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When Saving Face is 100 % BS


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Yeah. The Thai concept of face saving is simply the easiest route to get out of taking responsibility/owning up to something. The rest of SE Asia, predominantly Japan, face = honour. Honour bit thin on the ground here and I do wish the farang would give it up/bending over, and start pulling them up on it.

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IF/WHEN I am paying, it is generally may way i like to see the things go.

IF they dont go that way, WHEN the bills come it is MY TURN to save MY FACE not paying for something incompetent, or something i didnt access at all.

just 2 quick example: night, kid touch plug, electricity shut down, but he has some pain, so, go to hospital. about 1 hour waiting there (10:30pm around the time) before a nurse come, check the kid, look fine, he will live, so, pay 300 thb doctor fee +50 baht hospital...

cut it short, no doctor, not even a blood pressure check = no doctor fee. some faces, but hey, your rule, my money :)

bbq buffett restaurant, i dont feel well, so, tell to wife and her gf + 2 kids, np, i just sit, drink a water...i dont like the food much there anyway. make it clear for the server, no problem. finished, comes the bill, buffett for 5, + 2 bottle extra water what we never had.

oh. quick math, bottles still there...oho. but nevertheless buffett for 5. i refused, not really that 150thb, but spend the other 600 there + my water, should be enough. i didnt even try food from my wife plate, never even got a plate. greedy owner? well my face, my money, i dont go there anymore, not a loss at all. but i wont pay for something i dont have. the double charging is enough where i cant escape it.

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It seems like both the clinic and the patients are a bit confused in this story. The clinic were clearly giving a glucose tolerance test.

This is when the patient takes a measured amount of glucose and the clinic measures how much your blood glucose gets elevated, to test whether your glucose handling is abnormal, that is, whether you are definitively diabetic.

If your blood sugar is elevated above a prespecified level two hours after taking the glucose solution then you are classified as 'diabetic' or having 'impaired glucose tolerance'.

Usually you take a zero time blood sample to measure resting levels, then a sample two hours after the patient takes the glucose to test how the body handles the glucose load.

It is possible (I stress possible) that this clinic usually takes a sample just after the glucose is swallowed because they think there is not enough time for any glucose to have been absorbed, so this is an adequate "zero time" sample.

With no english that would be impossible to explain to the patients, and I am not clinically experienced enough to know whether this is an acceptable procedure. I would think probably not ideal, but it may well have been intentional, "just how they do it." They were clearly going to take a "zero time " sample, they were just doing it a little late.

This is a standard protocol for the glucose tolerance test from a US clinic:

Patients should be advised to eat a normal carbohydrate diet (>150g daily) for at least 3 days prior to the test and undertake normal physical activity.
Patients must fast for 10-14 hours prior to this test but may drink small volumes of plain water.
Smoking and physical exercise should NOT be allowed in the morning prior to, and during, the test
Adults: 75 g anhydrous glucose in cold water. The solution should be chilled to improve palatability. An alternative is this Polycal ® (113 mL) which is more palatable and should be followed by 150mL water (total volume should be 250-300mL).
Children: the dose is weight related 1.75g/kg body weight: the maximum load is 75g.

Polycal ® contains 0.66g anhydrous glucose per mL (or 1.51mL contains 1g anhydrous glucose).
This test should be performed in the morning. Patients should remain at rest during the test.
There is no need to take urine samples for glucose measurements.
Time 0 min 1-2 mL blood should be taken in a fluoride oxalate tube: The glucose solution or Polycal ® should be drunk over 5 minutes.
Time 120 min 1-2 mL blood should be taken in a fluoride oxalate tube
Interpretation (blood glucose measurement mmol/l)
Time 0min 120min
non diabetic <6.0 <7.8
Impaired glucose tolerance 6.1-6.9 7.9-11
Diabetic >7 >11.1
Edited by partington
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Ironically the Thais in my office love nothing more than loudly pointing out that I have made a mistake

^^^ And this is what I have come to believe Thai face is. Putting others down or showing yourself to be better than others. It is different from the Easy Asian face which is all about family honour.

Here everything is a game of oneupsmanship in the disguise of "face" to make it sound more honourable.

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Ironically the Thais in my office love nothing more than loudly pointing out that I have made a mistake

^^^ And this is what I have come to believe Thai face is. Putting others down or showing yourself to be better than others. It is different from the Easy Asian face which is all about family honour.

