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Phuket: Urgent blood donations needed for injured foreigner

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Phuket: Urgent blood donations needed for injured foreigner
Claire Connell

PHUKET: Donations of O negative and A negative blood are urgently required to help a Russian expat in Phuket's Vachira Hospital.

Elena Ushakova, who lives in Bangkok but was visiting Phuket, was in a car crash which left her with a broken neck. She had surgery today but lost a lot of blood, and blood donations are urgently needed.

Anyone with the required blood type who is able to donate should urgently visit Vachira Hospital, or call Mina on 084 456 1449.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-urgent-blood-donations-needed-for-injured-foreigner-42218.php?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

-- Phuket News 2013-10-05

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She must be A-. People with A- blood can receive from A- and O- but O- need O- donors. Both types are very rare in Thailand.

Incidentally, this availablity problem is exacerbated by the Thai Red Cross consistently eliminating potential donors because of arbitrary age restrictions.

Edited by marell
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She needs O and A negative type blood?

Must be interchangeable then?

No Thais have such blood?

Bloody hell...

O- is universal donor, A- must be her blood type. I think both are uncommon in Thailand

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I suggest don't donate. I am AB- and the red cross is constantly texting and calling me up to donate again and again.

I had to tell them I'm unavailable now since I became a drug addict.

They will stop calling if you tell them that.

Well, let's just hope you don't need blood at any time then. How nasty...

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I suggest don't donate. I am AB- and the red cross is constantly texting and calling me up to donate again and again.

I had to tell them I'm unavailable now since I became a drug addict.

They will stop calling if you tell them that.


Well, let's just hope you don't need blood at any time then.  How nasty...

What's nasty? I used to donate every quarter, the maximum allowed but they constantly call and text asking me to come in and give blood even if I just donated 2 days earlier. Its on their record but they still call up knowing its impossible for me to give.

Sometimes calling after midnight.

I'm happy to donate but not to be harassed or asking me to harass my children to donate at all hours.

If you're going to donate, try and leave a fake phone number to avoid the stupidity.

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I suggest don't donate. I am AB- and the red cross is constantly texting and calling me up to donate again and again.

I had to tell them I'm unavailable now since I became a drug addict.

They will stop calling if you tell them that.

Well, let's just hope you don't need blood at any time then. How nasty...

What's nasty? I used to donate every quarter, the maximum allowed but they constantly call and text asking me to come in and give blood even if I just donated 2 days earlier. Its on their record but they still call up knowing its impossible for me to give.

Sometimes calling after midnight.

I'm happy to donate but not to be harassed or asking me to harass my children to donate at all hours.

If you're going to donate, try and leave a fake phone number to avoid the stupidity.

Sounds like they must really like you. I have been on the donor list for many years and only ever receive calls when there is a real emergency and only ever at civilised hours. I have on odd occasions received two calls from the blood bank and the hospital asking to respond to the same casualty but it's hardly a nuisance.

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I suggest don't donate. I am AB- and the red cross is constantly texting and calling me up to donate again and again.

I had to tell them I'm unavailable now since I became a drug addict.

They will stop calling if you tell them that.


Well, let's just hope you don't need blood at any time then.  How nasty...


What's nasty? I used to donate every quarter, the maximum allowed but they constantly call and text asking me to come in and give blood even if I just donated 2 days earlier. Its on their record but they still call up knowing its impossible for me to give.

Sometimes calling after midnight.

I'm happy to donate but not to be harassed or asking me to harass my children to donate at all hours.

If you're going to donate, try and leave a fake phone number to avoid the stupidity.



Sounds like they must really like you. I have been on the donor list for many years and only ever receive calls when there is a real emergency and only ever at civilised hours. I have on odd occasions received two calls from the blood bank and the hospital asking to respond to the same casualty but it's hardly a nuisance.

Its always the same line. We are short on AB- and we only have about 4 people on our database with that blood.

I'd say it would be once or twice a month. Even Krabi needed it one evening and I couldn't help but they called again a few hours later forgetting they already called.

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