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Criminalising anti-Buddhist acts is not very Buddhist


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If, as I believe, the original teachings of Bhudda were as a philosophy and NOT a religion, the "modern" view of Bhuddism, as a religion, is self-evidently man-made and therefore quite baseless as such!

correct.........definatly not a religon...and the ones that are.havnt proved any excistence.of a so called god yet..3000 years and still waiting..dont recall any mention of dinosaurs in the bible ...whistling.gif ......all just made up stories..whilst waiting for television to be invented,,,coffee1.gif

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I'm not knowledgeable in the least about Buddhisim but Thais trying to claim images as Thai property is in keeping with Thainess.

I can't express a personal opinion but have been told by friends who have travelled in other Buddhist countries that the Thai version is actually looked down on and one of the main reasons is the perception of materialism. Incidentally i was told this years ago and long before the activities of a fugitive ex-monk, and others, became headline news.

Many years ago I wore an amulet which had been given to me, and which every Thai (I'm not exaggerating) would gasp in amazement and ask where I'd got it, on a trip to Burma, just to see their reaction. No one even glanced at it, which suggested to me the Burmese were perhaps more interested in their Buddhism than some trinket bearing a Buddha image.

Turned out the thing was as fake as the Thai who'd given it to me laugh.png

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Good article......my first reaction on reading a similar article last week was where is it written that Buddhist images are the property of Thailand? It is already an international "religion" and no single country can claim ownership of it.

I think it's fair enough for the group to point out images that they find offensive and hope that others act, but criminalizing is impossible. All religions should have the resilience to withstand the non believers and ignorant.

Is Buddhism actually classed as a religion?http://www.buddhanet.net/nutshell03.htm

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If, as I believe, the original teachings of Bhudda were as a philosophy and NOT a religion, the "modern" view of Bhuddism, as a religion, is self-evidently man-made and therefore quite baseless as such!

correct.........definatly not a religon...and the ones that are.havnt proved any excistence.of a so called god yet..3000 years and still waiting..dont recall any mention of dinosaurs in the bible ...whistling.gif ......all just made up stories..whilst waiting for television to be invented,,,coffee1.gif


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Oh dear oh dear, another wacko group claiming to be all knowing, righteous and on the path to enlightenment. What a sick joke, but then this is Thailand - the centre of everything except common sense.

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I cannot agree more with the article. Thailand, thy name is hypocrisy.

p.s. Before anyone accuses me of singling out or bashing Buddhists or Thailand, I know other religions and people are guilty of the same thing; it's just that I'm commenting on this article and not some article not presented here. Sad that I feel I have to make a disclaimer.

But it isn't Thailand or Buddhism, it is religion and people.

Religion is often ruined and distorted by the very people who profess to practice it.

Hypocrisy and contradiction are the norm in all religions.

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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

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Well swipe me. Thailand is not a Buddhist country - it has no official religion. Certainly many people 'follow' Buddhism, and it is also correct that Buddha never claimed to be a god of any sort.

Why on earth would some people want a law to support a non-official religion? Can you just imagine how Muslims and Christians (of which there are also millions here) would react? Not to mention the South!

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Nothing new here, all religions are nothing more than superstition for people of weak intellect who don't even know how to live their lives wai2.gif

Why not just stop with the opinion that religions are just superstition? Lots of people will agree. Religion is today, and has for centuries been responsible for quite a bit of human suffering and injustice. Agreed. But why is it so important to you to belittle, insult, and go out of your way to antagonize so MANY people, many of whom just practice a mostly silent, simple, self-effacing faith that hurts no one and in which they find strength & comfort? However deluded you may find their belief, what's the point of going out of your way to attack them on a personal level ("people of weak intellect who don't even know how to live their lives")? Just scratching your own itch or what? Save the vitriol for those that ARE deserving of it, but that's simply NOT all believers.

If you find believers ignorant or foolish, then educate them. Don't poke a stick in their eye! Keep doing that and you'll eventually turn even the most humble, peaceful, harmless many into a strongly committed enemy swarm.

Edited by hawker9000
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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

exeter cathedral fiver 6 years ago ..definatly an unbeliever,but the building and surroundings are fantastic..in the historical sence...well worth a visit if you love your history ..smile.png

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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

"I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter"

I believe that Westminster Abbey in London charges 18 GB pounds to look around.

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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

exeter cathedral fiver 6 years ago ..definatly an unbeliever,but the building and surroundings are fantastic..in the historical sence...well worth a visit if you love your history ..smile.png

I checked the website for the Cathedral. It states: There is a charge to enter the Cathedral unless you are visiting us for prayer or to attend a service. So I assume those who pay a fee are provided a tour for their money? The temples in Thailand I have visited charge to enter for any purpose and do not provide a tour or allow entrance to any speacial features of the temple. The fee is only for westerners as well in my expereince.

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It's just the typical guff that these religious morons come out with. Buddhism has a veneer of respectability for many secular people as it's seen as more tolerant and less confrontational than the monotheist religions. The reality is that on a practical level Buddhism is the same deal, a pack of lies designed to extort money and reverence from the poor, the ignorant and the credulous. Same right down to the gaudy temples, the self proclaimed "enlightened ones," the sex offenders and money grabbing cynical shamans in their Lear jets. The promise of relief from pain, misery and ignorance if you only donate more and become more subservient to the liars. It's rubbish. And hopefully more people will see this the more empty noise groups like this make.

