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Bangkok's Institute of Forensic Medicine invites public to watch autopsies


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So you've just watched an autopsy of a corpse that's been in the Thames for a few days, haven't thrown up having paid rapt attention to the proceedings and still manage to laugh uproriously at a pretty feeble sick joke.

Don't you think that says something about you? I wouldn't want to have come across you when you were a plod.

I had the delights of seeing action in the military too, black humour keeps one sane.

Due to my military service and rank I was selected for entry into the accelerated promotion scheme thus I did little duty as a woodentop or plod as you say.

I spent some of my time being involved in the Countryman Operation and subsequently the majority of my service in Special Branch

I don't think our paths would have crossed unless you were a corrupt copper (and we had them and we collared them too in the U.K and outside police forces too) or a danger to national security which I am sure you didn't fall into either of those categories did you biggrin.pngbiggrin.pnglaugh.png

Edited by siampolee
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What will be the next stupid step, and invitation ?

Se ( and pay ) a execution of drug smugglers ?

Wait and see !

Actually, the next step is why they want the audience there, so they can auction off organs and body parts and boost tourist arrivals to 36 million since this will be so appealing to the upscale high-end market.

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I intensionally register an account to answer about this,,

Interesting. Is this the same place that has a museum with body parts of criminals and such ?

Congdon museum is in Siriraj hospital

The autopsy show is not the brand new stuff. It was arranged annually as a part of academic festival in Chulalongkorn U.

Bangkok's forensic medicine institute sited near Chulalongkorn hospital,,

I am one of the observer of the autopsy show,several years ago

It was for EDUCATION , not a psychosis stuff

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I think observing an autopsy is something rather disturbing. However, it is very useful for physiotherapists, massagetherapists, to get a better insight into human anatomy and to then propose customised treatments for their patients. These sessions are very difficult to permission to attend. When they are conducted, they are specifically tailored to issues that therapists need to know, rather then discovering the cause of death of a person.

In summary, I think making autopsy open to the public is not appropriate as it may have some long-termn negative impact on the visitor. It's already tough for therapists or medical students to see this for the first time.

Seriously...not appropriate?......of course it's not.....it's just plain <deleted>*&^%^g sick!....

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Better alternatives currently used in medical schools and in school biology lessons:

Virtual Dissection

Body image: Computerized table lets students do virtual dissection - See more at: http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2011/may/dissection-0509.html#sthash.QS0dp7Hf.dpuf

Alternatives to Dissection - classroom animal dissections


Edited by ataloss
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As an aside I had to attend an autopsy as part of my training many a year ago, most of us were not over enthusiastic about it but as there may have been chance of being appointed as a coroners officer it was part of the training.

The cadaver /corpse was the remains of someone who had been fished out of the Thames I think after some days in the water, the sight and the stench was dreadful, Indeed it was intended as our baptism of a drowning death and its aftermath and the process of a post mortem.

Our group was I think about 8 strong, of that 8 strong group 4 parted contact with the contents of their stomach and one fainted. However the highlight of the session was when the surgeon actually licked the finger of his left hand I couldn't stop laughing unlike the rest of the group who were in a dreadful state of health.

The surgeon then said " well P.c. +++++++ was plainly paying rapt attention to the proceedings as he saw that I licked a finger of my left hand which had not been near the cadaver unlike the rest of you who were not paying attention to the procedure.'' This was after he had me explain to all why I was laughing. I never had to re attend the process due to my observation but my unfortunate colleagues had 2 more P.M.s to attend before being released from that section of our training.

Are you sure you're not just making this up? You are seriously expecting people to believe that the "surgeon" (aren't they called pathologists?) performed a post mortem one-handed and nobody noticed?

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I think folks are getting overly sentimental about all of this... I would repeat ..that it is just a lump of meat... and if it wasn't for less squeamish people like errr Buck and Hare..?? those grave robbers that advanced science a few years ago... many would still be attaching Leaches and having Iced baths... Folks get a grip, lets remember that we are just animals and a corpse is a dead one that probably stinks...

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I had the delights of seeing action in the military too, black humour keeps one sane.

Due to my military service and rank I was selected for entry into the accelerated promotion scheme thus I did little duty as a woodentop or plod as you say.

I spent some of my time being involved in the Countryman Operation and subsequently the majority of my service in Special Branch

I don't think our paths would have crossed unless you were a corrupt copper (and we had them and we collared them too in the U.K and outside police forces too) or a danger to national security which I am sure you didn't fall into either of those categories did you biggrin.pngbiggrin.pnglaugh.png

The Countryman Operation? Don't you mean Operation Countryman; that was rhetorical, of course you do. Very odd for a bobby to get that name wrong especially one who was involved in it.

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I think that's way cool.

Public autopsies and anatomy dissections were common in the 19th century at medical faculties, attended mostly by students of medicine.

It's not for the faint hearted of course, but an opportunity to learn a lot about the human body.

Western countries have a tendency to cocoon people off anything that has to do with unpleasant reality, I don't think this is a good thing.

Edited by manarak
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I'd be up for this. I don't know why people are so squeemish. I've had bone marrow removed and an eye operation under local anesthetic and chatted along with the surgeons on both occasions while they were at work. The doctor was a young girl at Bumrungrad who had to drill through bone to remove the marrow and she was physically tiring and I had to encourage her to keep going. She was so happy to get some marrow that she showed it to me on the end of her pincers and we did a high-five.

If you've ever worked in a slaughterhouse or butchers for that matter then there's little difference between carving up a human or a bovine corpse. Nothing sick about it at all.

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Should be manditory for all drunks that cause road deaths, to watch

Well when I read the title my first thought would they be pushing and shoving to get in line for the show. Maybe after watching 10 they could cut some open themselves.

After reading your suggestion I thought now there is a very good suggestion. It should be mandatory in all countries and not just the ones who cause a death. Just being drunk behind the wheel would be good enough reason.

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Western countries have a tendancy to cocoon people off anything that has to do with unpleasant reality, I don't think this is a good thing.

Like during the first and second world wars you mean...that sort of cocooning ?

you have brain... you can think for yourself.

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I have attended a number of autopsies as it was part of my duties to attend them as part of my investigations. I never liked this part of my work and can’t understand why anyone would ever want to see one. Several of the autopsies I had to observe were of small children and babies. How would you react if you paid to see an autopsy in Bangkok and they wheeled out a two year old?

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I have attended a number of autopsies as it was part of my duties to attend them as part of my investigations. I never liked this part of my work and can’t understand why anyone would ever want to see one. Several of the autopsies I had to observe were of small children and babies. How would you react if you paid to see an autopsy in Bangkok and they wheeled out a two year old?

In the west they're careful to select the right sort of specimen and it's done in a controlled environment.

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I love the idea. It can used as part of a government reform policy. All convicted politiacians would be sentanced to a public execution that would include the ultimate loss of face. From what I have read, the brain is still active for 30 to 45 seconds after the loss of blood supply. Give them one last chance to remember.


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What will be the next stupid step, and invitation ?

Se ( and pay ) a execution of drug smugglers ?

Wait and see !

Yep ......... and for a small tip to the right person you get to pull the trigger and keep the bullet as a souvenir of another "amazing" holiday experience !

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