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Nonthaburi: Private dressed as General to get free drinks


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Why has the army got a General for a Tourist Department?

Maybe it's one of those inactive posts?

They even had one for aerobic dancing. If I recall correctly this post is vacant since 2010.

He thought he was doing the "throwing the hand grenade dance" when in reality he was doing the dance of death. Good riddance.

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He looks far too intelligent to be a General. Posted Image

I've met a couple of Thai Army Generals in my time here, they were well educated with a good command of English, very decent men.... and I doubt you'd have the balls to be so rude to their face.........

The bloke in question isn't a general.

But since you've raised the point about the alleged decency of the Generals you have met, can you confirm that they live off their salary and are not in any way involved in corrupt business practices in the course of serving their country?

Or are they like the two Generals I have met (correction, met one, only saw the other getting into his black Merc from a distance) - both involved in constructing new housing villages using army labour and equipment on land that was acquired through less than legitimate means, and using strong arm tactics to secure favourable pricing from suppliers with threats of them not receiving any further business from the army? Also possibly billing the army for some of the raw materials and services I strongly suspect.

And before you question my source, I'm distantly related by marriage to the one that I met, so the details of his escapades are well known throughout the family.

Next time you see me taking a light hearted poke at something as childish as a muppet Private dressing up as a General, don't take a high moral ground about something you obviously know frig all about, or question the size of my balls, Posted Image

Yeah! What HE said!!

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