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Toilet seat diseases


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I'm reluctant to comment, however, in my professional opinion as a Pharmacist who has treated thousands of patients with STD's and other known virus's I would say patients are generally open and honest with their Pharmacist and I've heard the toilet story plenty. I've read test data and frankly the environment was fairly sterile in the first place or had a larger percent of geriatric traffic - lets face it the malls are packed with sexually active kids in this part of the world, I am not saying they are carriers so please be kind. Lest we forget how dirty hospitals and pharmacies are.......

Do I buy it ? let's just say I don't do public washrooms at all unless it's an emergency, urinals yes often but with toilets I use toilet paper to cover the seat and use my foot to flush, I double wash my hands and use paper to open the door & the bidets no no and no. I'm not paranoid and there shouldn't be fear but how many times do we visit a washroom and see people leaving without washing their hands. The one advantage malls have here is there is generally a cleaner assigned and usually they keep them pretty clean.

In theory an open sore on your bottom could attract many things SO Itchybum stop scratching your bottom and plan ahead.

For a bit of humour- had a patient who swore he picked up crabs from doing his laundry in a public machine he visited the pharamcy and was almost ready to pass out because of the pain, when counselling him he confessed he slept with a girl and when he called her to say she had given him crabs she said just use Raid on them .....poor kid I really shouldn't laugh.

I used petrol once as a young fellow for crabs.

So it is official, you can catch stuff from the toilet seat.

As for washing your hands every time after using a public toilet, well I only touch my todger while in there, nobody elses and I don't wash my hands some times and I often kick the door open, or dash out in the shadow of someone else.

One guy asked me in the loo one time, 'why I did not wash my hands'...told him I only touched my todger, not yours and its clean enough to eat, so mind your own business.

I'll remember that next time I go to shake someone's hand (i.e. did he just touch his pecker and didn't wash his hands and now I'm shaking his hand....?)

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Have you seen the public safety photos warning you not to squat on western sit down toilets? The danger is the ceramic breaks, you crash down on half razor sharp broken bowl which cuts you to the bone. Horrific photos never mind the possible infections.

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Hepatitus C can live in a blood-stain outside the body (e.g., on a bed-sheet) for up to two weeks, so if you come in contact with it at a place on your body that's either open (e.g., like a cut) or very thin-skinned area (e.g., healing from a burn or cut, or a sore), you can catch the disease.

Many viruses can live outside the body for at least a short while (i.e., from several seconds to a few minutes or more), though most require warm moisture. To ease the potential of public panic, health officials will always down-play your risks in public places.

To be fairly safe, always wipe the lid (top & both sides of the edges) & flush before you sit. If you've got an open wound, perhaps lay tissue on the seat as well. And for those who like to fish whistling.gif? Do so at your own risk.

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Why does it hurt when I pee?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I don't want no doctor
To stick no needle in me
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I got it from the toilet seat
I got it from the toilet seat
It jumped right up
N grabbed my meat
Got it from the toilet seat
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Oh God I probably got the
My balls feel like a pair of maracas!
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it hurt...when I

Frank Zappa.

“Joe’s Garage”


Edited by BruceSmith
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Just for the really paranoid, I once read a report about analysis of swabs taken from hotel matresses that were being changed out after a years service, I will go no further on that except to say the article had in the first paragraph the sentence " Am I the first person to sit in this seat naked"

Have a nice dayw00t.gif

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Is that how you got your name ? Itchybum?....lol

This taken from internet article..........

Yes, there can be plenty of bugs lying in wait in public restrooms, including both familiar and unfamiliar suspects like streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms. But if your immune system is healthy, and if you adopt simple hygienic measures like handwashing, you should be able to deliver a knockout punch to most of what you encounter and perhaps put your "germ-phobia" to rest.

When I have to go on any public toilet I wrap tissue around the front half of the seat.

I wash my hands and when I leave I always have some tissue in my hand to open the door. I remember one time when I went to have a pee I did not wash my hands and I never touched anything a guy said you should wash my hands, I said I just had a pee and I know where mine has been. But I never open the door with my hands always with a tissue or the end of my thirst.

