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I think integrity is a most important trait. Do what you say, don't lie, stand for something.

Always have a constructive or positive attitude,

Your internal mental state is the only thing you will always have control over.

Lao Tzu said...

Watch your thoughts
they become words.
Watch your words
they become actions.
Watch your actions
they become habits.
Watch your habits
they become character.
Watch your character.
It becomes your destiny.
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The Rule: BE. To be an overcomer. I need to learn to listen to my built-in, still, small voice, and endeavor to be an Overcomer.

That means to hear that still small voice and it will navigate me through my life accordingly and within the plan. Do not confuse this with religion of any sort. This is, I believe, a reality which exists outside of a man-made religion. Moreover, man has taken that reality and tagged it with labels and performance based acceptance.

Get back to my inner self and find that still small voice if I can't hear it. Give in to it. It is a great teacher, comforter, forgiver, coach, etc. Do not confuse it with god or the devil: ...another man-made contrivance to keep me under ball and chain. Remove my fears and strap on a bit of temperance and caution and overcome.

I believe I will go on after I step out of this body, or Earth suit. I believe that the things I have not overcome in this plane of existence will be there to be overcome in the next stage of things. Do not confuse this with reincarnation. I do not believe I will come back to this boot camp level and do it all again.

I simply can no longer will myself to believe in a divine being, or some evil power. It does not take anyone but a child to see this, and yet children can be deceived by the voice of men and become slaves to fear and false obedience. To be thus enslaved is a waste of life and to run parallel to the truth.

Somehow, all things are interconnected. I haven't even begun to realize how much, or to what degree, but I do know this: what goes around comes around, but at such a level of accuracy and portion that the lesson given fits the lesson learned. And if not? It's round two until I overcome. I am not surprised that a lot of things which bothered me before don't bother me now, and it comes naturally and without any feelings of guilt?

My faith in these beliefs is such that, if I am on the wrong path and have false securities, life will sort me out and I'll get back on the right path if I listen to that still small voice.

There is some, incredibly strong equalizing force out there that seems to bring balance to all things; yet I do not believe that it is all going to happen in this one plane of existence.

So, my rule is this: I need to learn to listen to my built-in, still, small voice, and endeavor to be an Overcomer. There is no end to this process. To be an overcomer is like a bird on the wing. If I stop being, then I fall. It is an eternal process that I need to learn to engage in until it is my being.

I do not believe that there is any end point to my existence. I do not believe that we arrive at a paradise or a hell and are compelled to remain there if we do not wish to. This is too... too man-made and shallow. It is too obvious that someone wants to control me with fear or bait me with reward. This belief is approved by my still, small voice. There is no guilt in telling man's god to get another job, or to tell man's devil to sod off.

Believing in a heaven or a hell means there is an ending to my story. How stuffy and religious is that? I am a part of a never-ending story in which I am accountable and responsible for all I am, do and have, and life will guide me and sort me and balance me when and if I use that still small voice and keep my wings going... To overcome.

Simply my take on things.


You seem to have given our existance on this planet a great deal of thought......it's a pity your small inner still voice ddidn't tell you to have respect for those of us who choose to call it by a different name. Those of us who have come to the conclusion that we are are not the greatest force (or power) in existance...that there is possible something even greater than ourselves somewhere....that we choose to call by a different name....some choose to call it a Higher Power. others as "God" that God wouuld be of their own understanding....mostly one of Love, rather than Fear which people like you always use because you think it strenthens your arguement. whenever I hear people like yourself talking the phrase "He doth protest too much" comes to mind".

Why can't you just say what you feel you need to say in a "loving" way and not in a way filled with insult and sarcasim. I respect your opinion....please have the manners to respect mine and people like me.

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To the OP: Loyalty is great, but not on its own.

Squeaky Fromme was loyal to Charles Manson. Goebbels was loyal to Hitler. So were the members of the SS that went out hunting Jews,

But I wouldn't say they set very good examples for the world to follow.

Hmmm, ok. But similar things could be said about other points mentioned in this thread. A coin has 2 sides. You refer to blind and undoubtfull loyalty. Loyalty i give to the people who deserve it and who IMO not do any harm to others. The situation on a personal level i am facing, just again realizing, has to do with loyalty as well from the other side. That loyalty comes closer to the examples you mentioned, doing harm. Not to that extend ofcourse. The loyalty, and which i hold in high regard, refer to is on a close personal level. Sticking by people in the good and bad times.

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What is yours ?

Mine is not to prioritize rules that I think are important in life and pretend that I am being deep and philosophical. Claiming that loyalty or integrity or honesty or whatever is my ruling mantra just makes me sound like a outdated hippie, especially since most people would happily be disloyal or corrupt or dishonest if it served their purposes and would make things worse by fabricating some feeble justification for what they did.

You deal with each new situation as it comes to you based on your life experiences and those things you consider important, not some single rule or small set of numbered rules and you should avoid judging others by those alleged lofty standards.

Absolutely the best post on this thread ! IMO

+1 Flexibility is a good word...............thumbsup.gif

Trust is another one, as double-edged as it may be. If you have two-way trust, you will meet all the other keywords head-on.

Flexibility for life, trust for relationships.

IMHO off course.................wink.png

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For those who mentioned integrity or anything closely related you are very much a dying breed I am sorry to say. I would very much like to meet up for cuppa or a pint with any or all of you if that would ever be possible. The amount of respect and the level of trust one attracts from others is inextricably related to ones integrity. My biggest failing since leaving the military is having a high level of trust in others that was, in retrospect, rarely justified. And here in Thailand, the expats I have encountered all over the country generally leave a lot to be desired. I suspect those with integrity keep themselves very much to themselves for this very reason.... Certainly in the rural setting that has been my experience. I accept in the cities there is a much better chance of encountering those more suited to ones character and interests.

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My stepfather was an architect. When he was in hospital dying he beckoned me over and whispered in my ear - "Never have a flat Roof".

Wise words...laugh.png

My father told me:

Never marry a woman with big hands

Makes your pecker look small.

My dad said " You've got to fight fire with fire."

I guess that's why he didn't last long in the Fire Brigade.

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money is the only rule, the real world not the fantasy in your heads

The way 1 acquires money though can say alot about said person. Money does not have to stand in the way of integrity, trust, loyalty etc..... Good people in business probably need those traits in order to be succesfull for the longterm.

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