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Would you fight for Thailand?


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Would we not all immediately be interned as enemy aliens?

What is it with this thread and aliens...first "cheapcharly" is going on about a space alien invasion of Thailand and now your talking about interning aliens...think you boys have been on the ear medicine too early today.biggrin.png

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LOL. i would not even fight for the country i was born in. gimme a break. life's too short and fighting is a bore.

I'm glad you weren't around in Great Britain in 1939. Hitler would have loved you.

Edited by bigbamboo
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I would only fight for Thailand if it was to defend my family. However, if there was a revolution, where the poor rose up against the rich and corrupt; count me in.

So your communist then ?....Posted Image

That would not make you a communist, it would make you someone willing to fight for justice and equality, as in the French Revolution.

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I think I might go native here and see who were most likely to win before choosing sides. thumbsup.gif

If the Thais are going to win any battle, it would need to be a situation similar to the Alamo. Which side would be the Thais?

Well, they fought the French... and won

Most people have fought the French and won thats why their history books have a few pages missing.

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seriously, im in trouble from the start . 1 bottle of chiang and my head is in a tizzy. now , some honest souls have put their families as their priority for taking up arms and willing to defend "them". others have cynically and in my own opinion quite intelligenently said "no way jose" to our most reluctant temporary hosts. do we love thailand and its people, YES. do we want to fight and possibly "DIE" for those of the elite who will inherit greatly from our sacrifices. NO. now for my next history lesson.lets just imagine ,your British. your country needs you, so says Tony blair,george bush, etc etc etc. lets go send afghani children , women, old people , backto the stone age. no problem?now, if you are a citizen o the the good old USA, bless them ,i love my Brit and Us friends and neighbours all. they are not some rich dudes and upper class twits. do they agree with tony and george.NO, in the main. so , why would anybody want to take ordersfrom somebody who has no intention of treating us like anything but cannon fodder for the already rich elite to benefit in the long term.. i do not subscribe to any political persuasion, but at myage i have seen and observed the outcome and consequences of lots of conflicts and all i can say is our own countries treat us like s.. t so why would we expect our adopted place of residence TO be more decent to us and our families here. by the way, i am irish and seen the ridiculous outcome to over 30 yrs of "whatever you want to call it". so many inocents dead, crippled, destroyed lives o both sides .end result, the protagonists all end up in bed together and trade insults in a parliament instead of bullets and bombs.god , they make me sick. fight for any sychophant,s cause. now way JOSE. forgive me my little rant i suspect this question was submitted tongue in cheek.

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Well, Thais make us feel enough a foreign body in their midst for me not to have any respect nor regard for this country or its "institutions".

I would just get the hell out of here and let the Thais get their first taste of being defeated and occupied.

Maybe their mindset will change when foreigners make them feel as trash. Admittedly, would take quite a long time, given several wars with Burma did not teach them anything! cheesy.gif

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There are a number of us here who have son's born to a Thai. Would you encourage them to fight for Thailand or would you be like me, and discourage them from defending a corrupt system, that is in place for the benefit of a few.

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There are a number of us here who have son's born to a Thai. Would you encourage them to fight for Thailand or would you be like me, and discourage them from defending a corrupt system, that is in place for the benefit of a few.

I certainly would not one my children fighting for the current crop of corrupt criminals tht run the country.

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There are a number of us here who have son's born to a Thai. Would you encourage them to fight for Thailand or would you be like me, and discourage them from defending a corrupt system, that is in place for the benefit of a few.

You need to ask ?

Check out the bomb disposal quotes.

Checkout the airforce general that said, xxxx it, I'll drive.

Checkout the personal they sent in with no experience to man the front lines in Bangkok a few years ago.

Checkout submarine day.

Edited by metisdead
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There are a number of us here who have son's born to a Thai. Would you encourage them to fight for Thailand or would you be like me, and discourage them from defending a corrupt system, that is in place for the benefit of a few.

I certainly would not one my children fighting for the current crop of corrupt criminals tht run the country.

The previous, OK? The next, OK?

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I would btw

Then, I would hope you have a decent command of the Thai language cuz' it's

most likely the only language you will be using, as I doubt you'd have any need

for English what with no other speakers around you biggrin.png

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Armchair General available...............requires Thai citizenship-no crap! No electric bills, white Bentley, outriders all the time ( so close the roads I dont care same same !) summer/winter accomadation required Chiang Mai area, Koh Chiang, Andamann coast area, salalary and pension to be discussed but no less than I require.

