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The Snakebite That Was,nt.


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You did good. Very difficult sometimes but the crazy rich Farang, in the end, is expected to know what to do. The place where stuff goes down in my village is just in front of our gates and a few times I have walked down there and things have gone quiet, no idea why, I don't rant or anything. I do have a hard working and honest family behind me.

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I've had various snake experiences here, usually someone calls snake and the crowd gathers. When the Khamen were here building my house I found one in the garage and they came a running, dinner. Usually cobra's are taken up the road to our neighbour he likes to eat them. One of my favourite dogs got a spray in the eye from the last one a 6 footer in an irrigation pipe I left lying around. TW'S ministrations fixed that in a day or so. I've had two stuck in the chicken wire in my back fence came in for a meal but with meal onboard couldn't squeeze back out I suppose.

Sounds like it was a small snake maybe it just struck at him but didn't actually bite.

Mate, I think you'll be right with the Neanderthal comment, not much chance of a translation there. My family do know the f word though and it usually gets results.

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One of my snake experiences.

A cobra was spotted and it went behind a water tank.

As Bluetongue has mentioned, they yell snake and everyone comes running to look.

So, this bloke goes and gets his gun and is peering in on one side of the tank, trying to spot the cobra and get a shot.

A group gathered the other side of the tank to watch the action.

I pointed out that if he fired the gun, one of them will almost certainly get shot.

It was quite funny, the way they looked at me, with their heads moving back and their eyebrows furrowed. Then realisation kicked in and they scurried out of the way.

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we had several times a snake (in Bangkok) all my staff come from outside and I asked them if it has poison and I got answers ranging from:

no poison at all


yes but don't kill you only hurt


yes absolute deadly

and everyone told that he/she recognize it. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

Twice I had to treat my sister in law with antibiotics because it was almost a sepsis and she refused to go to a different doctor than the 30 Baht hospital which had no antibiotics....crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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One of my snake experiences.

A cobra was spotted and it went behind a water tank.

As Bluetongue has mentioned, they yell snake and everyone comes running to look.

So, this bloke goes and gets his gun and is peering in on one side of the tank, trying to spot the cobra and get a shot.

A group gathered the other side of the tank to watch the action.

I pointed out that if he fired the gun, one of them will almost certainly get shot.

It was quite funny, the way they looked at me, with their heads moving back and their eyebrows furrowed. Then realisation kicked in and they scurried out of the way.

We have one staff, former military and maybe former narcotics user...he is extreme slim and almost looks like a snake himself.

Have a snake tell him....he catches every snake with just his hands without being afraid and carries it away.

My wife doesn't like geckos, he also catches them easily from the wall without hurting them and carries them out.

In the office they call him "dschinglan" which means something like lizard, and he actually likes the name which should be an insult for everyone else.....

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