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So Where Have You Traveled To?


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I know that we are all pretty partial to LOS here on the forum, but it would be interesting to read where others have gone to and what their experiences were while abroad.

To start off, I haven't been to many places, but I can say that I spent time in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia. Of course, I did some time in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan while in transit to Southeast Asia, but I don't think that really counts....

So where have you folks traveled to? Any good yarns to tell about your experiences?

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Before coming to Thailand, I went to the USA and did the 'Amtrak' from New York to Boston, to Niagara Falls (walked across the bridge to Canada and Back), onwards to Chicago and finally across to Washington. Great journey and met some really interesting people.

I have also been to Australia (Sydney and Cairns) - went on a helicopter over the Great Barrier Reef and up real close to the Reef by way of a small submarine. En route, I took in Langkawi, Penang and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

Then of course, Thailand where I eventually decided to stay. I suppose my bent on travel stemmed from the fact that I worked on secondment with the Hong Kong Government in the 70's for 3.5 years. I still love travel and now visit the Philippines fairly regularly.

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I guess my list doesn't count.


I hitch-hiked away and back to New Jersey once.

I caught a train to Berlin and back home once.

I raced someone from Carcasonne to the Munich Oktoberfest, but I never saw him again, so I don;t know who won.

I've cycled through Bolton often enough.

I doubt there's anyone else here can say that.


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Canada (live there - partially)

USA (including a road trip through Alaska)

Thailand (live there - partially)

Bali Indonesia







Belarus (lived there)

Out of the places where I've been, I liked Italy and want to repeat the trip and spend a little more than a week there next time.

Would also like to go back to Poland and travel a little more.

A lot of history is in the European and E. European countries, nothing like you'd see in most of Asia.

I'm not even excited to travel around Asia anymore, my TGF keeps talking about a honeymoon trip to Maldives or Bora-Bora, and I'm somewhat reluctant about traveling to either of these 2. Same same as the rest or Asia but more expensive and with somewhat different culture, would much rather go somewhere in Europe or S. America...

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