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I cannot agree more with the article. Thailand, thy name is hypocrisy.

p.s. Before anyone accuses me of singling out or bashing Buddhists or Thailand, I know other religions and people are guilty of the same thing; it's just that I'm commenting on this article and not some article not presented here. Sad that I feel I have to make a disclaimer.

Calling " Thailand" hypocritical as an entity is inaccurate IMO. Now if we want to say that some Thais are hypocrites as it pertains to this issue, then it may be more accurate.

Using that broad brush to paint all or everyone ends up splattering the user with the same paint.

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This group should concentrate their efforts closer to home first as most Thai's primarily practice Buddhism for self-gain. As one poster said, 'Oh the hypocrisy!'

Please quantify what you mean as "most Thais". Data please.

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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

"I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter"

I believe that Westminster Abbey in London charges 18 GB pounds to look around.

The website for Westminster Abbey states:

All those wishing to enter the Abbey with the purpose of spending a moment in private prayer or attending the 12.30 pm Eucharist on a weekday should apply at the West Gate. There are some wats in Thailand that do not allow any westerners to enter for any purpose without payment.

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buddism is a religion only on paper, greed is the real nirvana for most people here

greed, corruption, money, scams

"...for most people here". What do you mean by most and how did you arrive at that conclusion? I don't know every Thai and am unable to understand this concept or how you would support using the "most" theory.

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The Thais have only one God, and that is the Almighty Baht.

Buddhism, as practiced in Thailand, is nothing short of a scam, that, like most 'religions', preys on the weak and feeble minded.

While I agree that the form of Buddism practiced in Thailand is unique and appears corrupt, I don't know if "the Thais" have only one God in the form of the Baht. I try to refrain from making generalized statements since I haven't taken a poll or spoken to every Thai so I can't remark on what their relationship is to the Baht.

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Nothing new here, all religions are nothing more than superstition for people of weak intellect who don't even know how to live their lives wai2.gif

I find it interesting that the "all" word is freely used in various postings. I must have missed the line at Big C Extra where omnipotence was being passed out so I could be so all knowing and all seeing in such matters.

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Nothing new here, all religions are nothing more than superstition for people of weak intellect who don't even know how to live their lives wai2.gif

Why not just stop with the opinion that religions are just superstition? Lots of people will agree. Religion is today, and has for centuries been responsible for quite a bit of human suffering and injustice. Agreed. But why is it so important to you to belittle, insult, and go out of your way to antagonize so MANY people, many of whom just practice a mostly silent, simple, self-effacing faith that hurts no one and in which they find strength & comfort? However deluded you may find their belief, what's the point of going out of your way to attack them on a personal level ("people of weak intellect who don't even know how to live their lives")? Just scratching your own itch or what? Save the vitriol for those that ARE deserving of it, but that's simply NOT all believers.

If you find believers ignorant or foolish, then educate them. Don't poke a stick in their eye! Keep doing that and you'll eventually turn even the most humble, peaceful, harmless many into a strongly committed enemy swarm.

I dont intent to offend anyone but if someone get offended what with it? you should not be afraid of calling things by their name, yes they find strenght blabla but those pasific believers of your impose their religious believe on the rest of us by laws like: now alcohol sell on mahakabusha day, etc.

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It would be more productive for KNOWING BUDDHA to work toward ending the fees foreigners have to pay to enter some Thai temples. I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter. Buddhism in Thailand is so materialistic and unwelcoming.

"I cannot think of any Christian church that charges visitors to enter"

I believe that Westminster Abbey in London charges 18 GB pounds to look around.

The website for Westminster Abbey states:

All those wishing to enter the Abbey with the purpose of spending a moment in private prayer or attending the 12.30 pm Eucharist on a weekday should apply at the West Gate. There are some wats in Thailand that do not allow any westerners to enter for any purpose without payment.


What cities/towns are they located? Thanks.

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There's a distinction to be made between religion and what some people DO with it. Government certainly gets turned to evil purposes. Militaries do bad things, but most consider them a necessary evil. Medicine, science, the courts, boy scouts, business enterprise - even some charities - all have been and will no doubt continue to be subject to manipulation by the unscrupulous, greedy and corrupt. It's the story of man; not the story of religion. The point is that it's simplistic to just condemn religion outright, esp. if you know that contemporary practice has fallen away from the origins of the faith.

Those posting here with criticism of buddhism as currently practiced by thais are making valid points. Just as valid are the observations that these things really don't conform to the early teaching. Men can corrupt anything. But I think traditional values have eroded enough without further undermining them by banning religion. I believe in reasonable separation of church & state NOT because of the danger posed by religion for the state, but rather the danger posed TO religion BY the state. It's when governments stick their noses in and co-opt religion for political ends that things start running amok.

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Ultimately it's what people do with an idea that it should be judged on. You could argue that communism or fascism were noble ideas to start with, but when implemented by fallible humans they turned into bloody disasters. The ideas of limited government, and lack of religious intrusion have been far more successful, even if not without their flaws.

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