Here everything is a game of oneupsmanship in the disguise of "face" to make it sound more honourable.

Learnt this very early on in Thailand. A girl from head office would come to my office to visit once a month, I assume to make a report (Thai company) and she was overly pleasant and very charming. When I went to lunch she turned into a monster, screaming at the isaan staff, demanding to see their ID cards, treating them like prisoners in a gaol. So what do people get out of treating people that can't defend themselves like utter shit??? I guess you have to ask a Thai.

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This is not farang land and nothing surprises me. OP, it is hit or miss. We must ourselves try and look for the difference between wood and trees. When our lad was told he was going to have a heart attack AND cancer from his 15 year old finger nails my head began to understand stuff. Sadly.sad.png

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David, you are more forgiving than I would be, in those clear cut incompetant circumstanxes they wouldnt ever see me again. I couldnt and wouldnt trust them after that. Trust is a huge issue in hospitals or any care environment and once broken, for me anyway, its no going back.

I hope you sort it out and wish the little lady well for the future.

I totally agree.

Our lives can be in the hands of these people, where there is no room for errors.

I would have simply refused to pay, have told them it`s their mistake, their problem and then walked out never to return and thanked my lucky stars that I or any of my family were not in there being treated for a major medical problem.

If I were the OP, I would never submit myself or any of my family under the tender mercies of that hospital..

As I understand it there are 200,000 deaths in the States every year due to Doctors mistakes.

Now you expect 100% perfection in Thailand. I have diabetes also and would not even have allowed them to give me any thing including a glass of water before they took a blood sample.

If the lady was in as bad a shape as the OP lets on they could have indeed done the proper thing. My Dad carried a beer with him in case his sugar level ever got to low and he would start to get wobbly. My ex wife and a friend went for a walk one day and the wife forgot the friend had diabetes and went at a good clip he was all shaky when they got back to the house and we gave him a candy bar and he was fine. First I called a nurse who lived in the same complex and that is what he said when I gave him the facts.

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So they made a mistake. Mistakes always happens, specially if you live in remote areas.

I could count many stories that happened at local clinics and hospitals in the middle of nowhere for the past 24 years I lived in Thailand.

This is the way local farmers are confronted every day when they visit a hospital or clinic in Thailand but we are lucky we can always move our Mrs to Bangkok to get a better service or if things get very nasty we could even fly them to Singapore or back to our country.

My Mrs born a baby in a government hospital for 6% of the price in an international hospital. Their were problems from all sides and surely at times wrong decisions were made by the doctor and nurses.

As they say you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Next time go to Bangkok for a day trip and visit the the Bumrungrad Hospital and you should be fine.

That's the risk of staying in remote areas but at least we have options that the other farmers don't have and your Mrs seems to somehow understand the situation.

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So they made a mistake. Mistakes always happens, specially if you live in remote areas.

I could count many stories that happened at local clinics and hospitals in the middle of nowhere for the past 24 years I lived in Thailand.

This is the way local farmers are confronted every day when they visit a hospital or clinic in Thailand but we are lucky we can always move our Mrs to Bangkok to get a better service or if things get very nasty we could even fly them to Singapore or back to our country.

My Mrs born a baby in a government hospital for 6% of the price in an international hospital. Their were problems from all sides and surely at times wrong decisions were made by the doctor and nurses.

As they say you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Next time go to Bangkok for a day trip and visit the the Bumrungrad Hospital and you should be fine.

That's the risk of staying in remote areas but at least we have options that the other farmers don't have and your Mrs seems to somehow understand the situation.

Thanks, and I appreciate the post, but it's a wrong assumption ... we live next to Bangkok.

I know the Bumrungrad Hospital ... but it's not for the Thai's


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Ironically the Thais in my office love nothing more than loudly pointing out that I have made a mistake

^^^ And this is what I have come to believe Thai face is. Putting others down or showing yourself to be better than others. It is different from the Easy Asian face which is all about family honour.

Here everything is a game of oneupsmanship in the disguise of "face" to make it sound more honourable.

Total rubbish.

Back in the West, see what big companies, doctors, dentists and hospitals do in order to cover up or gloss over a situation when they make errors.

Ever tried suing or lying blame for imcompetence or malpractice on a member of the medical profession in the UK or the United States?

