly, but we are getting thin on the ground here. What about Africa? Possibly one or two obscure teams like Djibuti but not many.

They come in at 108 in the world rankings mate. Sorry. That means shitty to me.

but if you insist on telling us that world audiences personally chose and made requests to know and admire icons such as David Beckham and Kobe Bryant,
They didn't become icons because people DIDN'T want to see them did they?!


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You threw your teddy out of the pram on the thread Monthly Expenditures of Expats, because one member had the sheer effrontery to spend 20,000 Bt on food per month. You just couldn't get your head around the meaning of the word "choice". You weren't supported by a single other poster.

Now you are doing it again here with the same result and for the same reason.

Either you are just an argumentative git, or, you are truly out of your depth on this forum (nevermind football).

Edited by Sir Burr
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Name of this thread "Foreign Name Brands That Have Exploited Thais"

Mr. greenwanderer108 you seem to be confusing the EPL (English Premier League) with the England national team. EPL consists of Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea et al. They recruit players from all over the world (even a couple of Thais at Everton). The England national team, who as you say won the FiFa world cup in 1966, are a team of players who are 'English" (Yes I know about Owen Hargreaves). How can any of this be "exploiting Thais"?

BTW you say that FiFa is "eurocentric", I don't see many African, Asian or even European teams in the US "World" Series of Baseball, does that make MLB xenophobic?

Edited by PREM-R
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