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Craftsman suffering asthma attacked dumped by coworker on roadside dies


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Craftsman suffering asthma attacked dumped by coworker on roadside dies

PATTAYA:--A factory foreman scared by a coworker’s asthma attack pushed the wheezing man out of the truck and left him on the side of road. The man died.

The body of Oan Thetna, a few days shy of his 44th birthday, was found across from a PTT gas station on Thepprasit Road Oct. 2, an asthma inhaler gripped tightly in the dead man’s right hand.

Police who queried the Chachoengsao man’s friends said the victim was a well-respected furniture craftsman who had gotten a ride home with a foreman and other coworkers.

Full story:http://www.pattayamail.com/localnews/craftsman-suffering-asthma-attacked-dumped-by-coworker-on-roadside-dies-30973


-- Pattaya Mail 2013-10-13 footer_n.gif

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Making furniture was perhaps not the best occupation for an asthmatic (dust). It's interesting he had an inhaler. In my understanding, if you are having a serious attack and you OVERUSE your rescue inhaler which is usually Ventolin (presumably because it hasn't worked) that it is very dangerous to keep puffing on it over the usual dose. People experiencing such attacks (rescue inhaler not working) MUST go to hospital ASAP I think usually for steroid treatment. Yes, there is no excuse for dropping him on the road, there are plenty of hospitals about the town. This man almost definitely didn't need to die from this attack so there is at least moral culpability here of his so called mates.

Edited by Jingthing
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Luckily he was well respected... Is that why they stopped before dumping him?

What the hell happens to those that aren't respected?

Heartless - they should be ashamed but as we all know probably aren't and don't have the cognitive skills required for an actual thought.

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Luckily he was well respected... Is that why they stopped before dumping him?

What the hell happens to those that aren't respected?

Heartless - they should be ashamed but as we all know probably aren't and don't have the cognitive skills required for an actual thought.

Just remember to many Thais, ghosts and spirits are as real to them as they are unreal to many if us. Many supposedly educated Westerners believe in holy ghosts and other assorted spiritual beings as well so I wouldn't be so hard in the Thais.

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Luckily he was well respected... Is that why they stopped before dumping him?

What the hell happens to those that aren't respected?

Heartless - they should be ashamed but as we all know probably aren't and don't have the cognitive skills required for an actual thought.

Just remember to many Thais, ghosts and spirits are as real to them as they are unreal to many if us. Many supposedly educated Westerners believe in holy ghosts and other assorted spiritual beings as well so I wouldn't be so hard in the Thais.

Indeed. They see them everywhere. I think that believing in the holy ghost and believing that a man having an asthma attack is possessed shows a slight difference in education and nothing to do with comparing this inhumane act to the west.

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In situations like this it helps to stay positive:

Who knows, maybe the lot of them will end up drowning in a boiling oil this very afternoon- the only death I can imagine worse than suffiocating in broad daylight on the side of a road while the only people that can help you just drive away.


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Making furniture was perhaps not the best occupation for an asthmatic (dust). It's interesting he had an inhaler. In my understanding, if you are having a serious attack and you OVERUSE your rescue inhaler which is usually Ventolin (presumably because it hasn't worked) that it is very dangerous to keep puffing on it over the usual dose. People experiencing such attacks (rescue inhaler not working) MUST go to hospital ASAP I think usually for steroid treatment. Yes, there is no excuse for dropping him on the road, there are plenty of hospitals about the town. This man almost definitely didn't need to die from this attack so there is at least moral culpability here of his so called mates.

The hospital would do a continuous aerosolized "rescue" treatment basically the same drug in the inhaler, add IV steroids(steroids are not immediate and don't kick in for a while) Can try sub cut epinephrine, add iptatropium, magnesium, even try terbutaline (nothing to lose). If all fails intubate and paralyze.

Dumping your coworker suffering an asthma attack is a new low for humanity. Just when you think a prior "low" could not get any lower we see a new "low"

Edited by atyclb
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So, let me get this straight, it's bad karma to have someone die in your car, but throwing him out of that car and leaving him on the roadside to die instead of taking him to a hospital is perfectly alright???

I love Thailand, but in so many way they're a million years behind the rest of the civilized world with their fricking stupid superstitions. Just like that boy who was forced to drink 18 liters of water before going to bed to get rid of the evil spirits!!!

I mean how screwed up in the head do you actually have to be to think "Let's throw the guy out of my car" instead of thinking "I need to get him to a hospital ASAP?!"

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Luckily he was well respected... Is that why they stopped before dumping him?

What the hell happens to those that aren't respected?

Heartless - they should be ashamed but as we all know probably aren't and don't have the cognitive skills required for an actual thought.

Just remember to many Thais, ghosts and spirits are as real to them as they are unreal to many if us. Many supposedly educated Westerners believe in holy ghosts and other assorted spiritual beings as well so I wouldn't be so hard in the Thais.

Indeed. They see them everywhere. I think that believing in the holy ghost and believing that a man having an asthma attack is possessed shows a slight difference in education and nothing to do with comparing this inhumane act to the west.

Belief in the Holy Chost or a Local Ghost carry the same level of ignorance.

I fault not the belief, but the effort to make everyone else believe.

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