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Hiring Burmese


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Would like to know how to find potential hires with specific skills, like computer skills for example. I've seen the office in Mae Rim which I believe is where you'd need to fill out all the paperwork. Not sure how you'd advertise for certain skills and what the current laws are regarding these kinds of hires. Thanks.

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If hiring a Burmese as an employee, unless the person is officially recognised as a Thai citizen with all the appropriate paperwork, than a work permit is required.

If found hiring an illegal Burmese worker, then it`s a fine of 60000 baht plus a nasty red stamp in your passport, which could affect your visa extension application in the future.

I believe that work permits can be arranged for Burmese workers at the Mai Rim office. The staff there are very helpful and I suggest you ask them for some advice if considering taking on a Burmese as your employee. Otherwise whatever you do, you do so at your own risk and discretion.

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Burmese, Cambodian and Lao workers may only be employed as unskilled labourers under the annually renewable MOUs between Thailand those countries.

How do they determine this--is it by the position they are getting hired for? For example only factory or cleaning positions, or something like that?

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Burmese, Cambodian and Lao workers may only be employed as unskilled labourers under the annually renewable MOUs between Thailand those countries.

How do they determine this--is it by the position they are getting hired for? For example only factory or cleaning positions, or something like that?

I am not quite sure as I have never waded through the MOUs but you may find them in the Royal Gazette. Curiously the law on restricted occupations lists "labourer" as the no. 1 occupation restricted to Thais only but the MOUs or some other legislation must provide temporary waiver and probably specifies the exact jobs. They seem to be allowed to do factory work, cleaning. domestic work, restaurant work and agricultural work but not office work or any kind. They get 10 year pink ID cards that are tied to a specific job which is an odd system seeing as professional and managerial expats get no ID card and only one year visa extensions. Many alien workers misunderstand that the ID card entitles them to work anywhere for 10 years and disappear into the black economy, including the sex trade.

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