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Any Tot Adsl Users In Bangkok Having Web-access Issues?


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We've been with Tot for about 3 months now in Bangkok (Sukhumwit - near Phrom Phong). In the last few weeks, the access to various sites seems to have got a lot worse.

We're on the silvercyber package (512/256) and have been very happy up until now. Most sites are working just fine and if we download from a working site, it goes quickly enough; therefore I don't think it's a problem with the local connection. I've tried resetting the router to factory settings (it's a Tot-supplied router). There are certain sites which just cannot be loaded - Firefox reports that "the site took too long to respond" (or similar wording).

Two sites which we've not been able to access for the last week or so are:

http://forums.handbag.com/ and http://www.theage.com.au/

Taking the example of forums.handbag.com, a ping returns results from the server. Trying to telnet to port 80, however, results in a connection timeout. If I try the same tests from work, I get connected straight away and can request a page. I can also access the pages in Firefox at work with no problems. This indicates to me that it's not a problem with the remote server.

It certainly looks as if there is some kind of blocking or routing issue going on at Tot. Can anyone else using Tot access these sites?

Additionally, I've been having a number of problems recently where sites have been halfway through loading and then the connection is reset. This results in Firefox displaying an error message. After 1 or 2 retries, it's usually then OK.

Has anyone experienced similar problems? Or am I at the mercy of the Tot support line?



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Not just you. This past week have had heaps of problems accessing websites which normally could access fine ... e.g. emirates airlines, yahoo inbox, etc. has been really frustrating. The only reason we use TOT is our landlord works there so we get it on employee discount but am starting to wonder if it's worth it and should just pay for my own.

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I m on TOT Cybergold and can t access the first site but can access the second.

Been having a strange problem sending from GMAIL lately, ADD reply on this forum and also my admin pannel on my u.s. hosted website, I can't apply, seems to be sending requests when i click on these buttons but just goes nowhere. I ve reset my router settings to defaut and then tried weith TOT settnigs, same thing. This happened a few weeks back and suddenly one morning it was gone.

I'd bet a fortune it can be blamed on the circus clowns at CAT or TOT.

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TOT Cybergold load them fine also.

never problem,and never i think to back to TRUE*****

Hah. It seems that there's no winning really. Probably True would be no better than Tot.

So I have a little way I can workaround it anyway, so I'll continue using that.

Thanks all for your responses.

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We've been with Tot for about 3 months now in Bangkok (Sukhumwit - near Phrom Phong). In the last few weeks, the access to various sites seems to have got a lot worse.

We're on the silvercyber package (512/256) and have been very happy up until now. Most sites are working just fine and if we download from a working site, it goes quickly enough; therefore I don't think it's a problem with the local connection. I've tried resetting the router to factory settings (it's a Tot-supplied router). There are certain sites which just cannot be loaded - Firefox reports that "the site took too long to respond" (or similar wording).

Hi Gents,

I too have exactly the same problem, I've just spent the last 24 hours trying to work out why this was occurring to no avail. Traceroute reports the route fine and ping works ok but it doesn't allow connections to http (port 80) for some reason.

My list of problem sites is:







I am really curious to hear about your 'workaround' solution, please share :o



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We've been with Tot for about 3 months now in Bangkok (Sukhumwit - near Phrom Phong). In the last few weeks, the access to various sites seems to have got a lot worse.

We're on the silvercyber package (512/256) and have been very happy up until now. Most sites are working just fine and if we download from a working site, it goes quickly enough; therefore I don't think it's a problem with the local connection. I've tried resetting the router to factory settings (it's a Tot-supplied router). There are certain sites which just cannot be loaded - Firefox reports that "the site took too long to respond" (or similar wording).

Hi Gents,

I too have exactly the same problem, I've just spent the last 24 hours trying to work out why this was occurring to no avail. Traceroute reports the route fine and ping works ok but it doesn't allow connections to http (port 80) for some reason.

My list of problem sites is:







I am really curious to hear about your 'workaround' solution, please share :o



I'm on TOT in Phuket and these sites seem fine from here (as are the first two on this thread) so it's not a TOT issue. Emirates took three attempts to load but I spent a long time on the site yesterday booking flights so there is not a problem here. I haven't a clue if thyey use the same or different servers in Bangkok.

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I just checked all the sites sent and none of them are loading for me. For all I get "the server xxx is taking too long to respond" (in Firefox). So it looks to be some kind of a Tot Bangkok problem.

My workaround at the moment is to jump via a server I operate in the UK. So it doesn't really help anyone else I'm afraid... :-(


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Well I did some hunting and found some forum posts that I think are related to other Tot users having issues with sites such as www.cnn.com and www.apple.com. My written thai's not too hot though so I could be on the wrong track :-)



From what I can gather it's some kind of peering/proxy problem between Tot & Pacific Internet. Although what exactly's going on and what the solution is, I can't get from those posts.


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I just checked all the sites sent and none of them are loading for me. For all I get "the server xxx is taking too long to respond" (in Firefox). So it looks to be some kind of a Tot Bangkok problem.

My workaround at the moment is to jump via a server I operate in the UK. So it doesn't really help anyone else I'm afraid... :-(


I use TOT Cybergold ADSL and I've just tried all of these websites.....no problem. Rapid enough.

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Well, I finally decided enough was enough and braved the ToT 1100 Customer service desk...

First time, I pressed 9 for english, waited a couple of minutes in the queueu and then the lady asked me for my telephone number, something I didn't have at my fingertips.. since I was calling from the number I asked her if her help desk system didn't give her this information... and I was promptly cut off, oh well, I thought, lets give this another try.

So armed with my telephone number this time, I gave it a second try, the girl I spoke to seemed a little wet behind the ears, but she took most of my information.. except strangely my name... anyway, she took special care to get every last detail about the problem, promised someone would call me back and then she cut me off when I was asking when I was likely to receive this call.

So third time lucky I thought, and indeed this proved to be the case, a Thai gentlemen who spoke exceptional english came on the line, took my details (even my name!), catalogued the problem and promised someone would get back to me shortly with what was being done to correct the problem. Interestingly, he read my phone number back to me. So, evidently, they do track the incoming number after all!

Surprisingly, they don't seem to have the ability to give you a case number, so it's imperative you get the person's name and also it's a good idea to get their manager's name too.

An hour or so later I received a call from the 'Internet Chief' (his words not mine) he explained that the problem was not ToT's and in fact the problem was with Pacific Internet's servers. He hadn't received an adequate response to his questions from Pacific Internet.

Things didn't sound good, so I decided to rant a little bit about the need to update the farang community on this problem which had been going on for 2 weeks, how it may be Pacific's problem but it was ToT's brand image that was being tarnished and how not being able to give me a resolution date wasn't very businesslike, and suggested that perhaps some executive management at ToT and Pacific needed to talk to each other to expedite things.

I asked him about escalation procedure should this not be resolved in a couple of days and he repeated his mantra of call 1100 and seemed reluctant to give me his contact details, or call me back when te problem was resolved. I ensured I obtained his direct reports name and wished him luck.

The good news is, 24 hours later everything seems to be working again.

So I guess the morale of this story is if at first you don't succeed, try and try, and try again!


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  • 2 weeks later...
The good news is, 24 hours later everything seems to be working again.

Great stuff! I've been off on holidays and I tried when I got back today and all the sites I couldn't access previously are back.



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