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If The Women Left..........


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Ok, I know most of you Forum guys are in Pattaya for the easy lifestyle, :D safe uncrowded roads, :D immaculate beaches, :D crystal clear water, :D low crime rates, :D superb infrastructure, :D happy smiling people :D etc etc...........

How many of you could honestly say that if all the bars were closed tomorrow, you would find Pattaya as appealing, cos as far as I'm concerned, there ain't much else is there.

And pls, no flaming, I'm a very sensitive guy. I'm also honest, and I've also lived in Pattaya since 1990.

If the bars closed, I can't see any Farangs travelling Thousands of miles to visit Pattaya Beach, what do you think? :o

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Although I have a huge beer belly, I don't fancy the yellow brew unless it is mixed with Fanta :o So it wouldn't bother me, but Pattaya would change dramatically. I think only the loss will teach us the value of things (Schopenhauer)

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I certainly wouldn't leave because of the women/nightlife, but it's a fact that most of the city and it's supporting industry revolves around it...

If you take away such a big piece from a city's economy it'll be very hard to say what direction the place is going to take. Imagine all those hotels in the lower to mid price range suddenly being empty, the owners not being able to pay their bills, all those Thai people living of this ecomomy created by those nightlife loving people and basically not knowing any other decent paying job...

It certainly wouldn't bode well for the place, might end up being a ghetto-like ghost town...

As much as I like being 10 kilometers away from it, I would hate not having the option to go out for a good and affordable restaurant visit, get a beer and do some people watching!

Guess a lot of people would end up leaving with the women having absolutely nothing to do with it!

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Ok, I know most of you Forum guys are in Pattaya for the easy lifestyle, :D safe uncrowded roads, :D immaculate beaches, :D crystal clear water, :D low crime rates, :D superb infrastructure, :D happy smiling people :D etc etc...........

How many of you could honestly say that if all the bars were closed tomorrow, you would find Pattaya as appealing, cos as far as I'm concerned, there ain't much else is there.

And pls, no flaming, I'm a very sensitive guy. I'm also honest, and I've also lived in Pattaya since 1990.

If the bars closed, I can't see any Farangs travelling Thousands of miles to visit Pattaya Beach, what do you think? :o

Lots and lots of unemployed bar girls - desperate for for male attention - hmmmmmmmmmmmm!

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Spend a couple of years working in Iraq (some time ago-of course )and Baghdad and Basra could have given Bangers/Patters a run for their money.

Booze was easily available ...Sharazade & Fatima (beer) and loads and loads of cheap red and white wine.

We even had our own Bar (the DCM...dont come Monday..your fired) and had regular quizz nights BBQs and Discos.....Yalla Yalla..

Boats were available for cruises up and down the Shatt al Arab and if into History the oldest city in the World -Ur was just up the road as well as the Garden of Eden (for religous buffs)

Nightlife was also not bad and I spent a great 30th birthday pizzup in the Lay-Laya club...Caberet from Russia,dancing girls from Cuba,Brazil,Chile,Gwata-mala....and Thailand.... :D Local very attractive Iraqi ladies were the waitresses.....and very polite....

Saudis up for the weekend paid £200 for a bottle of Johnny Walker near the stage while we settled for a $5- 2 litre bottle of vino.... each....

Would I go back there for a HOLIDAY now?.............Let me think :o

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I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't go in bars. I Don't talk to girls. So what does that make me?

I also try not to go in town or go near the beach. Especialy Dog Tag Beach :o

BUT like a lot of other folks here I have a very large investment in property simply because I can live very well in a warm climate with a nice lady who looks after me like a king, no way could I do either in not so sunny you kay.

I think if we are realistic we are all trapped here and can't face the terrible alternatives of weather and grey faces. Brrrrr

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We could join a monastery, walk around all day in long flowing robes, hum our religious vows and select a few choir boys to amuse ourselves at night. :D

Fair dinkum Maigo6, you are like a boring long play record with the needle stuck in the groove. You have infiltrated other threads with your narrow views on social enjoyments, and now you are back again on your soap box pushing your holier than thou message. :D

At least you have started your own thread on the issue, that's a step in the right direction. :o

I notice that you didn't include prostitution in your sermon this time. Have you finally had your testosterone injections?

If Pattaya's beer bars were closed on a permanent basis, that would be the end of tourism. Full stop, turn off the lights. Pattaya would then become a ghost town and revert back to a fishing village.

Then there would be no need for infrastructure, no need to control traffic, no crime, apart from the occasional poaching of crab traps, no crowds blocking the tracks down to the fishing boats, and with no poo being pumped out from sewer outlets, clean fishing water.

...........and the best thing about it all is that good old Maigo would then have nothing to whinge about. :D

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Ok, I know most of you Forum guys are in Pattaya for the easy lifestyle, :D safe uncrowded roads, :D immaculate beaches, :D crystal clear water, :D low crime rates, :D superb infrastructure, :D happy smiling people :D etc etc...........

How many of you could honestly say that if all the bars were closed tomorrow, you would find Pattaya as appealing, cos as far as I'm concerned, there ain't much else is there.

And pls, no flaming, I'm a very sensitive guy. I'm also honest, and I've also lived in Pattaya since 1990.

If the bars closed, I can't see any Farangs travelling Thousands of miles to visit Pattaya Beach, what do you think? :o

No way, I would be gone in a flash.

I think it would be a ghost town within three years.

The girls are the only thing special for pattaya.

The rest you can get any wares else.

Long live the Beer bars and girls.


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The whole hypothesis is ridiculous and doesn’t hold water. The topic heading is; If the women left… would you stay?... and in the in the diatribe, you talk about the bars closing.

