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as anyone heard from theblether,

mate its to quiet without your ramblings,

he must be up the mountian with the monks again,,

come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk theblether,,


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You're not going to believe this but.................

I've got dengue fever.

I've been quietly dying for the last ten days. sad.png

Knowing you that would not be so quietly. Have the mossquitos died from alchahol poisoning....at least that way you would get your own back.smile.png

Hope you recover soon them. You really have been in the wars this trip havent you.


You're not going to believe this but.................

I've got dengue fever.

I've been quietly dying for the last ten days. sad.png

Knowing you that would not be so quietly. Have the mossquitos died from alchahol poisoning....at least that way you would get your own back.smile.png

Hope you recover soon them. You really have been in the wars this trip havent you.

Unbelievable Harrry, I wandered down to do a visa run and to visit weegee last week. Tuesday was a great day, myself and weegee blethered for hours, fabulous. On the Wednesday I went on the visa run down to Sadao ( I think it's called )and walked between the Thai / Malaysian stations and back. I got have taken a motorcycle taxi but I'm still boycotting motorcycles at the moment.

At first I thought I had a bit of light heatstroke but that night I got the whole shiver / sweats / feel like I want to die treatment. I was completely wiped out for the next couple of days, and I mean wiped out. By Saturday I could stay awake for a couple of hours, maybe Sunday too, but then it hit like a train again Monday / Tuesday. I flew back on Wednesday, met a monk coming off the flight, I could hardly draw breath, he offered to take me to his temple to look after me.

I would love to have done that but I had visitors coming to CM to see me, so had to demur. I walked straight into my doctor, out came the stethescope and various other tests and dengue was diagnosed. That's me room bound again for another few days.

I'm jinxed, seriously jinxed this trip.


You're not going to believe this but.................

I've got dengue fever.

I've been quietly dying for the last ten days. sad.png

When you think it couldn't get any worse.

I hope the scrapes and bruises from topping off your bike and the back pain are all gone.


May I add............

The hospitality, the kindness, shown to me by Mr and Mrs Weegee was quite incredible and touching. Mrs Weegee was amazing, nothing was ever a trouble. Unfortunately you have no appetite when you have dengue and I think she was a tad offended that I couldn't eat. The food was delicious, it was literally illness that was the problem.

I was also amused to hear that she was sending weegee down to the room to see if I was dead yet. laugh.png

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Get well soon, meanwhile, avoid windows in tall buildings and all street dogs and dont walk near any street vendor frying things. Always wear a hard hat, indoors and outdoors.

More suggestions later.

  • Like 1

get well soon mate,

your going to have to just get a hotel room and lock down the hatches, would be safer for you,

dred to think whats coing next,,

please dont go in the bloody jungle, there big snakes to bite there,,,lol

just bo your luck to step on one,,

keep your chin up pal,


  • Like 2

My grandmother used to tell me to never go out without clean underwear on (in case of getting hit by a bus). TheBlether must contract the Jockey delivery vehicle to follow him around.

Seriously, get well soon tb.

  • Like 1

All due respect to theblether's illness, how is this Thailand-specific ?

Considering the dengue fever epidemic in Thailand at the moment, I feel a strong connection to Thailand the possibilities dangers to one's health here.

Same as my thread about getting a DVT ... designed to make sure the other good members don't wind up like me.

So, while you may or may not appreciate a members writing style, the fact remains that a fellow member is well under the weather and we all should be mindful of the dangers which can befall us here.

If you MrWorldwide had caught dengue fever and came here to regale your story as a precautionary tale to others ... I would applaud that.

So maybe, let's not worry about the functionality of the issue, but rather, take the implied health warning, and collectively wish theblether a speedy recovery.

  • Cholera
  • Motorcycle Accident
  • Dengue Fever

Mate ... they say things come in three's ... your safe now ... facepalm.gif


Note to Blether - drink bottled water! drive a tank! Cover yourself in deet and a mossie net.

  • Like 1

ok mr worlwide,,

the blether fell of his motorbike in thailand,

had cholera

now dengue fever

let this be a warning to all, people living or visiting, these are the things that can happen to you here,,

thats without warning what could happen if you meet the wrong lady,,lol

is that better,

i was just asking about a freind on here,

like when i didnt post on the farming section for a while, some were worried and asked if anyone had heard from me,

just showing concern,,, that was all


Jake...why bother answering him?...we understand what you are saying.

  • Like 2

You're not going to believe this but.................

I've got dengue fever.

I've been quietly dying for the last ten days. sad.png

I had it three months ago, nothing can be done except drink electrolyte and keep well hydrated. 18 days of misery (soothed with heavy duty painkillers) is what it took to get me back on my feet. My 18 year old son contracted it the same time as I did and he took exactly the same time to recover.

Wishing you a speedy recovery as I am an avid reader of your posts

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Note to Blether - drink bottled water! drive a tank! Cover yourself in deet and a mossie net.

OMG ccc. Don't let him loose in the provinces in a tank. He couldn't even keep his bike on the tarmac.

He better be careful what he eats and drinks.

He hasn't ticked Hepatitis A off his list yet.

The abbreviation of his name is unfortunate too!



Well don't know ya but like ya posts in the main n things come in 3s so hopefully yr done with the bad luck pal

Speedy recovery

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  • Like 1

Thanks very much wai.gif

@geronimo, I hear you. That pain aspect is indescribable, it feels as if every single part of your body is screaming. You end up terrified to turn in bed cos you know what's coming next.

I'm going to delay my flight to Scotland as there is no way I'm going to travel with this hanging in my system. A singular mosquito bite, my gawd. sad.png


Thanks very much wai.gif

@geronimo, I hear you. That pain aspect is indescribable, it feels as if every single part of your body is screaming. You end up terrified to turn in bed cos you know what's coming next.

I'm going to delay my flight to Scotland as there is no way I'm going to travel with this hanging in my system. A singular mosquito bite, my gawd. sad.png

A detour here might be in order on your return to the U.K. http://www.lstmliverpool.ac.uk/



I've had dengue this year and that was bad, but believe me not as bad as malaria, which I had last year and nearly killed me. The after effects of both live on for a while after the acute phase. I try not to be a blood meal for a vector any more. Dengue is very prevalent in Thailand but I believe out east where I am is the malaria hot spot, I even saw news of a new strain coming out of Cambodia in Pailin province about 5k away from me as the crow flies

All the best, the blether anyway

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