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China to buy huge volumes of rice, rubber from Thailand


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China to buy huge volumes of rice, rubber from Thailand
By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 14 – China has agreed to buy one million tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of rubber from Thailand annually, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday.

According to the initial memorandum of understanding (MoU), China would buy one million tonnes of rice from Thailand over five years, but the agreement was changed to one million tonnes annually.

Moreover, China would buy 200,000 tonnes of rubber from Thailand annually, she said.

Ms Yingluck said the revised agreement on government-to-government purchase of agricultural produce from Thailand was promised by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang during his three-day visit to Thailand.

She said the purchase would not include rice contracts negotiated by the Thai private sector.

Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn and Transport Minister Chatchart Suthiphan were assigned to conclude the purchases with China on the rice and rubber sales from Thailand, she said.

Regarding recent criticism by former deputy prime minister Pridiyathorn Devakula against the government’s rice pledging scheme, Ms Yingluck said the government would be willing to listen to information from all parties and is ready to explain it to the public. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-10-14

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BANGKOK, Oct 14 – China has agreed to buy one million tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of rubber from Thailand annually, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday.

At what price? don´t say "the government is ready to explain to the public", explain it now.

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Is it Groundhog Day ?

Seems I've heard this 'News' before.

Agree this same story about the rice came out six months ago as part of the govt to govt deal to clear Thailand's stockpile of rotting contaminated rice then it went quite when China denied any such deal.

I will wait to hear China's confirmation of the deal before accepting possible propaganda from the Thai spin kings.

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what they dont mention is that China already would import up to 400k tons of rice per year and up to 1million tons of rubber. So the agreement is actually lower than what they have imported before, and as far as for the rice, well its only a MoU...lets see what price it fetches and if it even goes through.

how is 1 million tons rice lower than 400.000 tons?

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was promised by Chinese Prime Minister Li

Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn and Transport Minister Chatchart Suthiphan were assigned to conclude the purchases with China on the rice and rubber sales from Thailand, she said.

Do you notice the keywords, or should I say the BS ?

Only a few weeks ago it was 1.2 million tonnes of rice and the agreement would be signed by the end of the month.


MOSCOW, Sept 16

However, according to Mr Niwatthamrong, the negotiation in China's Heilongjiang province attracted the interests of China's Beidahuang Group to buy 1.2 million tonnes of Thai rice and 200,000 tonnes of rubber.

The minister said the agreement is being negotiated and is expected to be signed within two weeks. The conclusion is not yet made whether the contract will be signed in China or Thailand. (MCOT online news)

Anyone heard about signing ceremony yet ?

Now the goals have taken down already, and STILL NO AGREEMENT signed. smile.png

To be continued ......................

Edited by jbrain
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Why do they still push this 'thai rice project' I dont understand.

Rice is food. Food is supposed to have at least some nutritional value. Their rice doesn't have any. So why dont they just eat it..that would have the additional benefit of being quiet meanwhile.

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Why is it the non binding agreements (MOU) touted by the PM and her cronies, seem to be announced after the departure of half the agreeing parties, and not at pressconfernces/photo shoots where/when both parties are in attendance?

Its nice to strut your new outfit while reviewing the troops, have police escourt to a dog and pony show of handicrafts, a formal dinner???, etc but let the nation know at a press/photo shoot where questions can be asked from both parties involved. I am sure there are a mulitplute of bi and even tri lingual people who would buy tickets, on company expense account, to such a event

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Not what I read from another source.

It said that a Chinese Govt web site had reported the premier saying there was no G 2 G deal for rice but Chinese importers would buy 200,000 tones per year from Thai exporters for the next 5 years.

No doubt this would be new seasons rice so there would be no decrease of the millions of tons in stock

Unfortunately there has been so much BS from this Govt that it is difficult to believe what they say, they have of course brought that on themselves.

Usually, an announcement like this is done in a joint communication with both countries speaking about the reached deal (MOU).

I, for one, don't trust one thing PM Yingluck says. She has a history of distorting the facts to fit her's and Pheu Thai's needs.

I'm sure China has a different slant or view on what was agreed to.

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This wont have any affect on the pledge stockpile because the Chinese arent going to buy garbage. Theyre ordering future crops if they ever put money on the table.

Back to square one Yingluck.

if they buy future crops, than they sell the old one in Thailand.

You can guess what the army drafts will eat and the flood help packages will contain. Rice with extra protein....

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was promised by Chinese Prime Minister Li


Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn and Transport Minister Chatchart Suthiphan were assigned to conclude the purchases with China on the rice and rubber sales from Thailand, she said.


Do you notice the keywords, or should I say the BS ?


Only a few weeks ago it was 1.2 million tonnes of rice and the agreement would be signed by the end of the month.


Now the goals have taken down already, and STILL NO AGREEMENT signed. Posted Image


To be continued ......................

You can already write your next post in advance.

When the agreement will be finalized and signed you will have something wrong to say about the government anyway. Be it 1,2, 4 ... 10 million tons, you would still find something negative to write.

We should launch a new online game: "In pursuit of the government conspiracy". It would be a hit on this forum. Not too much creativity needed and Thai bashing at will for the best players :D

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Definition of MOU according to Wikipedia

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) is a document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between two or more parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where parties either do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen's agreement.

So basically, it's not a legally enforceable agreement....more of a gentlemen's agreement on paper. Of course when it comes to politics there are no gentlemen or gentlewomen. But the common Thai will read "MOU" not having a clue what it really means and thing it's all but a done deal regarding the million tons of rice and 200K tons of rubber per year. Razzle-dazzle. But I hope it works out for Thailand.

