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Why is Yingluck not going to Washington?


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Yet another Yingluck bashing article. What's up guys? Slow news week eh. Reading through the predictable right-wing rhetoric of this journo who supports the PAD, Yellow Shirt, TPN or whatever they're calling themselves this week, it's unclear as to who "the region" is. As in "the region's oldest ally". Surely not Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia whose citizens are still dying from the effects of the chemical (and other) warfare waged against them all those years ago by 'the region's oldest ally'

Imagine if my pin-up Yingluck had gone to USA. These boards would be full of the usual bar stool bigot crap like "There she goes shopping again. Leaving the country to fend for itself." Hey guys,don't worry Dr T's got it under control.

As for the intended slur re. Obama's visit: Two of the pics look suspiciously like Aung San Su Kii and the other his wife so what's yer point? Sloppy slurring guy!

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If Myanmar and Vietnam are examples for how US are choosing their allies, with a lack of democracy and a very sad human rights record, maybe Thailand should consider themselves happy, not to be among "the chosen ones"??whistling.gif

Why do Thailand need the "approval" of the US in any context ?

what have human rights to do with it? Saudi Arabia is an ally, Saddam Husein was one.

It is about interests and securing the world dominance....in the middle east it is about oil, here it is about blocking China.

It has nothing to do with human rights or democracy, the best example is Saudi Arabia.

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Yet another Yingluck bashing article. What's up guys? Slow news week eh. Reading through the predictable right-wing rhetoric of this journo who supports the PAD, Yellow Shirt, TPN or whatever they're calling themselves this week, it's unclear as to who "the region" is. As in "the region's oldest ally". Surely not Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia whose citizens are still dying from the effects of the chemical (and other) warfare waged against them all those years ago by 'the region's oldest ally'

Imagine if my pin-up Yingluck had gone to USA. These boards would be full of the usual bar stool bigot crap like "There she goes shopping again. Leaving the country to fend for itself." Hey guys,don't worry Dr T's got it under control.

As for the intended slur re. Obama's visit: Two of the pics look suspiciously like Aung San Su Kii and the other his wife so what's yer point? Sloppy slurring guy!

You haven't got much in the way of taste my friend if she is your pin-up!! Is there a Top Charoen near you?

You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover by the way. Do you think that spending such little time in government house is acceptable?

Do you see (ex)managers like Sir Alex Ferguson flying to Bali on match days?

I cannot ask you if you think that she does a good job because she hasn't got one!! You even admit to this when you say that "Dr T's got it under control". Sure, everything is well under (out of, more like it) control under this ciminal's abject handling of the 'cogs of government'.

If she had gone to America she would make the two Bush's look like intellectuals. Do you think that she writes her own speeches or does she simply read what someone else has created for her (probably that imbecile abroad)?

I don't think that 'right' or 'left' really comes into Thai politics - if you accused a Thai politician of being a left winger then he probably tell you that he cannot play in that position as he is right-footed and too old to play football.

I am afraid that she brings it all on herself really as she is not cut out to be a politician and she definitely doesn't act like one (prime minister at that)!!!!

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Funny how the Thai media has repeatedly made mention of Yingluck's shortcomings with the Thai language ever since she was elected and yet, some farang on here claims she speaks perfect Thai.


Because she does speak perfect Thai like most middle class people who have the language as their mother tongue - though she does have a pronounced accent (I'm surmising like many of Thai Visa's English speakers).

I have this on authority of a Cambridge educated Thai lawyer since I was genuinely puzzled by the references to her poor Thai language skills in the Thai press (which the poster refers to) and more particularly on the social media.Much of this seems to be just political schtick

Her English language skills are a different matter and obviously she is much less proficient than Abhisit with his years overseas at outstanding schools and university.On the other hand she is a great deal better than Chuan or Banharn.Frankly she seems fairly typical of middle class Thais whose sole overseas experience was at a third tier US university.

But it's hard to demonstrate she has significant shortcomings in the Thai language.Not being very articulate is a different matter.

Funniest one of those attacking Yingluck's English has to be that "Concentration Citizens against Yingluck" on Facebook. They all go on about her poor English and yet the name of their page is a linguistic abomination that even the average construction worker screaming "You" couldn't do worse than that.

We shouldn't forget the cultural supremacy of the central Thai dialect among those obsessed with such things and how it used as a measure of intelligence among them. Of course the vast majority of the Thai people do not actually use that dialect on a daily basis (I can remember the figures off hand but it is a huge majority), and certainly do not chose to use it with friends, family etc so in that way Yingluck is with the majority. When people say a Thai person does not speak Thai properly it says more about the person making the statement.

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This is an article from The Nation

as the Democratic Party's Media Division it is their job to come up with stories that cast Yingluck in a bad light.

This has as much relevance as that other burning question .... Why hasn't she visited Belize, or, er, Bermuda?

Agree with the sentiment but the BKK Post is more a Democrat newspaper or at least its shareholding and management has rather obvious links. From what I have read/heard the Nation leadership has more of an irrational or maybe rational hatred of anything connected to Thaksin because of a business deal one of its owners lost out to him on many years ago. Can't be bothered checking the veracity but I have seen/heard it form several sources. Take it for what its worth.

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