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are men less deposable in Asia than the west ?


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just look what they do with girls in china, india, arab countries...

Yes, just look at how females are protected, defended, and provided for in China and India, and Arab countries. Look how women in those places are treated as more valuable than men. Look how over 130,000 men died in Arab Spring, and one woman (two more are suspected, but not confirmed). Look how China conscripts only men for the purpose of dying to protect women. Look how poor men in Arab countries go to prison for the crime of not giving their wives money. Just look at how disposable males are in China, India, and Arab countries.

I've lived and worked in all these countries you've mentioned - believe me when you see a baby girl laid abandoned on the street outside a railway station as I have seen you get a very direct view of the value and power of women in a society.

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I've always found it amusing that those sharing the profile of the people sitting atop the power structures in the West - namely white males - cry foul and lament on their time "coming to an end" at the hands of any number of interest groups.

Why worry about what feminists think? The only reason they exist is because, at some point in the past, women felt they needed a voice that could make some space for their agenda.

Same with LBGT, racial groups, disability groups etc.

There isn't a group cheerleading for the white male (unless you count the Ku Klux Klan) because they don't bloody well need one. They've got all the power

Any white male who feels threatened by feminists or any other interest group has his own demographic to thank for turning him into a pussy.

Regrow your stones, OP; you've still got it sweeter than pretty much everyone else on the planet.

What power to men have in the West? They have less political power in democracies. For example, in the U.S., in every state except Alaska, women constitute a decisive majority of eligible voters. Outside Alaska, no man can be elected to national or statewide office without the consent of women. Since the military is subordinate to the civilian government, this means women have more military power. In the U.S. and the EU, women hold more wealth than men. That means they have greater economic power. With very few exceptions, no man can serve on a corporate board of directors, or as an executive without the consent of women. What power are you referring to? And if men are more powerful, why are they killing themselves in the workplace, as the video points out. Why wouldn't the powerful exploit the weak when it comes to dangerous jobs? If males are more powerful, why do female infants have to power to protect themselves from genital mutilation and male infants don't? If men are more powerful, why do domestic violence shelters protect only women? You didn't really listen to the video, did you?

Mate, go cry to someone else.

If you feel threatened by women, there's something seriously wrong with you.

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Funny. At least in the "west", feminism is unnecessary. What makes the world go round? It's called PP (P*ssy-Power!)

- Why do men pursue "careers"? = To impress females. Status and money.

- What are most bar-brawls about = probably about some female. Etc,etc,etc, you name it.............

Us boys, living in a world with no females. would spend our days sitting under a shade tree, drinking home brewed beer, talk about football and when hunger strikes, we 'll grab bow and arrow and go after some deer. WHAT A PEACEFUL WORLD !smile.png


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Funny. At least in the "west", feminism is unnecessary. What makes the world go round? It's called PP (P*ssy-Power!)

- Why do men pursue "careers"? = To impress females. Status and money.

- What are most bar-brawls about = probably about some female. Etc,etc,etc, you name it.............

Us boys, living in a world with no females. would spend our days sitting under a shade tree, drinking home brewed beer, talk about football and when hunger strikes, we 'll grab bow and arrow and go after some deer. WHAT A PEACEFUL WORLD !smile.png


You've obviously never been to Saudi Arabia.

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just look what they do with girls in china, india, arab countries...

Yes, just look at how females are protected, defended, and provided for in China and India, and Arab countries. Look how women in those places are treated as more valuable than men. Look how over 130,000 men died in Arab Spring, and one woman (two more are suspected, but not confirmed). Look how China conscripts only men for the purpose of dying to protect women. Look how poor men in Arab countries go to prison for the crime of not giving their wives money. Just look at how disposable males are in China, India, and Arab countries.

I've lived and worked in all these countries you've mentioned - believe me when you see a baby girl laid abandoned on the street outside a railway station as I have seen you get a very direct view of the value and power of women in a society.

I'm with GuestHouse, and the earlier post seems to have conveniently omitted the women who were gangraped during Arab Spring gatherings, and continue to be raped in the Middle East. As for China, go to an orphanage and count the number of healthy girls who have been abandoned alongside their disabled male 'orphans' - the One Child policy means that most families want a 'perfect' little boy. Heartbreaking to think that anyone would abandon their child, but particularly so in a society where family is everything. I dont know how the parents can live with themselves, particularly when they have abandoned a perfectly healthy child to life in a state-run institution. Would have been much easier to have a draft-style ballot for all newborn males - I had my tubes cut at 30 and I've had no problems with my sexual function : if it was done in infancy (as circumcision is) it may have been a solution - nothing is going to stop people having sex. Would women want a man who couldn't give them a child ? I guess not, but what hope do millions of Chinese men have under the current system ? Note that the Chinese also have a policy of forced sterilisation for anyone breaching the one-child policy - surely it would have been easier to treat the 'problem' before puberty ?


> 330 million abortions over 40 years - like many things in China, mind-boggling. I wonder what percentage were girls ?

The birth restrictions have also led to a severe gender imbalance because of a traditional preference for male children and the selective abortion of female foetuses. There are now 34m more men than women in China.

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For a period I worked at an office in the UK which was directly opposite a clinic offering 'gender scanning' to pregnant women. I saw people coming and going to this clinic every day - I only ever saw one ethnic group going in or coming out.

Asians, specifically Indians.

Get acquainted with the abortion of female foetuses in India and the fact of British Indian families flying their pregnant daughters out to India for abortions and you'll get some idea of the disposability of women in Asian societies.

Thailand attracts western men who turn up with a bunch of their own 'women issues', it would seem 'mum issues' too.

Do not be mislead - these people are not representative of men in general, their view of the world is real to them I'm sure.... but hardly reality.

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No more disposable, however, life in general are less worth here.

What is problematic, is that in the west, men are still viewed as disposable, meanwhile females are put on a pidestals and worshipped by many males.

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