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The population will never know what price the rice was sold for,

but sure it would be at a loss, it will be classified as State secret,

which is an excellent way to cover up mistakes,happens with other

Governments not just this one.

regards Worgeordie

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was promised by Chinese Prime Minister Li


Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn and Transport Minister Chatchart Suthiphan were assigned to conclude the purchases with China on the rice and rubber sales from Thailand, she said.


Do you notice the keywords, or should I say the BS ?


Only a few weeks ago it was 1.2 million tonnes of rice and the agreement would be signed by the end of the month.


Now the goals have taken down already, and STILL NO AGREEMENT signed. Posted Image


To be continued ......................


You can already write your next post in advance.

When the agreement will be finalized and signed you will have something wrong to say about the government anyway. Be it 1,2, 4 ... 10 million tons, you would still find something negative to write.

We should launch a new online game: "In pursuit of the government conspiracy". It would be a hit on this forum. Not too much creativity needed and Thai bashing at will for the best players Posted Image

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



You must be the biggest apologist on this forum.


Who am I bashing ? I'm stating the facts as the government announced them now and previously.


Read my post again .


On 16 September was announced that China had PROMISED to buy 1.2 million tonnes of rice and 200.000 Tonnes of rubber, and that the agreement would be signed with in the next 2 weeks.


Now 1 month l( 4 weeks for your understanding) later, there is still no sign of any official agreement signed or gonna be signed, and the amounts have been lowered already.


It is clear that this government tells so many lies, that they don't even remember what they lied about only a few weeks earlier.Leaving them no credibility at all.

I can read and I did not say you were bashing Thais in this post.

I also did not imply that you would be among the best players of the "game thing" (which was more on the joke side).

However, whatever happens, be it good, normal or bad news, you never come up with the slightest positive comment when it comes to anything or anyone that is (even remotely) connected to this government.

Before you correct me, you are right its not only you, many others do the same.

There must be at least "something" that is not "that" bad or suspicious with at least "some" of the government's work.

Even if it is part of a deal connected to the high speed train, which at this time is only another speculation of the Dems... I still can find something quite good ithis piece of news. Less rice, high speed train, G2G deal, even with a bid of corruption... Still more good than bad news to me ;)

But the focus here is always, and exclusively, the bad side of everything.

I look forward to the day I can read that you actually write something positive.

Not you personally, of course. Everyone :D

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I can read and I did not say you were bashing Thais in this post.

I also did not imply that you would be among the best players of the "game thing" (which was more on the joke side).

However, whatever happens, be it good, normal or bad news, you never come up with the slightest positive comment when it comes to anything or anyone that is (even remotely) connected to this government.

Before you correct me, you are right its not only you, many others do the same.

There must be at least "something" that is not "that" bad or suspicious with at least "some" of the government's work.

Even if it is part of a deal connected to the high speed train, which at this time is only another speculation of the Dems... I still can find something quite good ithis piece of news. Less rice, high speed train, G2G deal, even with a bid of corruption... Still more good than bad news to me wink.png

But the focus here is always, and exclusively, the bad side of everything.

I look forward to the day I can read that you actually write something positive.

Not you personally, of course. Everyone biggrin.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Let me have a look if I can find something positive in the OP.....................................................

Found it , on 16 September they lied about a 1.2 million tonnes rice deal to be signed within 2 weeks, and today it was reduced to 1 million tonnes still to be signed.

So yes, they lied 200.000 tonnes less. If that isn't positive coffee1.gif

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what they dont mention is that China already would import up to 400k tons of rice per year and up to 1million tons of rubber. So the agreement is actually lower than what they have imported before, and as far as for the rice, well its only a MoU...lets see what price it fetches and if it even goes through.

how is 1 million tons rice lower than 400.000 tons?

it isnt. i meant just the rubber, apologies

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Not what I read from another source.

It said that a Chinese Govt web site had reported the premier saying there was no G 2 G deal for rice but Chinese importers would buy 200,000 tones per year from Thai exporters for the next 5 years.

No doubt this would be new seasons rice so there would be no decrease of the millions of tons in stock

Unfortunately there has been so much BS from this Govt that it is difficult to believe what they say, they have of course brought that on themselves.

......of course 'she' honestly got the figures wrong.......

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The Chinese don't do favours.

If doing business with the Chinese Government the deal will always be favourable to the Chinese Government.

The offer to build the high speed rail lines has not much or maybe nothing to do with business.

It is a military thing for China.

This dabbling with China is a kick in the butt for Vietnam, Australia, Phillipines and other countries bordering on the yellow sea.

They all have problems with China who wants to be the "boss'' in that sea.

Again, Thailand tries to play both piano's.

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Not what I read from another source.

It said that a Chinese Govt web site had reported the premier saying there was no G 2 G deal for rice but Chinese importers would buy 200,000 tones per year from Thai exporters for the next 5 years.

No doubt this would be new seasons rice so there would be no decrease of the millions of tons in stock

Unfortunately there has been so much BS from this Govt that it is difficult to believe what they say, they have of course brought that on themselves.

5 * 200,000 = 1,000,000 per year] five years. Close enough.

Question now. After the (almost yearly now) 22-24m tonnes of pledged paddy is milled how much is left in tonnes? If I was brave enough I would also ask how much profit the government makes on this 1,000,000 tonnes of rice, but I fear that's close to asking for State Secrets to be revealed and I'm not in the mood to join the head wiki leaker.

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