Land locked Admiral also available, as above but with private launch and Pussers Rum on demand.

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This thread has gone 'well mental' as they say in London......

The Box
by Lascelles

Once upon a time in the land of Hush-a-bye
Around about the wondrous days of yore
They came across a sort of box
Bound up with chains and locked with locks
And labeled, “Kindly Do Not Touch - It’s War.”

Decree was issued round about
All with a flourish and a shout
And a gaily colored mascot tripping lightly on before
“Don’t fiddle with this deadly box
Or break the chains or pick the locks
And please don’t ever play about with war.”

Well the children understood
Children happen to be good
And they were just as good around the time of yore
They didn’t try to pick the locks
Or break into that deadly box
They never tried to play about with war.

Mommies didn’t either
Sisters, Aunts, or Grannies neither
Cause’ they were quiet and sweet and pretty
In those wondrous days of yore.

Well, very much the same as now
Not the ones to blame somehow
For opening up that deadly box of war.
But someone did
Someone battered in the lid
And spilled the insides out across the floor.

A sort of bouncy bumpy ball
Made up of flags and guns and all
The tears and horror and death
That goes with war.

It bounced right out
And went bashing all about
And bumping into every thing in store.
And what was sad and most unfair
Is that it really didn’t seem to care
Much who it bumped or why, or what, or for.

It bumped the children mainly
And I’ll tell you this quite plainly
It bumps them everyday
And more and more.
And leaves they dead and burned and dying
Thousands of them sick and crying
Cause’ when it bumps it’s really very sore.

Now there’s a way to stop the ball
It isn’t difficult at all
All it takes is wisdom
And I’m absolutely sure
That we could get it back into the box
And bind the chains and lock the locks
But no one seems to want to save the children anymore.

Well, that’s the way it all appears
Cause’ it’s been bouncing round for years and years
In spite of all that wisdom wiz’
Since those wondrous days of yore…
In the time they came upon a box
Bound up with chains and locked with locks
And labeled, “Kindly Do Not Touch - It’s War”

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Why would I fight for a foreign military? I would risk losing my own citizenship (so would most, I would imagine) and, if they are invaded, it really isn't any of my business to become a solider for them. I would get the %$)! out of dodge and try to take family with me.

If I were back in my home country, I wouldn't expect visitors who weren't citizens, etc., to suddenly take up arms, either.

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I think asking for someone to fight is rather emotive, particularly so, if it is not your country of birth, but many things will drive a man to enlist.

But to say that you would be stupid not to have foreseen and be on the first plane out, what if your family could not get on that plane, and as for the pseudo-intellectual soporific clap trap is neither clever, or even relevant in this case.

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That would be a very small foreign brigade. As we know, they are not very generous with PR's or citizenship.

And you would probably need a workpermit!whistling.gif

No I would not! Defend values I don't believe in??

The Thai Foreign Legion Morale song


Here you are, some chilli sausage, some chilli sausage, some chilli sausage For the Cambodians, Burmese and the Muslims For the Cambodians, there's none left, For the Burmese, there's none left, They're lazy shirkers. For the Cambodians, there's none left, For the Cambodians, there's none left, They're lazy shirkers.

1st verse:

We are crafty. We are rogues. We are no ordinary guys. We've often got our black moods, For we are Legionnaires. In Pattaya the Immortal Legion Honoured our flag at Wireless Road. Heroes of Bars and model brothers - Sleep in peace in your tombs.

(Repeat Chorus)

2nd verse:

Our ancestors knew to die For the glory of the Legion. We will know to perish According to tradition. What During our far-off campaigns, Facing fever and fire, Let us forget, along with our hardships, Death, which forgets us so little. (For) We (are), the Legion.

(Repeat Chorus)


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I would only fight for Thailand if it was to defend my family. However, if there was a revolution, where the poor rose up against the rich and corrupt; count me in.

So your communist then ?....whistling.gif

An amazing leap of illogicality.

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I would not even save my country.

I don't give a <deleted> what s going on as long I m safe.

And you are all a bunch of hypocrites or liars if you tell me you think differently. Marines or else are just for the money . They will quit if not paid.... Cut the crap, it s true.

If you work for free, why you don't come to clean my car and clean my house.?

The real question would be : would you save the world if aliens from space invade us.

Yes, because if not, they will kill us all.

You could not be more wrong. We come in peace.

Signed Hal

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