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This is what I do. I gently push cubicle door open with underside of shoe and close door in same way, sheathe hand in good qty of toilet tissue, flush toilet and lock door with sheathed hand and drop all tissue in pan (protects against splashing caused by plops). Place another good wadge of tissue over coat knob (if isn't one then over back of party wall to vacant cubicle) and then drape pants and trousers over sheathed knob (don't laugh). To remove pants and trousers you must also remove shoes and stand on shoes so feet never touch the ground. I place several layers of tissue over seat and drop my bombs while holding johnson well away from pan. Job done, wipe clean, put pants and trousers back on, wadge of tissue to operate flush, drop in pan, flush, another wadge to open door, drop in bin, turn taps on (esp hot), plenty of soap, dry, wadge of paper towel to turn tap off, drop in bin and I'm away!

PS If you worry someone may take your pants etc while they are draped over party wall then wear them on your head, rasta style.


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This is what I do. I gently push cubicle door open with underside of shoe and close door in same way, sheathe hand in good qty of toilet tissue, flush toilet and lock door with sheathed hand and drop all tissue in pan (protects against splashing caused by plops). Place another good wadge of tissue over coat knob (if isn't one then over back of party wall to vacant cubicle) and then drape pants and trousers over sheathed knob (don't laugh). To remove pants and trousers you must also remove shoes and stand on shoes so feet never touch the ground. I place several layers of tissue over seat and drop my bombs while holding johnson well away from pan. Job done, wipe clean, put pants and trousers back on, wadge of tissue to operate flush, drop in pan, flush, another wadge to open door, drop in bin, turn taps on (esp hot), plenty of soap, dry, wadge of paper towel to turn tap off, drop in bin and I'm away!

PS If you worry someone may take your pants etc while they are draped over party wall then wear them on your head, rasta style.


wow....thats a major military style operation.

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This is what I do. I gently push cubicle door open with underside of shoe and close door in same way, sheathe hand in good qty of toilet tissue, flush toilet and lock door with sheathed hand and drop all tissue in pan (protects against splashing caused by plops). Place another good wadge of tissue over coat knob (if isn't one then over back of party wall to vacant cubicle) and then drape pants and trousers over sheathed knob (don't laugh). To remove pants and trousers you must also remove shoes and stand on shoes so feet never touch the ground. I place several layers of tissue over seat and drop my bombs while holding johnson well away from pan. Job done, wipe clean, put pants and trousers back on, wadge of tissue to operate flush, drop in pan, flush, another wadge to open door, drop in bin, turn taps on (esp hot), plenty of soap, dry, wadge of paper towel to turn tap off, drop in bin and I'm away!

PS If you worry someone may take your pants etc while they are draped over party wall then wear them on your head, rasta style.


Geez. Monk really lives. If you don't think you can make it home (and I can't even imagine the bathroom cleaning regimen in effect there!), just wear a diaper. Wiping everything down with a disinfectant wipe sounds like it would be nearly as effective and far less........."procedural". Still, public restrooms can be awfully gross.

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Yes, there can be plenty of bugs lying in wait in public restrooms, including both familiar and unfamiliar suspects like streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria, hepatitis A virus, the common cold virus, and various sexually transmitted organisms. But if your immune system is healthy, and if you adopt simple hygienic measures like handwashing, you should be able to deliver a knockout punch to most of what you encounter and perhaps put your "germ-phobia" to rest.

Edited by CharlieH, 2013-10-03 22:57:15.

I my friends did contact a bacteria infection in Thailand (streptococcus)and almost lost a leg in the process. This bacteria began with small blisters on the bottom of my feet (so I am thinking shower) then swelling began where my whole foot was swollen. This infection continued to my ankle (Thai doctor thought Gout and gave medicine), the swelling continued up to my knee (now I could not walk) and finally the doctor recommended a hospital and the admitted me. I had surgery that night and 10 days in the hospital... This is no joke, the doctor informed me that I might have contacted the bacteria by insect bite, Climate (humid where you pores open), Toilets, and showers. The Thai's never clean their toilets or wash their hands and only wipe them on the dirty towels. ALWAYS buy the clean wipes with alcohol and wipe your hands throughout the day it helps.

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You sit on a toilet with your a$$, not exactly the cleanest part of your body. ...

Speak for ya own butt! LOL! I bet bums have less bacteria than hands - at least on the cheeks.

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