Well, to start with, if all the bars closed, why should all the women disappear? What about the massage parlours, the hotels, the eating shops, the beach, to say nothing of the brothels and goodness knows where else that ladies might congregate, OK, the numbers of ladies might reduce, but they’d still be here. Closing the bars ain’t going to get rid of the women.

So what did you really mean? Some powerful edict that would ban ladies from Pattaya? But just Pattaya and nowhere else in Thailand? – just doesn’t make sense. And if you do mean only in Pattaya, well then we could still enjoy the lovely beaches and other facilities of Pattaya, and then pop down the road to Jomtien or Sri Racha (or even Mabprachan) to find our fun for the night and take them back to the hotel in Pattaya. A bit inconvenient, maybe, but I can’t se it stopping the tourists. (Or will there be a police road block checking the cars for smuggling women into the city limits?)

Or maybe you meant ban ladies from everywhere in Thailand? So what’s going to happen? Put all the Thai females on a bonfire? Or make them stay at home sporting the chador and veil?

Close the bars in Pattaya? Well there must be dozens of towns in Thailand that have no bars, or very few. I doubt it stops the males finding places to meet up with Thai women – both respectable and the ‘other’ variety. I don’t think there’s too many places without a massage parlour nearby somewhere. The ready availability of ladies, for good or bad, is endemic throughout Thailand, and some stupid ban in Pattaya aint gonna stop nutin.

Men go on holiday the world over looking for women – be it Brighton beach, the Costa del sol, Rio de Janeiro, Prague or wherever. You can’t just remove women from the equation and ask – if there weren’t any women there would you still go? There are always women – and in Thailand they are more beautiful, more sexy and more available than in most places.

It’s like asking: if there was no oxygen in the air in England, would people still live there? Or if there was no food in a food shop, would you still go and eat there? Or if there were no programmes shown on Television, would you still watch it?

So why should anyone bother answering such a pointless question? (Apart from me)

And what are you trying to prove? Or are you just set on provoking everyone who lives here?

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If The Women Left.........., Would you stay?

maybe it would be better to ask the question:

If the Men left........would the women stay? :o


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Fair dinkum Maigo6, you are like a boring long play record with the needle stuck in the groove.

I notice that you didn't include prostitution in your sermon this time. Have you finally had your testosterone injections?

...........and the best thing about it all is that good old Maigo would then have nothing to whinge about. :D


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You sound like you are a Republican, and your main issue is focused on Closing Down the Bars. (And taking away people's happiness) Cause that's what Republicans DO, that's the kind of people Republicans are. They are Kill Joys, Oppressors, Manipulators, all of this and More.

But you asked me to take the Question Serious as if you ask me to Consider living as you Believe I should live, as if to give YOU some kind of Hope that you can Manipulate MY thinking and MY Beliefs to Suit you.

I will give you an Honest Serious answer because that is what you asked for. And if you don't like it, then you have to live with the fact that the only thing that makes you feel content is CONTROLING and MANIPULATING Others, and Forcing them to believe as you do, because THAT is who YOU are.

Now for my answer:

If all the Bars were to Close, I feel it would be a Tragic end, because the Bars bring many people happiness. Not only for the Foriegners who come to Thailand to get Laid, but also for the Thai Girls who like the Money and the Attention. Keep in mind that SEX IS NOT EVIL! If it were, then the Human Race would become extinct. Therefore many of the Thai Girls actually enjoy having Sex with foriegners. For example a Girl named Pen that I knew, Married a guy from England just last year. And she met him in a Bar in Pattaya. As well as many Thousands of other Girls who leave Thailand every day. They live happy lives in far away lands, and you never see that. But I do. I also see the Smiles of Happiness on the Nerds from far away who never had a beautiful girl even look twice at them in their Home Country, and when they come to Thailand and visit Pattaya, they are welcomed by Women who look like Magazine Material! They are welcomed in to a State of Euphoria where they can experience a sense of Love even for a while. They can Dance and have fun in ways they could only Dream about before. And many times the Thai Girl will actually be sincere about Caring for this person, because that's how Thai People are, they are warm Caring people. This in many cases Leads to LOVE, which is always a Good thing.

Now then we have the old guy who has just been dragged through a Miserable Divorce, he is broken hearted and ready to give up on life. But he comes to Pattaya and suddenly he has hope again, he can believe in Love again. He may even feel like Dancing again. And if things go well he may even re-marry a Thai Girl and start a whole new Life.

I researched the Business of Prostitution, in Angeles City Philippines, and in Bangkok, and Pattaya, I interviewed many girls and I experienced what there was to experience. From this, I can tell you that many of the Girls come to Pattaya, specifically to meet someone who will take them away, and give them a good life. For them Pattaya represents HOPE of a Brighter Future. For some Girls it is like a Dating Service, because I don't know if you know it or not, but Thai Law states that a Girl has the Right to Say NO to Sex if she Chooses to. So this actually takes away the Concept of Prostitution. Because considering this, this means that each individual girl only has to have Sex if she WANTS to.

And Believe it or not, most of the Girls LIKE having Sex. Sex is a Pleasurable act. It is not EVIL, it leads to LOVE. And it makes people happy. Only a Republican could take something so Beautiful and try to Destroy it. But then Most Republicans believe that everyone should Suffer through life then Go to Heaven, so in THEIR mind, Republicans think it is THEIR job to make SURE everyone is Miserable.

I think we ought to Focus our attention more on Closing Down all the Christian Churches instead of all the Bars. The Christian Churches Threaten the FREEDOM of the People. The Churches Strive to Destroy the Religion of Thailand, disrespect everything that Thailand was founded on, and try to insert their own Agenda into Thai Politics. Therefore the Christian Churches pose a much Greater Threat to Thailand than ANY Bar ever will. The Bars only offer people a possiblity of a little happiness.


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