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What do your Thai neighbors really think about you?

Darren McKenzie

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Picture the scene .................

Morning has broken. A cool breeze is coming in off the Andaman. Sunlight filters through your Venetian blinds. The scent of jasmin perfumes your kitchen and living room.

You go out into the front garden to enjoy a cup of freshly-ground coffee. The man next door smiles as he sets off for work; the lady across the street says hello as she prepares to take her daughter to school.

It's the start of another day here in paradise. What could be better?

Suburban bliss?

What many of you don't realize is that hiding beneath this facade of suburban bliss is a dark and little known secret.

The truth is this: your Thai neighbors don't like you. They want you to go.

The three reasons why your Thai neighbors want you out

I shan't go into detail. But I do wonder if any of you really understand the extent to which your Thai neighbors dislike you.

Edited by Darren McKenzie
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I don't know what my neighbours think of me. I do not care. I know that I do not think of them.

On the surface it is all smiles (baring teeth) and 'Hello'. I know the value of this friendliness. It suits me and them.

Actually they have a reason to dislike me intently. In a General meeting of condo owners 6 years ago I said something about them (collectively) sitting there like Bandar Log, made the sign of the three proverbial monkeys and walked out.

Maybe they didn't read Kipling. Maybe my sign was not convincing. Maybe their English isn't good. Maybe they are 'all-forgiving' or 'non-confrontational' Thais. Maybe they think I'm a crazy old Farang. Maybe I am. I don't know.

My wife says I'm short tempered and rude. I think I try to get to the point the quickest way.

Point is: I am still here, still not caring of anybody's feelings and have no quarrel with my nature. I'm not proud of myself, just being myself. Integrity and consistency does count.

The smiles and 'Hello' keep coming.

I accept that some people need approval of the others. I don't. wai2.gif

Edited by ABCer
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I don't know what my neighbours think of me. I do not care. I know that I do not think of them.

On the surface it is all smiles (baring teeth) and 'Hello'. I know the value of this friendliness. It suits me and them.

Actually they have a reason to dislike me intently. In a General meeting of condo owners 6 years ago I said something about them (collectively) sitting there like Bandar Log, made the sign of the three proverbial monkeys and walked out.

Maybe they didn't read Kipling. Maybe my sign was not convincing. Maybe their English isn't good. Maybe they are 'all-forgiving' or 'non-confrontational' Thais. Maybe they think I'm a crazy old Farang. Maybe I am. I don't know.

My wife says I'm short tempered and rude. I think I try to get to the point the quickest way.

Point is: I am still here, still not caring of anybody's feelings and have no quarrel with my nature. I'm not proud of myself, just being myself. Integrity and consistency does count.

The smiles and 'Hello' keep coming.

I accept that some people need approval of the others. I don't. wai2.gif

U sound VERY short tempered and VERY rude

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I don't know what my neighbours think of me. I do not care. I know that I do not think of them.

On the surface it is all smiles (baring teeth) and 'Hello'. I know the value of this friendliness. It suits me and them.

Actually they have a reason to dislike me intently. In a General meeting of condo owners 6 years ago I said something about them (collectively) sitting there like Bandar Log, made the sign of the three proverbial monkeys and walked out.

Maybe they didn't read Kipling. Maybe my sign was not convincing. Maybe their English isn't good. Maybe they are 'all-forgiving' or 'non-confrontational' Thais. Maybe they think I'm a crazy old Farang. Maybe I am. I don't know.

My wife says I'm short tempered and rude. I think I try to get to the point the quickest way.

Point is: I am still here, still not caring of anybody's feelings and have no quarrel with my nature. I'm not proud of myself, just being myself. Integrity and consistency does count.

The smiles and 'Hello' keep coming.

I accept that some people need approval of the others. I don't. wai2.gif

Your misses is a keeper !!

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Your a proper little bundle of joy aren't you !!!

Will this be another epic like your previous thread 'Five reasons why you'll never last here in Thailand' or the other classic 'Does your Thai wife/GF really love you?'

The guy is very paranoid,do u think he will be the next condo jumper????

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It is non of my business what others think of me.......

On a foot note; OP could it be you, just you that the Thais dislike?...............Why drag me into it.

I think this is probably very near the truth and the OP is just trying to find company.

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U must stink more than stinky fish then.

U have made your mind up so i wont even discuss my great thai neighbours,the problem is with you.Why do u have so much hate that thais can see it ????/

Show some respect you might get some back

somtampet, not for you to tell me about being rude. I respect your opinion, but the direct insult is totally uncalled here.

Unlike you I do not buy or eat stinking fish. Speaking of this you speak of yourself. For me if it doesn't move it is not fresh and I do not smell it.

Did you change your taste preferences after you moved to Thailand or have you been born here and raised on stinking fish?

Incidentally, I don't hate Thais. I hate brainless monkeys, pretending to be smart. I have seen them in the West too. Some are here, no matter Thais or Farang.

Whatever or whoever you are - you are one of them. Be yourself instead of somtam's pet (if you can).

Ah, and didn't I mention that 'wais', 'smiles' and 'Hellos' keep coming? Outward respect I get. What's behind it - I don't care. I respect myself and this is and was enough for many years.

Edited by ABCer
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OP, you sound a bit paranoid - there are some meds that help.

Even if they don't like you, does it really matter? I have never had any problems with my neighbours in Bangkok or Koh Chang, quite the opposite actually. In Bangkok, I am the only whitey in the small moo ban, I'm a novelty probably, but they are always polite to me, and always make a fuss of my daughter. On Koh Chang, a few of my neighbours work at the same place as I do, and the closest couple of places are holiday rents. I normally have more problems with Western tourists, when they are staying next door to be honest.

Anyway, its a lovely sunny day on the island and I'm not going to be too concerned about what my neighbours may or not be thinking smile.png

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Hahaha, I think I know what those retired guys who claim to be busy all day long are actually doing. They are thinking up more and more strange stuff to discuss on TV.

Who cares what the neighbours think of you? Most people I know do not care back home, why should they suddenly care here. As long as you do not disturb your neighbours with excessive noise, smell, garbage etc., I see no reason to worry what they may or may not be thinking about anything.

It reminds me of all those people who write on TV worrying what friends, family, neighbours and even random people on the street think about their relationship with a young Thai girlfriend biggrin.png

Edited by monkeycountry
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My neighbors worship me everyday. First in the morning they line up to tell me how awesome it is that I live next to them.

Afternoons is mostly spending their time making sure that I am happy.

The evenings are spent being fed and bathed. Day in and day out.

Get a real life OP!

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As I don't pitch parties that last all night with free Lao Khao and a lot of fresh blood food my neighbors stay away from me. I am sensitive to what the neighbors feel and think but I have no control over them. My wife says that if I would go to the temple and the social events and drink like they do I might make some friends. From time to time they cut down bamboo trees on their side of my wall and it falls over and breaks my electric lines. No they don't offer fix the lines let alone take their tree off. I try to keep my mouth shut and stay away from where I know that I am not welcome. Because I don't eat on floor, sleep on the floor or sh##ite in a hole in the floor the neighbors do not like my western life style. I don't attempt to change them or their way of thinking. They are not bashful when it comes to collect money for something or somebody. I try to live in harmony. Harmony has a long list of definitions. My religion is not Buddhist and I don't need to change.

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