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Greedy man if you ask me. Trying to make easy money.

You get what you deserve. His fault although in not condoning these scammers but if the return seems to good then use your brain.

Why would you part with a lot of money to someone you've never met?

Stupid man

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Very interesting. Thanks for posting that.

The message I got from that is it's too dangerous to go looking for your money after the event (because you can't be sure that the police aren't even in on the scam) so the simple message is don't pay over in the first place.

If ever these kind of people contacted me, I wouldn't even give them 5 min of my time let alone handing over a single satang .bah.gif

Edited by midas
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Interesting.....what I found even more interesting is, he is willing $100,000 to lose to these scammers but Nothing to pay to hire a decent translator, some tea money to the Thai police or even to hire a private detective. He has a lot to learn about how Thailand works!

"He has a lot to learn about how Thailand works!"

I think you mean he has a lot to learn about how the world works. Hardly unique to Thailand. All the idiots who invested all their money with Bernie Madoff or Sir Allan Stanford lost billions of dollars and that was in the (allegedly) highly regulated and policed US investment environment. And some of those who lost everything were regarded as highly intelligent and even trustees of charities.

Texan billionaire Sir Allen Stanford has surrendered to the US authorities after a warrant was issued for his arrest on criminal charges.

The 58-year-old already faces civil charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over an alleged fraud worth $8bn (£6bn).

On March 12, 2009; Madoff pleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies and admitted to turning his wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars. Madoff said he began the Ponzi scheme in the early 1990s. However, federal investigators believe the fraud began as early as the 1970s,[16] and those charged with recovering the missing money believe the investment operation may never have been legitimate.[17] The amount missing from client accounts, including fabricated gains, was almost $65 billion.[18]

Edited by Suradit69
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Personally I never said he was a "fool"....I can see how he got hoodwinked. Easy! The crooks were very professional. What I did say, though, is, his investigation although pretty good ...He didn't finish the job right. Trying to catch a crook in Thailand (or probably any country) you need the help of the locals. If you have to pay for it ....so be it...don't do 90% of the work and then "cheap out"

Pay for a translator (you can see from the video he did it all on his own .....example ...Taxi driver gives him the phone Chaing Mai....supposedly the father of the girlfriend of the crook is on the other side.....He says "Does he speak English" , the response from the driver is "Yes, a little"......made me laugh as ALL Thai's say they speak a little English ie.."Hi",and "Hello", and that's about it!) , Pay the local police (of course have to find the right higher up to accept your proposal as these crooks may already be paying the local police for protection)....oh well ...expensive lesson in life.

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I agree completely. I have begun a correspondence with this guy and am trying to offer advice and assistance. These scumbags give the rest of us a bad rep.

Sounds Great! Good luck!!! I agree that "these scumbags give the rest of us a bad rep." And also Thailand.

Hope they get caught.

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I agree completely. I have begun a correspondence with this guy and am trying to offer advice and assistance. These scumbags give the rest of us a bad rep.

Could you bring us up to date on who you are..........lol. All i know is you trying to sell shady music franchises.

I just dont see thaivisa as a business hub. Thaivisa is greta 4 visa advice though. No offense but this section is like what comics is to the daily paper.

Edited by oogster8
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Its easy to say this guy was a fool but these guys do a good job of making themselves look legitimate.

If you invest money with someone who calls you out of the cold, you're a fool, regardless how good a job they do to look legitimate.

I don't even open the emails i receive now and then with a subject title like, " this stock is hot ", as i know it's a scam without even looking at it.

Edited by jbrain
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I agree completely. I have begun a correspondence with this guy and am trying to offer advice and assistance. These scumbags give the rest of us a bad rep.

Could you bring us up to date on who you are..........lol. All i know is you trying to sell shady music franchises.

I just dont see thaivisa as a business hub. Thaivisa is greta 4 visa advice though. No offense but this section is like what comics is to the daily paper.

The second part of his username should be a give away laugh.png

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2 points I own a business in I.t we generate legit call lists that are sold to reputable companys. Have had 1 boiler room contact me and thanks to my Thai girl had a lot more success ;) 2nd he went all about it wrong in HK. Not there problem they can't speak enhlish u not in Aus jack learn Cantonese. I do work in HK to get bank accounts is extremely hard if had of harnessed the help of some locals HSBC would of sorted it this i know for 100% fact

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I agree completely. I have begun a correspondence with this guy and am trying to offer advice and assistance. These scumbags give the rest of us a bad rep.

are you going to be seeking remuneration for this advice and assistance from the poor bugger as well?

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Has anyone done a background check on the guy who lost $100,000. Maybe he was just interested in doing a documentary on boilerrooms.

I mean who goes to Singapor and try to get info on bank accounts wo some kind of court order .And then blame the bank when they tell him to go see branch manager.................lol.

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