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Bringing my bike into Laos (via Huay kria)


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Hi I've researched this on other posts but still have a few question for my specific case and I also like my information to be up to date.

So here's my story.

1-I have a Kawasaki D-Tracker 125cc.It's in my wife's' name because I could not buy it on a tourist visa in Chaing Rai Provence.Even though I could have if my address was Chiang Mai.

Any way now I have a marriage visa and might be able to change the name so the question is do I need to have the same name on the green book as is on my passport.

2-I know I have to get a purple book(motorbike passport)How many visits to the Vehicle

registration office does that take as it is far from where I live and how much does it cost.

3-Do I have to pay a "visa fee" for my bike when I enter Laos.

4-Is there anything I've missed.Like my Thai motorcycle drivers license is 3 years out of date and my Irish one is only for a car

I ask about the costs because it might be cheaper to rend a Honda dream by the day and go for a spin every second day in Laos,I am not the robust long distance driver type.

I plan to go from Huay krai to the Chinese boarder via Long Nam Tha.

Unless anyone has a nicer circuit of about the same distance to recommend.

Right now I am just researching the paper work.

O.h and my tyres are new but the are racer types,is that o.k if I wait to go till after the rainy season.

All advice wellcome

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Don't know about 2 and 3, but

1 - do men in Ireland change name after getting married? :D No? Then the name in the G Book should be the same as in your passport. I do not think you can take it out if it stays on your wife's name unless she travels with you.

4 - So you don't have a valid bike license, not for Thailand, not for anywhere else, I just won't do it unless I get a proper international permit, for which you need a proper bike license.

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I'm just wondering in it's worth all the hassle to bring my own bike into Laos.

I could just take the bus on long trips and rent a bike by the day for short trips,although this is expensive in Laos as far as I


To take my own bike I would have to,

1-Change the name on the green book to my own.

2-get some kind of international passport for the bike,

3-renew my Thai motorcycle license.

4-I remember reading some where that you have to pay a fee to bring the bike into Laos.

and pay another fee when you leave according to how many days you kept the bike in Laos.

Has anybody done this.......how much hassle and expense is it.

I will probably change the green book into my own name and renew my drivers license weather I go or not.

All advice appreciated.

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