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Last night some prick stole my CBR250 and another tenants Ninja 250.

I've been looking at CCTV records from a business across the street and the theft took place around 0256, on the morning of Sep 27. Didn't get a number plate because the tail gate was down. Will continue to ask around about other cameras to get a better ID on the thieves and get away vehicle.

The bikes were in a locked storage area, but the thieves either had a key or picked the lock and then man handled them on to a pick up. They were west bound on Soi Siam Country Club Road (towards the sea) at last sighting.

Information leading to the recovery of the bikes is very appreciated and will be rewarded.

Please PM me with sighting, info.


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I would guess there are some CCTV from the city installed along SSCC, so if you have the exact time they left, it should be easy for the police to find the truck and it's license plate on the recordings.


The bikes were stolen from an apartment near Soi 12, Siam Country Club RD.

The only CCTV pic I have now is from a business across the street, its a very poor photo and with the tail gate down, I can not see the number plate. Will post better pics when, if I have them.



any distinguishing marks on your bike? Did you ever get Pirellis?

asking because if it shows up as a rental in cnx, no shop owner is going to stick pirellis on there.


That just sucks Lancelot.

I really hope you recover your bike.

I can imagine just how pissed you are. Channel that energy and good luck catching the thieves.

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That really bites! I hope you get the pricks. At least Pattaya will yank you over if the plates are removed....... But if they are Thai's they don't seem to have to ever have plated bikes & everyone has a cousin in the force to get them to look the other way. A little late for this bike but if you do get it back you can get a GPS chip & put it in the frame that will track the bike for over a year or till the battery gets to weak to send out the beacon.


That really bites! I hope you get the pricks. At least Pattaya will yank you over if the plates are removed....... But if they are Thai's they don't seem to have to ever have plated bikes & everyone has a cousin in the force to get them to look the other way. A little late for this bike but if you do get it back you can get a GPS chip & put it in the frame that will track the bike for over a year or till the battery gets to weak to send out the beacon.

Sorry for the OT, but where can one get such a GPS chip, sounds mighty interesting actually.


I hate sceevy scumbag thieves. When the police catch em they should confiscate everything they own, auction it off and compensate the victim....and give em prison time as well. Hard labour busting concrete blocks from retired bridges and motorways.

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OK, here are the CCTV pics. There were five Thai guys on two bikes. The robbery went down in five minutes! I am trying to get this out in the hopes of recovering the bikes and contacted two Pattaya news papers, but they did not respond to my emails. It is no wonder motorcycle thieves steal with near impunity, because no one gives a rat's ass.

The thieves took the bikes east bound on Soi Siam Country Club (away from the sea) The Ninja owner is checking 7-11 CCTV cams further down Siam Country Club to see if they turned off or kept going down Siam Country Club.

If any readers can help with placing this in a Thai language news paper, that would be most appreciated.

We have also shared the CCTV file with the Nong Prue police station.

Look Outs ready to leave









is there an on premises security guard there? I never trust those fools.

i find that if they over exaggerate body and facial gestures, theyre usually lying.

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That really bites! I hope you get the pricks. At least Pattaya will yank you over if the plates are removed....... But if they are Thai's they don't seem to have to ever have plated bikes & everyone has a cousin in the force to get them to look the other way. A little late for this bike but if you do get it back you can get a GPS chip & put it in the frame that will track the bike for over a year or till the battery gets to weak to send out the beacon.

Sorry for the OT, but where can one get such a GPS chip, sounds mighty interesting actually.

In The U.S. the security companies carry them as wel las GPS bracelets for boating & kids. Tuk Com in south Pattaya would most likely carry them. I used to cut out a piece in the front of the frame horn area on my autos & reattach the small piece of metal taken out & undercoat it so it was undetectable. In the U.S. it came with a surveillance service with purchase but can be tracked by your own computer now. Well worth it on rides that are highly desired in questionable areas. I am sure Tuk com has the devices in the 3 security shops there. You dont have to install it in the frame. I did because I owned an auto body & paint shop & had the equipment. If you ever do it this way the device(very tiny) needs to be put in the front or rear of the frame(in an auto or truck) NEVER in the middle as that is the strength of the frame not designed to be cut or altered in any way. Besides there are many spots to think of to fir in a hidden location on the tree of the bike or inside or backside of one of the plastic relay pieces.


Your best chance to get them lies with the 1st pic of the lookout.If & that would be a huge if in Thailand- the police could grill security to who the lookout is that might reveal the story Unfortunately that is the only somewhat clear photo to go by & I doubt for bike theft in Thailand they are going to spend money on enhancing the photos to get a clearer picture. Did you capture the truck on tape? I hope you got theft coverage! If you did you still would not get 100% back but the insurance company would put the screws to the police to break up the ring. It looks like these guys have done this routine before.


That really bites! I hope you get the pricks. At least Pattaya will yank you over if the plates are removed....... But if they are Thai's they don't seem to have to ever have plated bikes & everyone has a cousin in the force to get them to look the other way. A little late for this bike but if you do get it back you can get a GPS chip & put it in the frame that will track the bike for over a year or till the battery gets to weak to send out the beacon.

Sorry to hear that, hope you had it insured. Always good to have some markings on the bike, your initials in yellow paint under the seat or elsewhere. Hope you get it back and keep us posted on how the local constabulary deal with this theft.


To the OP, sorry to hear that - hope that some good news comes your way.

Better to have CCTV images than nothing at least.

No matter how careful you are, bikes are pretty easy to steal.

I haven't found the perfect solution yet, to compliment insurance of course.

Has anyone used those XENA disk locks - any feedback?



Can any one make out this number plate?


The best face shot of the thieves.

The more I look at the CCTV footage, I think that one of the waves was pushing each bike, so maybe they didn't go far, at least initially.

Trying to get these pics published in one of the Pattaya rags, but they are not interested...

I will say the Thais in my neighbor hood are supportive and have offered to put up posters of the thieves. More publicity can't hurt...


Yes it looks like the bikes were pushed by those waves.. so i take it you did not have your bike on steering lock ? I can understand forgetting that.. I dont do that either as i lock my home


lancelot sorry to hear this man. i know you got it recently.

hope you can find it.

riders beware, nowadays hearing more big bike theft. lock your bike tight.

and really surprising how they can easily got the bikes and sure fast.


Yes it looks like the bikes were pushed by those waves.. so i take it you did not have your bike on steering lock ? I can understand forgetting that.. I dont do that either as i lock my home

Both bikes had locked steering- but any thing man made can be broken by man...


Yes it looks like the bikes were pushed by those waves.. so i take it you did not have your bike on steering lock ? I can understand forgetting that.. I dont do that either as i lock my home

Both bikes had locked steering- but any thing man made can be broken by man...

Must be quite easy to break then i guess.


can you see them tilt the bike to break the lock?

theres an ignition code on the back of the ignition barrel, to make duplicate keys ;)


Yes it looks like the bikes were pushed by those waves.. so i take it you did not have your bike on steering lock ? I can understand forgetting that.. I dont do that either as i lock my home

Both bikes had locked steering- but any thing man made can be broken by man...

Must be quite easy to break then i guess.

Not easy but doable; there are some You Tube clips of thieves kicking or jerking the handlebars to break the lock

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