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Very nearly a serious situation!


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I am at a loss to understand why people Re posting comments that are just ridiculous, I was not blocking the road, I was behind 3 cars!

Mate you are missing the pint. You, cyclists and Soi dogs are at the very bottom of the food chain and very vulnerable to the egotistically driving higher up the food chains to you. Let me put it another way, if you were driving a BMW x5 or a Range Rover, would you be subjected to the same disdain ? I think not

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I am at a loss to understand why people Re posting comments that are just ridiculous, I was not blocking the road, I was behind 3 cars!

They all know what happened better than you, it seems.;)

We've all been in situations like that, where a cage makes a stupid move and nearly kills us. It seems like the guy reacted to your use of the horn (you probably leaned on it- I would have done the same thing). It's upsetting and produces an adrenaline rush, and you vented a bit on TD expecting to receive a bit of sympathy and some 'been-there-done-that's'- frankly, I think you're being treated unfairly here by people who are making assumptions beyond what you posted.

You lived to ride another day, and you and your passenger are unscathed after an encounter with a typical A-hole whose behavior transcends nationality- it could have been worse, and now you've got a good story to tell.;)

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I am at a loss to understand why people Re posting comments that are just ridiculous, I was not blocking the road, I was behind 3 cars!

Mate you are missing the pint. You, cyclists and Soi dogs are at the very bottom of the food chain and very vulnerable to the egotistically driving higher up the food chains to you. Let me put it another way, if you were driving a BMW x5 or a Range Rover, would you be subjected to the same disdain ? I think not

Yes I have been subjected to this in my car one time, same sort of situation, coach following behind a line of cars flashing his lights trying to get last, I could go nowhere! Crazy!

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I am at a loss to understand why people Re posting comments that are just ridiculous, I was not blocking the road, I was behind 3 cars!

They all know what happened better than you, it seems.;)

We've all been in situations like that, where a cage makes a stupid move and nearly kills us. It seems like the guy reacted to your use of the horn (you probably leaned on it- I would have done the same thing). It's upsetting and produces an adrenaline rush, and you vented a bit on TD expecting to receive a bit of sympathy and some 'been-there-done-that's'- frankly, I think you're being treated unfairly here by people who are making assumptions beyond what you posted.

You lived to ride another day, and you and your passenger are unscathed after an encounter with a typical A-hole whose behavior transcends nationality- it could have been worse, and now you've got a good story to tell.;)

It's actually best not to post your experiences on here, you always get the know it alls who think they know what actually went on, posting ridiculous comments which bear no resemblance to want happened is just people trying to be clever, I learn by my mistakes, it won't happen again, I can control my temper and emotions I am able to walk away without any regret, my step daughter was amazing she wasn't scared of this fool!!

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I bought a collapsible knife that is always with me in a quick-draw when i go outside the house,

for defense against dogs and dogs.

I also only drive when i have no other choice, and i'm always scared every minute i drive,

but i think i would be even more scared driving bike on the road phnom pen-sihanookville, maybe.

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I bought a collapsible knife that is always with me in a quick-draw when i go outside the house,for defense against dogs and dogs.I also only drive when i have no other choice, and i'm always scared every minute i drive,but i think i would be even more scared driving bike on the road phnom pen-sihanookville, maybe.

It's dangerous driving a bike anywhere, it's more dangerous driving anything in Thailand due to the invisible and mostly non-existent policing, it's a crazy country alright!

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<snip> my step daughter was amazing she wasn't scared of this fool!!

She maybe had faith in your good judgement that, when faced with a vehicle maybe 100 times the weight of your bike, you would show the good sense to give way to the larger vehicle.

If you continue with the attitude of 'Rule of Law' rather then 'Rule of Physics' ... she may decline further lifts.

She's thinking ... dogpoo ... nice stepfather ... but ding dong riding the bike.

Dumb Jai ... up to you ... biggrin.png

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He doesn't hate bikes. But bikes are on a hierarchy level far below him. In his world he has the right to act like this because he is an important and busy man. And you are doing wrong to use his street driving in the middle of the lane and blocking traffic.

Such behaviour isn't thai specific. Its the same all over the world. Same idiots everywhere.

Yes I agree, but that still does not explain why he tried to overtake when it was impossible to do so!!

What you haven't done, while living in Thailand is to work out that 'it doesn't matter what 'he' does'.

Stop worrying what 'other people' do ... worry what you do.

Life and riding lessons over.

I've got better things to do.

Good Luck to you dogpoo ... I hope your Step-Daughter survives your riding style.


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To be honest i would be pissed off too.. I have been subjected to idiots in cars too... dual cariage way... cars coming on the wrong lane pushing you in the kerb.. but hell they did that also when we were in the car. So its not all about bikes.. there are just a lot of idiots that can't drive their car or bike and endanger others.. its best getting out of their way.

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Yeah this is so common here. If I am on my big bike following a column of 4 or more wheeled vehicles, I will always have vehicles come up alongside me straddling the center line and then slowly push into me. I just accelerate around the car in front. If I don't feel like passing all the vehicles in front then I have to find a driver which will tolerate me in front of them.

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I have been in similar situations. I know how the OP feels. It happens nearly every time i ride on the frontage road of highway #9 near my home.

dogpoo, yes, you were blocking the traffic in his understanding. And yes he was able to overtake you, or wasn't he? At the end he was 5m in front of you and thats all he was interested in. Sad but true.

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