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Unprofitable Questions (Soul)?

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>>>I was under the impression that due to heightened and super quick awareness..........

How can awareness be quick, or slow for that matter. It simply is. If it appeared with different speeds you would be attaching the attribute of time to it.

>>>...... the Awakened one can see the Skandha's as they flow/unfold and can intercept this before the mental formations take place.

Nothing can prevent the skandhas from arising. The ignorant cling to them. The wise do not. A mental formation is already one of the five skandhas.

>>>And if mental formations do occur is quick enough to remain unattached and thus prevent corresponding action/reaction.

You are implying there is some kind of process to remaining unattached. There is not.

What you suggest sounds like a lot of "doing". A lot of "processing". It is being established in awareness and recognising it as the source which determines whether you cling to the skandhas. What do mental formations matter. They do what they want with my total acceptance. If I react, then I react. What does it have to do with me? That is why there is no anxiety. Identifying with objects and thoughts causes suffering because of separation between what I really am and what I think I am. If you are unbounded awareness, where is the doer? If there is no doer how can you be attached.

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They do what they want with my total acceptance. If I react, then I react. What does it have to do with me? That is why there is no anxiety. Identifying with objects and thoughts causes suffering because of separation between what I really am and what I think I am. If you are unbounded awareness, where is the doer? If there is no doer how can you be attached.

What are we doing in, or associated with, a programmed life form which behaves in specific ways, controlled by its genetic/environmental make up?


There is no answer to your question. Stop looking for meaning. Let go of it. Imagine if you wanted to measure the length of something and the tape measure you were using had a scale which kept changing. It was 10 centimetres and then you measure it again, but now it reads 12 centimetres and so on. You are using the instrument of the mind which is continually changing from moment to moment to try and reach a fixed idea of what you are. This will never end.

My advice to you is to incorporate an element of loving kindness into your practice, but not in the way it is usually taught which is to direct feelings of love and compassion outwards to other imagined beings. No, direct these feelings of metta inwards towards yourself, towards your true Self in parallel with the stillness that comes as a result of your practice. Cultivate feelings of love for your inner being. Why am I suggesting this? Because your true nature when awakened as the reality has the quality of unconditioned love and compassion expressed both inwardly and outwardly towards the other. Awakening happens when the ego mind dissolves into the spiritual heart, so directing this energy inwards may greatly accelerate your progress and help to counteract too much analysis which is not productive.

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