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Phuket school partner shot dead by furious neighbour

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Mental midget and a POS that can't handle any criticism. 48 year old man with the mentaility of a 7 year old.

My daughter is 7 and is far more mature and less psychotic than this gorilla.

A different way of saying.... can take him out of it, but not out of him?


Hows this man going to act if he has any argument in prison? Hes not going to be able to run home for his gun then

No, he'l have to do like everyone else and pay to have his enemies capped.


Third world country, equals and inability to understand civilized boundaries. Plus the justice system is not a realistic avenue to settle arguments. The result is frequent instances of resorting to uncivilized behavior, to wit, knife and gun.

A further fault of the justice system, is that not only is it not an avenue to settle disputes as an alternative to violence, it is also not a deterrent. This guy will get bail and if a first offender, may not see the inside of a jail. Unless the victims family have some pull and no interest in a financial pay off. But I'd wager bail will be available in any case.

Pull. Maybe not the family, but friends....


If he is that unstable, I wonder why they think it is OK to leave his gun and magazine on the table within his reach while he is being ritually humiliated on camera. Of course they emptied the magazine, didn't they??

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