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PM Yingluck seeks data from provinces for tourism strategy


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PM seeks data from provinces for tourism strategy

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has assigned the Tourism Ministry to collect in-depth information in each province across the nation to chart out a clear strategy to increase the country's competitiveness in the long haul.

Tourism Minister Somsak Pureesrisak said yesterday after a meeting with Yingluck that the collected information would be fed into a database to map out measures to standardise national tourism. The methodology will be the same as for the World Economic Forum's Travel and Competitiveness Index.

The move is aimed at achieving Bt2.2 trillion in tourism revenue in 2015.

There are 24-25 measures of tourism and three sub-indexes - regulatory framework; business environment and infrastructure; and human, cultural and natural resources.

The information would cover the number of foreign and local tourists in each province, their spending, their length of stay, hygiene, Internet access, air transport, tourism place standards and skilled workers.

The data would be analysed and similar provinces will be clustered to tailor tourism promotion packages for them. This will make it even easier to know what an area in the country should do strategically to capture a specific group of tourists.

This would help boost tourism revenue in the areas, especially in the secondary provinces. It will also ease congestion in some tourism areas, which is one of the problems the country is facing.

Data collection is expected to be completed next quarter.

The outlook for this quarter was still positive, but the ministry would launch more aggressive campaigns to entice visitors into spending more and spending more time here, he added.

-- The Nation 2013-10-04

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There is flooding in the Northern regions of Thailand, the worst rain storm tornado periods are still to come for at least a month, and all that this Proxyn person can think of is Tourism ONLY tourism....

Right now, it's possibly the only economic plus point.

Plus, beaches are so much better to deal with than industrial parks that are under water....

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Another fine example of how to move the peoples focus from the ongoing controversial issues and the rehabilitation of a convicted bail jumping felon and its return to recommend the wholesale looting of the country.

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Considering the source of this post; The Nation...

The data Yingluck wants is most likely the water

depth in the flood affected provinces. In simple

terms...Ankle high, Calf High, Knee High. Thigh

High, Waist High, Stomach High (important that),

Chest High, Neck High, Chin High, Mouth High,

Nose High, Eye High, Forehead High....after

Forehead High her cabinet will be instructed

on how to accommodate tourism in the Forehead

High effected provinces.

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"The information would cover the number of foreign and local tourists in each province, their spending,....."

"the ministry would launch more aggressive campaigns to entice visitors into spending more"

It's all they think about: how much can this country screw out of the tourists. Forget about improving the tourism experience, just get them to spend more money.

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Do they keep secret data on the amount of bribes, police intimidation for bribes, assaults by locals, etc? Seems anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that the infrastructure sucks, corruption and rip offs are a turn off. Someone tell me when she gets up to the half level, please.

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Is the petty cash getting below the balance they have set for themselves?The commerce, financal, customs, etc are not contributing the baht required/requested? How about going after the assets of the known corrupt as well as those who have accumulated vast sums of wealth in their position of civil servant?

Maybe its time to look at what is being spent on pipe dreams, lost via corruption, or non preformance of assit seizure,

before you try to get any more blood out of the tourist turnip.

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They've been at this tourism malarky for 40 years and she wants data?

My God. They count arrivals in the 10s of millions to a single headcount, and she wants data?

My first thought's exactly. Start a database. What have these guys been doing all this time?

Could be that some company want to sell a new product and it will probably cost millions. 10% of millions? OK maybe billions.

I have loads of friends who used to come here for years but have got tired of secretly drinking boose out of tea cups and having to go home at 01:00

These are immiate solutions that don't need a database and won't cost anything. Too simple and doesn't spend money

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Great posts from all posted so far......

The reality? Who knows...........


As for the comment about the 40 years, absolutely correct....

Oh well maybe it does make sense after all........

Wishing you all the best, I miss the LOS, but hey, me and the wife are talking some serious thoughts about returning....

But then I can look at what is happening here right in America???????

KILOSIERRA wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Hang together brothers.....

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There is flooding in the Northern regions of Thailand, the worst rain storm tornado periods are still to come for at least a month, and all that this Proxyn person can think of is Tourism ONLY tourism....

All she has to do is give them a list of what attracted her to all the places she has toured. Yes she had a set back occasionally there and was asked to say some thing hopefully intelligent but that did not hold her back from her touring parade.

"The information would cover the number of foreign and local tourists in each province, their spending,....."

"the ministry would launch more aggressive campaigns to entice visitors into spending more"

It's all they think about: how much can this country screw out of the tourists. Forget about improving the tourism experience, just get them to spend more money.

Going to be interesting to see how they put together an advertisement for sea shores and the elephant tours in the jungle. Coupled with the cooking classes and temples. Tourists will be looking at the brochure and saying I wish I could afford to go there I will have to stick with Cambodia I can afford that.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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Mission impossible. No way to gather accurate data from all of the provinces. Garbage in, garbage out.

But it could be a shift in the right direction by making each province accountable and proactive instead of sitting around waiting for the gov to do everything for them. Previous administrations and this administration previously, have had their hand in domestic tourism which rings alarms of special interests at work, (in sugar coated language). However, the indication is that she wants greater emphasis on inbound travel because that is what feeds the national economy. Promoting domestic travel to Thai people is like advertisng to your kids to patronize the family market.

The real value in what she is doing is called research and the "educated" British guy PM who preceded her preferred to let TAT bureaucrats make decisions based on "fortune-tellers" to justify where public sector funds were being allocated.

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Great posts from all posted so far......

The reality? Who knows...........


As for the comment about the 40 years, absolutely correct....

Oh well maybe it does make sense after all........

Wishing you all the best, I miss the LOS, but hey, me and the wife are talking some serious thoughts about returning....

But then I can look at what is happening here right in America???????

KILOSIERRA wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Hang together brothers.....

I left a month ago. Best thing I ever did for the kids

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