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Redshirt leader Kwanchai presses libel charge against Democrat MP


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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

This is the first time that I read a post of yours that correctly describes the current government for what it is.

You must have learned something. smile.png


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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

Are they not Chinese looking enough for you?

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Stealing diamonds is nothing, compared to stealing the hopes and dreams of millions of poor rural people, who trusted the redshirt PTP to represent their too-long overlooked plight. The rural poor, and even some urban poor, trusted in and voted for the redshirt cause, on the solemn promise that was given, to tackle mass-poverty and infrastructure problems in the agrarian regions, and to crush the decadent pigtrough elites. Instead we have seen no actual improvement in rural QOL and we have seen the PTP ordering a bigger trough with reinforced iron supports. Betrayal doesn't even cover it. This photo is another example, yes if he is libelled he should defend his name, I have no problem with that, if he goes home after this and works tirelessly to defend the rights of the poorest in society etc. such as was promised pre-election. But he is pressing charges to get more money, and when he goes home afterwards he won't do jack for the common workers.

Yunla. What a great observation. Absolutely spot on.

Yes, and all that from a single photo. Stunning observations all round here.

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

You forgot the narrow minded, bigoted, decieving political fanatics who post on TVF.

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

You forgot the narrow minded, bigoted, decieving political fanatics who post on TVF.

Are we playing tag ?

It's deceiving, the except after "c" rule, and please can you update your information on the PM's bank transactions.

2010 is so passe.

"28 April 2009 to May 2010, 150 million baht was deposited into one of Yinglucks accounts while 166 million baht was withdrawn. On 28 April 2010 alone, 144 million baht was withdrawn"

But what exactly is the point that you are making with this statement ???

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No update on his dressing up and impersonating a police officer during the anti Thaksin protest at govt house last month? You would think he would try and keep a low profile.

Maybe that's the reason for the 100 supporters in case the police tried to arrest him.

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

You forgot the narrow minded, bigoted, decieving political fanatics who post on TVF.

Are we playing tag ?

It's deceiving, the except after "c" rule, and please can you update your information on the PM's bank transactions.

2010 is so passe.

"28 April 2009 to May 2010, 150 million baht was deposited into one of Yinglucks accounts while 166 million baht was withdrawn. On 28 April 2010 alone, 144 million baht was withdrawn"

But what exactly is the point that you are making with this statement ???

I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the OP apart from the one by gl555. Of course this would be deformation in itself and if, as has been said it is libel even if it's true then gl555 is in trouble if they are in Thailand. Actually most of us would be in trouble on this forum.

Unless there is evidence for the accusation of theft I would have thought it was a bit stupid to make the accusation anyway. I think going with 100 supporters and filing complaints at multiple police stations looks a bit like attention seeking to me which is just as bad

As for the ' except after "c" rule' it works in this case but more often than not it doesn't. It should be Yingluck's as well

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

You forgot the narrow minded, bigoted, decieving political fanatics who post on TVF.

Are we playing tag ?

It's deceiving, the except after "c" rule, and please can you update your information on the PM's bank transactions.

2010 is so passe.

"28 April 2009 to May 2010, 150 million baht was deposited into one of Yinglucks accounts while 166 million baht was withdrawn. On 28 April 2010 alone, 144 million baht was withdrawn"

But what exactly is the point that you are making with this statement ???

Thanks I forgot spelling natzi.

The Yingluck statement stands as long as Abihist is charged with murder for being PM during the Red insurection, while those that organised and funded the red riots get away with it.

PS: Back on topic, I agree with kimamey this is just a cheap publicity stunt to get media coverage for his wife.

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"Attempts by PTP to amend the 2007 constitution". This would be the period between the military coup and open democratic elections on July 3rd 2011. I fail to see how anyone can object to amending a constitution cobbled together by a military installed judiciary and a dubiously 'elected' prime minister and his party. Before you yellows queue up to question my use of the word 'dubiously', I use it in the same context that right-wing loons used it to describe Gordon Brown's take over of the Premiership from Blair. That is that, yes, he was democratically elected by his constituents in Scotland as their MP but to be shoe horned into the top job; although within parliamentary guidelines, seemed 'dubious'.

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"Attempts by PTP to amend the 2007 constitution". This would be the period between the military coup and open democratic elections on July 3rd 2011. I fail to see how anyone can object to amending a constitution cobbled together by a military installed judiciary and a dubiously 'elected' prime minister and his party. Before you yellows queue up to question my use of the word 'dubiously', I use it in the same context that right-wing loons used it to describe Gordon Brown's take over of the Premiership from Blair. That is that, yes, he was democratically elected by his constituents in Scotland as their MP but to be shoe horned into the top job; although within parliamentary guidelines, seemed 'dubious'.

What did Abhisit or the Democrats have to do with the 2007 constitution? Abhisit wasn't PM until the end of 2008.

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"Attempts by PTP to amend the 2007 constitution". This would be the period between the military coup and open democratic elections on July 3rd 2011. I fail to see how anyone can object to amending a constitution cobbled together by a military installed judiciary and a dubiously 'elected' prime minister and his party. Before you yellows queue up to question my use of the word 'dubiously', I use it in the same context that right-wing loons used it to describe Gordon Brown's take over of the Premiership from Blair. That is that, yes, he was democratically elected by his constituents in Scotland as their MP but to be shoe horned into the top job; although within parliamentary guidelines, seemed 'dubious'.

More peverted facts from the Redshirts history of Thailand, as taught in the red schools

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No update on his dressing up and impersonating a police officer during the anti Thaksin protest at govt house last month? You would think he would try and keep a low profile.

Why keep a low profile - he knows nothing will happen over that. Old history now.

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"Attempts by PTP to amend the 2007 constitution". This would be the period between the military coup and open democratic elections on July 3rd 2011. I fail to see how anyone can object to amending a constitution cobbled together by a military installed judiciary and a dubiously 'elected' prime minister and his party. Before you yellows queue up to question my use of the word 'dubiously', I use it in the same context that right-wing loons used it to describe Gordon Brown's take over of the Premiership from Blair. That is that, yes, he was democratically elected by his constituents in Scotland as their MP but to be shoe horned into the top job; although within parliamentary guidelines, seemed 'dubious'.

What did Abhisit or the Democrats have to do with the 2007 constitution? Abhisit wasn't PM until the end of 2008.

Doh, your're pointing out facts again, You know that's just an inconvenience in Thailand.

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Look at all the trash in the picture. The morons in front hoping to become MP, senators or even ministers so they can enrich themselves and the uneducated idiotic sheep behind who keep voting for them and hoping for a free hand out. Makes me want to puke.

You must really love your life in Thailand under the current dictatorial, fascist, jack booted, corrupt, inept, moronic, enriched, uneducated, sheep like, handout seeking and trash like population and government.............

You forgot the narrow minded, bigoted, decieving political fanatics who post on TVF.

Your're being too hard on yourself Phil ! Your propaganda history re-write attempts are usually good for a laugh. wink.png

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So is their any evidence of him stealing diamonds or not? Let's stop playing BS games and just see if there is or isn't.

There is probably just as much evidence that Abhisit murdered people.

Until I hear Shirley Bassey singing "Diamonds are for Red Shirts" I really couldn't give a hoot.

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