Trying not to lose face is about trying not to lose credibility, nothing to do with oneupsmanship. In the West this maybe described as losing prestige or one`s pride, which amounts to the same thing.

No one likes to lose credibility, whatever nationality, wherever in the world.


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This is not farang land and nothing surprises me. OP, it is hit or miss. We must ourselves try and look for the difference between wood and trees. When our lad was told he was going to have a heart attack AND cancer from his 15 year old finger nails my head began to understand stuff. Sadly.sad.png

You can never trust anything told to you here especially in construction, expect the same in all professions, have had many experiences in the last few years with outright lies in many cases.

Our work is guaranteed 10 years....no one year....no NO years, after payment, is one very small example.

REMEMBER.... Thais trust no one!!

Edited by kannot
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Ironically the Thais in my office love nothing more than loudly pointing out that I have made a mistake

^^^ And this is what I have come to believe Thai face is. Putting others down or showing yourself to be better than others. It is different from the Easy Asian face which is all about family honour.

Here everything is a game of oneupsmanship in the disguise of "face" to make it sound more honourable.

Total rubbish.

Back in the West, see what big companies, doctors, dentists and hospitals do in order to cover up or gloss over a situation when they make errors.

Ever tried suing or lying blame for imcompetence or malpractice on a member of the medical profession in the UK or the United States?

Trying not to lose face is about trying not to lose credibility, nothing to do with oneupsmanship. In the West this maybe described as losing prestige or one`s pride, which amounts to the same thing.

No one likes to lose credibility, whatever nationality, wherever in the world.

Oh right, thanks for correcting my experience of living in Thailand, by pretty much extending what I already said!!

Whatever you want to call it; Credibility, social status, oneupsmanship, gossiping about anyone that threatens your status and all the other petty crap that I see daily all amounts to the same thing. Face here is very different to China. It's much more a high school girl version of wanting to look good and/or making others look bad so you look good.

You can tell me I'm wrong but it's not going to change everything I've seen living out here.

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Ironically the Thais in my office love nothing more than loudly pointing out that I have made a mistake

^^^ And this is what I have come to believe Thai face is. Putting others down or showing yourself to be better than others. It is different from the Easy Asian face which is all about family honour.

Here everything is a game of oneupsmanship in the disguise of "face" to make it sound more honourable.

Total rubbish.

Back in the West, see what big companies, doctors, dentists and hospitals do in order to cover up or gloss over a situation when they make errors.

Ever tried suing or lying blame for imcompetence or malpractice on a member of the medical profession in the UK or the United States?

Trying not to lose face is about trying not to lose credibility, nothing to do with oneupsmanship. In the West this maybe described as losing prestige or one`s pride, which amounts to the same thing.

No one likes to lose credibility, whatever nationality, wherever in the world.

Agree the way op and some members posting here it's as if farang don't like to save face and openly admit mistakes while east asians and asians are all dishonest face savers. Lost count of the number of times farang get extremely defensive when any small comment is made about them on various sites like youtube and the like.

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I went to the private hospital here in Buriram last week and what a joke the Doctor was.. Ive got a swelling under my armpit and ive had it for 5 monthsso could be cancer who knows.. I go into his room to see him and take my shirt off.. He then tells me to go with the nurse to take blood and an xray.. Im thinking an xray will show &lt;deleted&gt; all i want an ultrasound.. so get my blood taken and an x ray.. wait 45 mins for the blood results and he tells me i have inflation of arm and breast tissue and my lungs look ok on the x ray.. Im thinking my fking lungs its my armpit you daft arse.. He then says my blood pressure is a little high.. I know this already &lt;deleted&gt; im not here for this.. I then get tablets.. &lt;deleted&gt; aspirin and inflammatory shit.. Hence why im off to bangkok hospital in korat tomorrow a full 2 hours away and i wont be leaving without a proper diagnosis this time..

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This is not farang land and nothing surprises me. OP, it is hit or miss. We must ourselves try and look for the difference between wood and trees. When our lad was told he was going to have a heart attack AND cancer from his 15 year old finger nails my head began to understand stuff. Sadly.sad.png

You can never trust anything told to you here especially in construction, expect the same in all professions, have had many experiences in the last few years with outright lies in many cases.

Our work is guaranteed 10 years....no one year....no NO years, after payment, is one very small example.

REMEMBER.... Thais trust no one!!

What do u mean?

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