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I am looking at getting an Android mini PC, basically to stream movies etc to my tv.

I have a Raspberry Pi for the bedroom tv, running Raspbmc. I would like something else for the living room tv that can access more than XBMC, such as ExpatTV Asia, Sport365 etc, as well as streaming from websites.

I am looking at the following :

Tronsmart MK908 Google Android 4.2 Mini PC TV Box RK3188 Quad Core 2G/8G BT Black - US$ 64.99 on Geekbuying.com

Does anyone have any experience with one of these? Any other recommendations?



MK908 is fine, but you can also consider CX-919 for similar pricing.

However, RK3188 devices have a serious flaw when playing videos, they tend to skip frames or play videos jitterly. There are fixes around (custom kernels, roms) for this but nothing solved problem 100% completely.

If you want quad core, but also want better video playback you can buy GK802, which can be hacked to install ubuntu and XBMC with video acceleration, but also provides very good video playback under Android.

Don't forget to buy an airmouse-keyboard or minikeyboard-touchpad/trackpad remote (around $20 usd) with these devices.


The 'sticks' have had issues overheating, a few of the rom developers are suggesting the stand-alone boxes that have better heat displacement, as well as better WiFi reception if you're not using Ethernet cables.

I purchased a K-R42 (also marketed as CS918, MK888, MK421) QuadCore box over the Internet in Thailand from minipcthailand a month ago, through you can buy the same products from geekbuying slightly cheaper if you are willing to wait for the extended ship time. If you're interested in connecting Bluetooth devices, they recently released a T-R42 variant.

Note, there have been issues running 1080p content on the Rockchip RK3188 and lack of open-source support for GPU Hardware Acceleration. You can follow the following custom ROM / kernel discussions here at xda-developers and freaktab. (pop back a level to check out discussions on other devices.)

I'm not using xbmc, just following the issues in the thread, I'm just streaming live from the web locally in Thailand or using smb to watch files from the laptop.



@ muratremix. Thanks for that. The GK802 is the same price on Geekbuying. I will check out some reviews of it. Can I not use app on my phone to control them? I use Yatse to control my Raspberry Pi.

@RichCor. Cheers. As you didnt mention it I guess there are no issues streaming locally. I was thinking that I could install the AIS football app and stream the football onto my tv, as well as YouTube stuff for my kids. I will check out the forums you linked.


Some of the Rockchip devices include the eHomeMediaCenter.apk for serverside and RKRemoteControl.apk (RKRemoteControlGeneralCastV2.0.2.apk) for remote control over WiFi. Info here on GeekBuying

And, although I have these installed, we prefer to use a USB Wireless Mouse / Keyboard as the local keyboards have the Thai character-set pre-printed on then. I also side-loaded the GoogleTV version of YouTube that allows Pairing to the TV and casting youtube video from Android handset to play remotely on the Android TV box.


I have had the CX-919 quadcore for about 4 months now, excellent device. I did flash the firmware to Finless 1.5 to improve the kernel to 1080p, very simple process on Win 7 PC. Did a Google Play download of MX Player and ES File explorer and now getting perfect streaming from both internet and from files on my computer network upstairs. Strong signal even through the considerable rebar concrete structure between the router+wifi and the CX-919. Added a small heatsink from the chipset of a defunct motherboard to the top of the CX-919 just to help the cooling even if nor real indication that it was needed.


.....Did a Google Play download of MX Player and ES File explorer and now getting perfect streaming from both internet and from files on my computer network upstairs.

well, which app do you guys use for playlists? (m3u, m3u8)

Or do you type the Stream Url every time?

I ask, because I know, that MxPlayer doesn't support playlists.


I bought a Tronsmart MK908 looking device in Panthip in July 2013. It was playing fine but was getting slightly hot, rebooting and the wifi reception was weak. I didn't want to do a cooling mod on the case, and so bought a little usb fan which I stuck in front of the Tronsmart to blow the heat away and it seemed to work - no more reboots and the device stayed cool to the touch.

I recently found a small store in Fortune selling the MINIX Neo X7, which I bought, and it has replaced my MK908. There are also good forums and support from the manufacturer.

If you are in Bangkok you could try and visit the small stores in Panthip and Fortune selling the different mini pcs available.


I have a Rikomagic mk802 II, and it has worked flawlessly. I use a Logitech Revue keyboard that is the ideal controller- a trackpad and reasonable sized keyboard in one unit.

My only complaint about the Rikomagic is that it doesn't have Bluetooth, but I see that they now have newer models that do have it, along with the quad core processor, etc. However, I'm in no rush to get one of these after reading what Rich said above about Rockchip devices.

My complaint about the logitech revue is that the trackpad is not "tappable". Gotta click the mouse button. It is small issue / not really a problem, but just doesn't have the intuitive feel like my laptop trackpad. It would drive me crazy if I was doing any real work with it, but as a glorified remote control it is all I need.

Overall, I'm satisfied with both of these.

  • 3 weeks later...
I also side-loaded the GoogleTV version of YouTube that allows Pairing to the TV and casting youtube video from Android handset to play remotely on the Android TV box.

Where di you find the apk for this version of YouTube? Any chance you could post a link?




Thanks for that. I tried it and it works, I think it crashed once and did say it couldn't reach the paired device once but I will give it a proper test later.

I already emailed Geniatech, the makes of my Android box to suggest that find a way to include it in their build.


I am coming to Bangkok soon for an unexpected visit. Are these devices available anywhere? Unfortunately my stay will be short so I will not have time to hunt all the possible outlets and would appreciate any infomration as to where I could fid such a device.

A reputable mail order supplier based in Thailand that could send it to my wife would also be an option

Thank you

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